A. P. Chekhov, "The Intruder": a short summary of the story
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote his workThe "malefactor", whose brief content will reveal to the reader the image of the "little man", which became popular in the traditional literature of that period, in 1885. He not only uses this character to express the main idea of the story, but also fills it with new semantic loads.
Introduction to the main character
Why Anton Pavlovich begins his story"Intruder"? The brief content, first of all, will acquaint the reader with the main character of the work. This is an ordinary, unremarkable man of small stature. His face is completely covered with pockmarks, and because of his thick eyebrows, one can hardly make out a gloomy look.
Hair muzhichka not only long ago not sheared, buteven the comb did not see. Therefore they began to look like a huge uncombed beam. His legs are barefoot, and his clothes correspond to his rural origin. In this form, an intruder appears (the brief content will be often called this) before the investigator.
There is an investigation, or "Why do you need a nut?"
A representative of the authorities asks the defendant,for what purposes he unscrewed the nuts on the railroad tracks. A disheveled peasant, completely not considering himself guilty, does not even try to come up with something or somehow get out, says the absolute truth. He needed nuts for fishing, so he decided to borrow them on rails.
The investigator advises instead of such nuts, forwhich can also be punished, use lead or nails. But the village muzhichonka explained that lead must be bought, and the nail does not fit at all. So begins his work Anton Chekhov. The attacker (the summary described his crime in detail) and does not understand the degree of his guilt himself. He is sincerely surprised and honestly answers questions of the investigator.
Why did the train derail and people were killed
The representative of the law begins to get nervous. He explains to the disheveled accused that due to the fact that he unscrewed this unfortunate nut, the passengers of the train, who will pass through this segment of the road, may die. After all, it is thanks to these nuts that the rails hold onto the sleepers. And if they are unscrewed, how will the trains move?
On which the village attacker is calmanswers the investigator that he is not the only one who unscrews these spare parts from the railway tracks. All the peasants who live in the village, too, trade by twisting nuts. And nothing happens. The trains traveled and continue to drive. Because they unscrew them wisely, that is not all in a row, but in a certain order. But the investigator objected to the peasant, telling him that it was on this section of the road last year that the train got off the rails.
Continuation of interrogation, or Possible punishment
The story "The Intruder" (summarycontinues to follow his narrative) further describes the scene of interrogation. The investigator is interested in the village peasant about another nut that was found in his house during the search. But the attacker does not even open the door and says that he really has more, moreover, not one. The muzhik talks about fishing, the benefits of such nuts as a sinker and so on.
But the investigator does not believe in the villageto the malefactor. Not having obtained from him anything intelligible, the representative of the law cites an article that relies on such willful damage and damage to the railway. And he asks if the defendant understands the full extent of the gravity of his crime, and also the punishment for which it is foreseen.
A man's surprise, or Fishing features
How does the short description of the interrogation processthe content of Chekhov's story "The Intruder"? The village muzhik does not really understand why he was captured and brought to the investigator. He genuinely marvels at how a whole train could fall due to a simple nut. After all, if he had dragged the rail itself, instead of slipping a log, then, of course, there would be an evil intention. And so the usual gadget.
The investigator, as he could, tried to explainan illiterate villager about the construction of a railway, but meets a complete lack of understanding. Details ask when, how much and where exactly the nut guy was untwisted. He does not hide, answers. He even tells about a certain Mitrofan, with whom he went to twist, who he is and where he lives.
The last lines of the work, or the folly of the village
Attacker (short story content)finishes an unusual description of the interrogation) told the investigator about the peculiarities of fishing, about the fact that the guard who grabbed the peasant and dragged him to the station must be punished. Since while he was leading him to the investigator, he managed to strike two times. The representative of the law, unable to withstand the stupidity of the disheveled village peasant, asked him to shut up.
After a painful silence, the attacker asked,whether it is possible for him to go, but the investigator explains that he must arrest the peasant and put him in jail. And he starts screaming that there is nothing to sue him. If he really was guilty, fought or stole something, then any punishment would be accepted even with a joy. He tries to explain that he needs to go to the fair, where he owes money, but the investigator is adamant.
Chekhov. "Intruder". Summary, or Last incomprehensible phrases of the accused
The village man, not understanding the reason for the arrest, andespecially for what it can be sent to hard labor, suggested that this is because of the machinations of the headman. He starts muttering something about his relatives. It turns out that their family has three brothers. And also says that he should not answer for their actions. But the investigator has already lost all interest in him and calls his assistants, who should carry the peasant into the cell.
The attacker is still trying to protect himself, evenrecalls the deceased master, who could have solved everything in conscience. But no one listens anymore. Thus ends the summary of the story "Intruder". Chekhov throughout the whole work just sadly sneers at his character, not seeking to draw any conclusions about the man's guilt, giving the reader the opportunity to decide whether the attacker is to blame or not.