/ / Khudyakov Konstantin: biography and photos

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich: biography and photos

Our hero today is Khudyakov KonstantinVasilevich. He was able to realize himself in two spheres - directing and acting. More information about his life and work is presented in the article. We wish everyone a pleasant reading!

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich

Biography: family and childhood

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich (see photo. above) was born in 1938 (October 13). His native city is Moscow. Unfortunately, nothing is known about our hero's father. A man left the family when the son was very young. But the mother of Constantine gave him his caress and care. What kind of profession did a woman get? She graduated from medical high school, almost 30 years headed the department in the eye clinic.

Kostya grew up an active and inquisitive boy. From childhood, he had two hobbies - technology and cinema in all its manifestations. At school he was not bad at school. Several times a week he attended a circle of young technicians and a theater studio.


Where, after graduation, Khudyakov enteredKonstantin Vasilyevich? Biography indicates that he chose the acting department of VGIK. A talented guy from the very first attempt was enrolled in the course Pyzhova and Bibikov.

In free from lectures and practically study time our hero worked as an airbrush. Then there were slides and projectors. Over time, Kostya mastered the computer (the very first model).

Acquaintance with the cinema

After receiving the diploma of graduation from VGIKbecame an actor on Central Television. When did Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilyevich first appear on wide screens? This happened in 1961. The beginning actor appeared in the episode of the family comedy "Adult Children". Director V. Azarov was pleased with the cooperation with him. He noted Khudyakov's qualities such as plasticity, a subtle sense of humor and responsibility.

Continuation of the acting career

In the period from 1962 to 1964, Kostya appeared in several films. What images he did not have to try on himself. He was a lieutenant, a volunteer, a young scientist and an American.

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich actor

Among the best films by Khudyakov one can single out the role in the psychological drama "Two in the Steppe" (1962), created by the same name by E. Kazakevich.

In 1965, "Mosfilm" presented to the audiencekinopost "Taiga landing." Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich received the role of the second plan. He successfully got used to the image of the young man Vitaly, one of the participants of the team of builders.

Let us list his other works:

  • social drama "Unresolved love" (1964) - Peter;
  • spy movie "Black Business" (1965) - courier-fartschik Tolya Potapov;
  • comedy "The devil with a briefcase" (1965) - journalist Pushnitsyn;
  • the historical drama "Sofya Perovskaya" (1967) - Plekhanov.

Actor's career has become less interested in our hero. He had a new hobby - direction. This is described in more detail below.

Khudyakov Konstantin - director

To begin with, our hero decided to get a specialeducation in this field. For this, I enrolled in director's courses at the Central Television. Teachers noted his natural talent and huge creative prospects.

As a director, Khudyakov made his debut ina tele-performance "Actress", released on screens in 1969. In the production, famous actors of those years, including Boris Tenin, Nikolay Volkov and Lydia Sukharevskaya, were involved.

Konstantin Vasilievich has staged several more television performances that have won the interest and love of the audience ("Such a short long life", "The Sun on the Wall", "The Dowry" and others).

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich biography

In 1978 he returned to the big cinema. This time not as an actor, but as a director. His first "creation" was the drama "Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov." In the filming of the picture participated: Larisa Malevannaya, Galibin Alexander, Filatov Leonid and Mikhail Gluzsky. The images they created were bright and spiritually filled. Even in the most extreme moments of life, they do not lose heart and do not give way to despondency.

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich director

After the release of the drama "Success" (1984), professionals andcritics saw in our hero a mature master and virtuoso. In his painting, Khudyakov could get out and throw out the accumulated experiences. Zbruev Alexander, Udovichenko Larissa, Lev Durov, Alisa Freindlikh and other artists took part in the shooting of the slumbering "Success". The director managed to foresee the period of perestroika in the USSR.

With each new film, the skill of Konstantin Vasilyevich grew significantly. In the period from 1985 to 2002 he took several pictures. These were short films, and melodramas, and film-performances, and dramas.

In 1985, the director made the audience an excellentgift - a tape of love "Another woman, another man." I must say that in those days the genre of melodrama did not enjoy such popularity as it is today. But Khudyakov's film was viewed by a large number of people. And they liked everything. This tape does not lose relevance in our days. The main roles went to favorite Khudyakov actors - Vera Glagoleva and Igor Kostolevsky. They brilliantly coped with the tasks assigned to them. Glagoleva Vera is not afraid to be funny or ridiculous on the screen. At the same time, no one has ever seen an actress humiliated and lost her face. Kostolevsky successfully turned into a surgeon who does not experience happiness in marriage. And the role of the pharmacist was plausibly played by the intelligent Igor Kvasha. It is this character that helps the main characters meet again.

The chamber drama "On the Upper Maslovka" turned outdisorderly and awkward. The main male role director Khudyakov approved Yevgeny Mironov. It is impossible to imagine a more exact hit in the image. But to find an actress, suitable for the main role, it was not so easy. After seeing dozens of applicants, the director stopped his choice on Alice Freundlich. Such an actor's duet promised a lot. But the critics and viewers did not like this picture. Perhaps, people did not understand something or simply underestimated the chamber drama.

In 2012, the premiere of the series "Once Upon a Time"Rostov, "which was based on a real story about the brothers Tolstopyatov. This picture was the latest film work of the well-known actor in Russia and Ukraine, Bogdan Stupka. Our actor was with him in a friendly relationship. He was one of the first to express his condolences to the widow of B. Stupki.

Khudyakov continues directing. In 2013, he presented his next creation to the audience - the melodrama "New Life". The main roles in the series were Sergei Puskepalis and Alexei Bardukov.

Khudyakov Konstantin film director biography

For 2017 is scheduled to release the drama "Walking ontortures ", which was based on the same name by Tolstoy. In the filming will be involved: Julia Snigir, Trubiner Pavel, Chipovskaya Anna and other artists.


Khudyakov Konstantin is a director whose biography interests thousands of people in our country. I must say that he went a long way to fame and recognition.

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich photo

Usually the directors do not have favorites among the actors. And our hero is an exception. Khudyakov has a lot of good friends among the artists who appeared in his films. They go to visit each other, exchange views on this or that film.


Directors and actors are the same people as us. They have their dreams. And they do everything to bring it to life. What does Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilyevich dream about (actor and director)? He wants to open his own small theater, like Bergman. The troupe should consist of 20-25 artists. With such a team, you can put any play or shoot a mini-performance on the video.

Personal life

A bachelor or a family man - who is KhudyakovKonstantin Vasilyevich? Do you have children and a wife? We answer: our hero considers himself an exemplary family man. Unfortunately, his wife's name, age and occupation were not disclosed.

Khudyakov konstantin vasilevich children

Konstantin has a son Pavel Khudyakov (director and clipmaker), who gave him the granddaughter of Tonya and grandson of Mark.


Now you know where you were born and trainedKhudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich. He has such qualities as diligence and dedication, always responsibly approach any business. We wish this tremendous man creative prosperity and great family happiness!

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