/ / What is seo-optimization of sites and what is it for?

What is seo-optimization of sites and what is it for?

In recent years, the number of Internet usersis growing rapidly. Do not lag behind them and the number of sites, with almost every one of them striving to break into the tops of search engines. However, this in a highly competitive environment is not so easy to do. Against this background, the term and numerous SEO services appeared.

What is seo.
Of Internet users, few people know thatis seo. This abbreviation in decoding and translation from English means - "search engine optimization". This is an activity whose goal is to bring the site to the tops of search engines for specific topics and queries.

Every Internet user usedsearch engines to find the right information and at the same time seldom wandered beyond the third page, content with the first results in the resource ranking list. However, few people are aware that most of them were made just to satisfy the demands of search engine robots, and artificially optimized for specific searches in search. Proceeding from this, the question of what seo is for and what it is for is a little clear.

Just created a website, no matter what it wasfine, it does not initially appear in the search. Therefore, the primary goal of the owner is to pay attention to one, and even better, several search engines. However, even if the user's site contains a lot of first-class content, useful and interesting information, as well as a lot of links to similar resources, this does not guarantee its being in the tops of search engines.

seo article optimization.
By the results of the query above it may eventurn out to be pages that are not suitable for a user's resource, but they are better optimized and therefore have a higher rating. With the help of optimization tools, the parameters of the site and its content were adjusted to the standards of search engines. Based on this, when asked what seo is, you can safely say that it is a tool that helps to attract the attention of search robots to a particular site and loudly declare it.

The main search engines read the contentspages of the site and analyze them. This process is called indexing. For the most common words and phrases (key), the robot determines the subject matter of the site or article. And this happens only if all the keywords are correctly located.

Also search agents produce seo-analysistext of the site, determine the semantic structure of articles and the degree of their uniqueness. Here there are their subtleties and nuances. If the text is oversaturated with keywords, the robot perceives it as advertising and skips it. If the keys are too small, then he simply can not determine what the article is about. To create a test for correct indexing by search engines seo-optimization of the article helps.

seo text analysis.
Also search robots check how many linksthere is an indexed site from other resources. The more links, especially from top sites with high ratings, the higher the rating will be assigned to the resource itself.

The uniqueness of the text and thea photo. You can not just copy an article from another resource and post it on your site. The search agent will quickly detect plagiarism and leave the article in the index from the site where it was first indexed. That is, the index will be the resource from which the article was copied, and the site with plagiarism the robot will simply skip or assign to it an extremely low rating. Therefore, its resource must be filled only with unique content that can be purchased or ordered on various content exchanges. If you know what seo is and how to apply this knowledge correctly, you can significantly improve the rating of your site in a short time.

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