/ / How to make turtle from rubber bands: weaving technique on the machine and using the hook

How to make turtle from elastic bands: the technique of weaving on the machine and using the hook

Braiding from colored rubber bands - a modern lookneedlework, which is not only children, but also adults. And that has its own explanation - for such lessons, expensive materials and tools are not required. Moreover, from simple colored irises it is possible to create useful accessories in the form of charms, bracelets, and also other interesting figures. For weaving, you can use a fork, special machine or slingshot. No less popular is the technique of weaving products from rubber bands and without any devices at all - with the help of hands. How to make a turtle and rubber bands and what is needed for this? In fact, such a product can be built quite quickly, the main thing is to have everything you need at hand - a set of irises, a hook and stanchions.

how to make a turtle of rubber bands

Turtle from rubber bands: what materials to prepare?

Before starting to translate into reality yourcreative idea, you need to prepare all the most necessary for the craft. Namely: the iris, the machine and the hook. Weaving the turtle does not take much time, but to make the figure look beautiful and accurate, it is important to follow the technique and perform everything according to the scheme.


During the weaving of a tortoise,collide with the areas where the rubber bands will be tightened, so all actions should be accurate and accurate. Otherwise, the iris can simply burst. For weaving the shell it is better to take two shades - to decorate the middle in one color, and make the edges more contrast. The resulting product can be used as an original key fob.

Turtle weaving on the machine

master class for making turtle from rubber bands

As mentioned above, weaving products fromirises can be in various ways. Consider how to make a tortoise of rubber bands using a machine. As for the color gamut, there are no restrictions. You can build a figure in any combination of shades. The machine for weaving should be arranged so that you can see the open sides of the rows. During the weaving should always take two gum. An additional tool in the work will be a hook.

Master-class on making turtle from rubber bands step by step

  • The first step is to form the head of a future turtle. You need to string 2 pieces. Elastics on the central and extreme rows, but do not twist them with a figure eight.
  • Then you need to form a turtle neck.
  • Weave the armor preferably with elastic bands in two colors. It is necessary to start from the neck, turning to the trunk. After this, two pairs of rubber bands are strung along the last rows and three pairs in the central part.
  • Next, the shell is rounded, by putting rubber bands from the edge to the center. In the center of the body, one iris is inserted across one: from the left to the middle, from the middle to the right.
  • Now it's time to supplement the turtle with paws. To do this, you need to attach a pair of irises to the body, and wind the rubber band of another color three times and immediately tie it. According to this scheme, the other three extremities of the animal are formed.

turtle from rubber bands

  • To make a turtle tail at the end of the shell,It is necessary to string in two turns of an iris in the selected shades. The last eyelet from this column should be thrown to the pin located at the top. Then the shell must be completely tied.
  • Next, you should return to the weaving of the neckturtles. When everything is ready, you can form your eyes and continue to tie your head. Then weaving must be removed on the hook and make the top of the product loop.

How to weave a turtle crochet?

How to make a tortoise of rubber bands usingwe understood the machine. Let's consider one more way of capturing diy items. This time, the hook will be the auxiliary tool. This method is called "amigurumi." If there are no skills in weaving items in this way, you can first try to create a simpler figure. For example, an owl or a fish, because a turtle made of rubber bands, the scheme of which is more complicated, trains a little longer than other figures. However, if you try and follow all the instructions, you can get a neat beautiful figure.

master class for making turtle from rubber bands

For a homemade bug you need to prepare 252gum, 100 of them will go to create a shell, 50 for weaving the head, paws and stomach. For the eyes will need only two irises. How to make a turtle and rubber bands without using a machine? Begin to weave a ring of 6 links. Gradually, its diameter should be increased. Next comes the turn of the neck, head and legs. They are woven in the same way as with the machine.

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