/ / Tell you how to make animals from beads. With the scheme and step-by-step description of the work - two master classes for beginner needlewomen

Tell you how to make animals from beads. With the scheme and step-by-step description of the work - two master classes for beginner needlewomen

From beads and bugles it is possible to perform not only complex interior items, flowers, jewelry, ornaments for shoes, hair and clothes, but also simple handicrafts - figurines of animals, fish, birds and insects.

bead animals with a pattern
If you want to learn beadwork - startfrom the easiest, the performance of such small flat figures. In this article, we will describe how you can, by spending a minimum of time and effort, make animals from beads. With the schematic and step-by-step descriptions presented in this article, you will definitely succeed. So, let us together with you make a fly and a nice bunny from a glass bead!

How to make a beautiful product? Brooch "The Fly"

To make this stylish craft, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Beads and long glass beads of silver and black color;
  • two large shiny beads of dark gray color;
  • thin wire (0.43 mm);
  • scissors.

By purchasing the necessary materials and organizing the workplace, get down to work. We will carry out the fly using the following schemes for beads.

beads for beginners
Animals, as a rule, are made of individual parts, which are then assembled into a single structure. First, we produce four flap flies (see Fig. a). We take a piece of wire about 20 cm long, beads and bugles of silvery color. The first row of the wing is made of 1 piece. glass beads. Then we will dial beads and bugles, the ends of the wires will pass to each other to meet. The third row is made from one bugle and two beads. Strictly adhere to the scheme of work, stringing beads, make sure that they are always from the same edge as in the previous row. The fourth row - the middle of the wing - is made from one bugle and three beads. The fifth row is made from the same number of beads as the previous one, but they are recruited from the other side. Further work continues with a decrease in the number of beads by one in each successive row. The last row of the element is made of a glass bead (1 pc.). Everything, the first fly wing is ready. By analogy, we perform three more exactly the same details.

Tell you how to make charming animals from beads. With the scheme we will help!

Now we begin to weave the flies of the fly. We take a piece of wire length of 25 cm and black beads. We begin to perform the trunk from the back part, guided by Fig. b. The first row is made from one bead of blackcolors. The second one is made up of two, passing the ends of the working wire towards each other, and the third of three. Next, we perform three rows with four beads, without magnifications. This will be the abdomen of our fly. Now perform three more rows of three beads in each. Here we will mount wings. Then, on the ends of the wire, we sew two large shiny beads. The fly's eyes are ready. It remains to make the proboscis of two black beads and complete the detail with a glass bead (1 pc.). The ends of the wires are fixed around the last bead around the last bead. Our fly is almost ready. It remains to make paws and collect all the details together.

beads animal chart

Silver-black fly of beads: we finish work

To make the foot, take a small piece of wire. At one end of it, string a glass bead - 1 piece, bead, then again bugles and beads (Fig. at). By analogy, execute 5 more feet. After manufacturing all the details, proceed to assembly - attach the wings (the fastening points are indicated in the diagram with the letter A) and feet to the body. Everything, your fly is ready! It can be used as a separate original decoration or included as a component in any composition. Now you know how to just make animals out of beads. With the scheme, we hope, the work seems quite simple and obvious.

Lovely "Bunny": a master class for beginner needlewomen

To make this craft, you will needbeads number 8 white, black, pink and red. You will also need a red bead (or a large bead number 5) and a copper wire of 0.3 mm. How to make animals out of beads? With the scheme it's easy!

patterns for beads animals
We'll start work by making an ear made of white and pink beads (see Fig. a). By analogy, we can also make the second ear, and then connect the parts as shown in Fig. b. On the remaining end of the wire of the first earwe draw three white beads and draw it through the holes of the two beads of the last row of the second ear. Then the end of the wire of the second ear will be passed through the holes of three beads and through two beads of the last row of the first ear. Then we continue to string the head of the bunny with white beads. Eyes are made of black beads, the cheeks are pink, and the nose is made of a large red bead. Woven all the rows of the head, the ends of the wire that remain after the ears are made, fix the ends of the wire between the rows and remove them through the hole of a large red bead. And then we make from them the whisker loops (see Fig. c, d and d).

Animals from beads (for beginners): continue to perform bunny

After making the head, proceed to weave the paws and torso according to the following scheme.

bead animals with a pattern
The paws are made from white beads to one workerend of the wire along the bottom of the remaining rows. The trunk is made of red beads. After the creation of the lower paws, the ends of the working wire are fixed with a band around the fifth from the edge of the bead. We hope, having learned how to perform simple crafts - fly and rabbit, you will love beads. Schemes of animals you can later invent yourself, showing imagination. Over time, you will certainly learn how to create original products in the form of flowers, insects, fish and any funny little animals. Good luck!

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