/ How to make a maple from beads?

How to make maple from beads?

Beading is a fascinating, buta painstaking process that requires great perseverance. But the result is worth it. Iridescent figures, flowers, trees and various decorations will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, this is a great hobby. And you can please your loved ones by giving them one of their creations. In today's article, we will tell you how to make a maple from beads. So, let's get started.

For maple from beads we will need:

  • beads red, yellow, green, orange, as in our case maple from beads is autumn;
  • wire thickness of 0.3-0.4 centimeters;
  • a tangle of dense yarns of brown color;
  • scissors;
  • thick wire for the trunk and branches;
  • gypsum mixture;
  • a flower pot;
  • Black tea.

maple from beads

Stage One

  • Let's start creating an autumn maple from beads withorange leaf. We take a wire of 30 centimeters long and an orange bead. On the wire we collect 3 beads. After 2 last pass the wire back and tighten it.
  • Next, we collect 3 more beads and do the same. Then 4 beads, then 5 and 6. We do everything in the same sequence.
  • Now we start to reduce the number of beads in each row. That is, we type 5 beads, tighten, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
  • Twist the wire in a couple of turns. It turned out such a diamond. This will be the middle part.

maple from beads photo

Stage Two

We pass to the lateral parts of the tree. Making a maple from beads with a step-by-step photo is not at all difficult. To do this, take two pieces of wire length of 25 centimeters.

  • We start again with one bead. Then 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • The next step is that we type 4 beads on one end of the wire, the other free end we pass into our first diamond between 5 and 4 rows of beads from below.
  • But now we put this end into strung beads and tighten it. And we conduct the wire already in the next row between 4 and 3.
  • We type 3 beads on the wire and tighten with the other end.
  • We go down one more row and pass the wire between 3 and 2 next.
  • We type 2 beads. We pass the wire between 2 and 1 side by side.
  • String the last bead and tighten it. Twisting for a couple of turns.
  • By analogy with the other side, we make exactly the same part of the leaf.
  • We proceed to the smallest part of our leaflet. She has the maximum number of beads - 4. That is, we do everything the same as before, but after a series of 4 beads we begin to reduce their number.
  • After we went to the reduction and scored 3 beads, the free edge of the wire is passed to the extreme part of our leaflet between 4 and 3 next. We tighten it by passing the wire through our 3 beads.
  • We pass the wire between 3 and 2 side by side. And so on to the last bead.
  • On the other side of the leaf do it all the same.
  • We got a leaf consisting of 5 parts.
  • The ends of the wires are divided into two parts and we twist them together.

By the same technology we make leaves from beads of other colors.

Stage Three

Colors can be arranged and made leavesyellow-orange or yellow-green. In general, the ones you like best. After we have made the necessary number of leaves, we pick up the thread and begin winding the ends of the wire with it. A little before reaching the edge of the wire, we tie a string into a knot and cut off the excess.

We start to collect a tree.

  • In order to make "bare" branches, from whichalready fallen leaves, we take pieces of wire (preferably dense, such as aluminum or steel), wrap them with a thread about one third. With the help of these branches, we will collect the leaves and tie them to the trunk.
  • Now we connect the leaves with 2-3 pieces among themselves with their "legs" and wrap the thread. Just reel and naked twigs.
  • Then gradually we connect them all together with the help of wire and thread, forming large branches, each of which has 10-15 small twigs with leaves and without.
  • From two lengths of thick wire form the barrel, fastening them together with a rope.
  • We attach a thread of a branch to the trunk.

maple from beads with step-by-step photo

Stage Four

The tree was assembled. It remains to "plant" it.

  • We mix the gypsum mixture and fill it with a small flower pot, leaving room for the "ground".
  • We plant our maple from the beads there. We leave it until the gypsum solidifies completely.
  • We check if the plaster has dried up. If yes, then you can proceed to the bookmark in the pot of "earth". To do this, we take ordinary tea, preferably granulated, drop it into a pot, over the gypsum. To our tea leaves do not scatter, you need to fix them with a clear varnish.

autumn maple from beads

That's all! Our wonderful maple of beads, photo of which can be seen a little higher, done with care and love, is ready!

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