/ How to make a lime without PVA glue at home?

How to make a lime without PVA glue at home?

Provide the child with positive emotions by givinghe lizuna - a toy, the prototype of which is a ghost from the popular film of the end of the last century, "Ghostbusters." Like that funny cast, Slim stretches, spreads and has no permanent shape.

Although this toy can be bought in any childstore, it's also easy to do it yourself. You decide what density and color do the lick. There are a lot of options for how to make a lick at home without the PVA glue. Below, consider a few such.

how to make a lime with no glue

We make a lime from detergents

How to make lizuna from shampoo without PVA glue? It's really easy. To make it, you will need the components that will be found in every house:

  • shampoo;
  • shower gel or dishwashing liquid.

To start, select the capacity where in equalproportions mix shampoo and shower gel (dishwashing liquid). It is important that the funds do not contain granules, then the lime will turn out to be transparent. After mixing until you get a homogeneous mass, and then put the container with the mixture in the refrigerator.

The next day the toy can be handed overto kid. But it is necessary to watch, that he did not pull the lizuna in his mouth, and after the game washed his hands. Such lizun should be stored in a refrigerator in a closed container. Also it should be thrown out, when it will stick a lot of garbage. Because he is because of it, the lizun loses its properties. In addition, the maximum period of storage is one month.

how to make a lime without sodium and glue pva

Flour Licking

It is a relatively safe lizun thatis suitable for playing even for young children. Moreover, if you use natural dyes instead of food. Although in this case, not so bright turns a toy.

Now consider how to make a lime with no glue PVA and tetraborate. As with the previous recipe, you will need materials that can be found at hand by any landlady:

  • flour;
  • hot water;
  • cold water;
  • dyes.

how to make a lime with no glue of pva and tetraborate

How to make a lime without PVA glue? First, take a bowl or any other deep container. Sift into it two glasses of flour, so the mass will be uniform and it is easier to prepare. Then add cold water, and then hot, but not boiling water, about a quarter of each cup. Now you need to mix the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, it is important that it does not have lumps.

Then add a few drops of dye: food or natural - it depends on your desire. Mix the sticky mixture again. Then put the container in the refrigerator for several hours. When the lizun completely cools, it can be given to the child for the game.

how to make a lime with no glue pva and starch

Lizun from the water

How to make lizuna from water without PVA glue? Let's consider one more variant of creation of a toy. It is incredibly easy to manufacture and is considered the most ecological. To do this you will need:

  • warm water;
  • starch (can be corn);
  • dye.

Making a toy

How to make a lime without PVA glue? In equal proportions, mix the warm water and starch until a homogeneous (without lumps) mass is obtained. Add the dye and mix again, then form the balls from the resulting mass. And now - the lime is ready.

how to make a lime shampoo without glue

It is important to remember that the water temperature should not be room or cold - then it's more difficult to mix the lime. In addition, do not put too much starch, because of this slim can become hard.

Plasticine licking

How to make lizuna without sodium and PVA glue? There are many ways. Now we will get acquainted with the next of them. Plus plasticine slim is that it does not spread out, keeping the look that you gave it. Use for its manufacture such materials:

  • food gelatin;
  • plasticine.

How to make lizuna without PVA? First you need a metal bowl. Collect cold water into it. There, dissolve the gelatin, in the proportion that is indicated on its packaging. Then leave it infused for an hour. After the specified time, put the bowl on fire - the liquid should begin to boil. Once this happens, it must be removed from the fire.

Next you need to warm up in the hands of plasticine(approximately 100 grams). Then you need to pour water into the plastic container (50 ml). Then use a spatula to mix it with plasticine. Now pour gelatin into plasticine and mix until you get a homogeneous mass. And the final stage of manufacturing - put the mixture in the refrigerator until it is completely cooled.

And a few tips for making

We figured out how to make a lime with no gluePVA and starch, but not always it turns out right as it should. Therefore, further consider the options and reasons for why and what should be done if the slim turned out wrong.

Naturally, a lot depends on the qualitymaterials used in the manufacture of lime, their proportions are also important. In the recipes they are indicated with almost no accuracy, and therefore you have here the scope for experiments with the consistency of the lime.

What if the homogeneity of the lizard is broken? In this case, it takes several minutes to mix it properly. After which it will become viscous and homogeneous.

If it is too sticky - threads stretch forspoon, and stick to the fingers so that it just does not lag behind - it means that the mixture should be slightly diluted. Here, a small amount of liquid starch or plain water will help you, depending on the method you choose to make the lizard.

how to make a lime from water without a pvoy glue

Maybe the other way round, the mass drags on, but at the same timeDo not stick to your fingers. The cause in this case is the excess fluid in the lick. If this happens, you should drain an excess solution of powder, starch or water. Alternatively, you can add a little binding material, such as flour. Then again mix the resulting mass.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make a lizun without PVA. After you have made a toy, you should watch that your favorite child does not throw lizuna into the wall, otherwise the wallpaper will remain greasy stains. And from the game slim on the hairy surfaces, the hairs will stick to the toy.

It is important to know that the shelf life of an averageone and a half to two weeks. And in the intervals between the games, the lizun should be stored in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. Do not forget to put it in the container and cover it with a lid or in a plastic bag. This is done so that it does not dry out due to contact with open air.

Also, in order to extend the service of the slime, it can bewipe with alcohol, removing the accumulated debris. Do not wash it in the sink - you risk wasting the lime in the sewer. But if it began to lose its properties, just add a little water to it.

And the main thing that you need to remember: always after playing with the lizard it is necessary to wash the hands and those parts of the body with which it touched with soap. That the child does not have an allergic reaction.

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