/ How to care for lizunami correctly?

How to care for lizunami correctly?

The history of such an unusual toy, like a lick,began in the US in 1976. Since then, it has not lost popularity and is known all over the world. In our country, the craze for lice began in the mid-90's, which was quite annoying for adults, because from such games with a jelly-like "pet" on the walls, stubborn stains often remained.

how to care for lice

This toy very quickly spoils - on itEffects of temperature changes, dry and humidity, dust and debris. But if you know how to care for lice, you can extend their lives for a very long time.

What must be done for this?

The most important thing in dealing with lizunom is to tryavoid contamination. On the sticky surface of the toy, even the smallest debris is easily glued. Therefore, avoid contact with the licking of hairy surfaces. Also, do not let it get into dusty dirty places.

how to make a home lick

It is best to store such a toy in a separatecontainer with a tight fitting lid. But if it already happened that the dirt got on the gel surface, how to care for the lickers in this case? Try to remove from the ball all the large particles with your fingers, tweezers or needles. The smallest trash can be tried with alcohol.

As already mentioned above, this toy is afraidexcessive humidity or dry air. In the first case, it can swell and get a more liquid consistency. And with a lack of moisture, it can become stiff and lose its qualities - stickiness and the ability to spread and gather together. How to care for the limes to keep the shape and density? With an excess of moisture, you can put in a container with a toy a little ordinary table salt. Then it should be shaken. Salt absorbs excess moisture, and the lime will after a while become more elastic and restore its shape. If it happened so, that the toy dried up and became rigid, what should be done for its prompt resuscitation? Add a couple of drops of water to the container - the lick will absorb it.

how to make a lime without pva

Not less important for this elastic toytemperature regime. She is afraid of heat and direct sunlight. Therefore, one should not keep it outside the container day, especially on the street. How to care for lizunami in hot weather, because the material from which they are made, under the influence of temperature can simply spread? It is enough to store the toy in the refrigerator. But only not in the freezer - from the cold it will shrink and lose elasticity, will become tough.

How to do?

Unfortunately, now you can not always buya wonderful toy. But there is a way out: find out how to make a domestic lizuna. The simplest recipe for its manufacture contains PVA glue, water, dye and borax solution. To make a lizuna, we take a container in which we will mix the ingredients. First, pour glue into it and add the dye dissolved in a glass of water. Thoroughly mix until the desired color is obtained. Then gradually pour in a few bottles of borax solution until the mixture has acquired the necessary density and elasticity. Now it can be put in a bag and a little crumpled. A ready toy should be laid out on a piece of paper and let it lie down a bit.

How to make lizuna without PVA?

For this you can, for example, use gelatinand clay. Of gelatin, you need to make jelly according to the usual instructions on the pack, and then add to it the clay, dissolved in water on slow fire. The mixture must be mixed and then let stand. This lizun will be short-lived, but it's very easy to make it.

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