/ How to care for a parrot correctly?

How to care for a parrot correctly?

Today in the bird market or in the pet store, you canbuy almost any pet. And yet the birds are still very popular. Watching birds is interesting for both children and adults, because some species of birds sing, while others can even be taught to talk. And yet, before you go in search of a pet, it is better to pre-arm yourself with knowledge about how to care for a parrot.

The first days of a wavy friend in a new house

How to care for a parrot
Even if you have several parrots in your house,The newcomer should spend the first week of his housewarming in a separate cage. At this time, feed the bird only by special food. Place his house in the corner of the room, try not to make noise and do not make sharp movements nearby. If there are no problems with food and toilet, the parrot can gradually introduce vegetables, fruits and other additives into the diet. Do not be frightened if, because of stress, the pet does not eat the first 2-3 days. If there are obvious manifestations of digestive disorders or a prolonged refusal of food, contact the veterinarian. The answer to the question of how to care for a parrot will not be complete without mentioning the light and temperature regime. For a comfortable well-being, birds should receive light not less than 14 hours a day. On the cage sunlight must fall, in the evening hours need artificial lighting. Do not forget that drafts and sharp temperature changes are dangerous for parrots.

How to care for a parrot wavy: cell choice

How to care for a parrot wavy
Very nice and interesting in the interior lookround cells, but there is one problem - in them the birds feel uncomfortable enough, because the absence of corners deprives them of places for solitude. Therefore, the best choice - square or rectangular cages with sliding pallets in order to make it easier to do cleaning. Unhanded parrots should be placed at the level of human growth, and hand - not higher than a distance of 1.5 meters from the floor. And this is also an important component of how to care for the parrot correctly, because to maintain intimacy with its owner, the bird should regularly see it in full growth. But do not place the cage low immediately after acquiring a parrot. It will take a bird and its own "furniture" - it's perches (preferably, there are two), you can add another pendant ring or ladder. Toys should not be much to save free space, but one mirror or a rattle in the corner will not hurt.

How to take care of a parrot: hygiene and communication

How to take care of a parrot
Birds are quite clean, but in spite ofit is necessary to regularly clean the pallet and wash the entire cage once a month. Do not forget to change the water daily and clean the feeders. Not all novice bird lovers know how to care for a parrot, and so many people have a question about whether a pet should be bathed. Any parrot devotes a lot of time to cleaning feathers and claws. But water procedures will not harm him. To do this, you can use special trays or spray the bird from the spray gun. Another vital need is communication. Talk to your pet more often, and if you have one bird, then turn on the radio or TV for the duration of your long absence.

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