Lessons of embroidery by a cross for beginners
The technique of embroidering the cross refers to countableembroidery techniques and is considered one of the most ancient. Passion for this kind of needlework in our country is experiencing a period of heyday after a long oblivion. But about fifty years ago in a rare house there were no embroidered gizmos - napkins, sofa cushions, towels, tablecloths, paintings and even carpets. Embroidered blouses, collars, handbags were in the wardrobe almost every woman.
Very popular now are master classes and cross-stitching lessons for beginners needlewomen. The technique of embroidering the cross attracts its obvious decorative, availability of materials and tools, and the relative ease of acquiring skills embroidering a cross for beginners is of no small importance.
Tools and materials for embroidery.
Before that how to learn how to embroider a cross, you should buynecessary tools and materials. Of course, you can take any shred, needle, simple thread and already begin to embroider, and even achieve some result. But a good tool - hoops of the right size and type, comfortable scissors, special needles of different thickness and with different sizes of ears, make work a pleasure. For comfortable work it is necessary to purchase a lamp with illumination and an organizer for threads.
The hoop can be wooden and plastic,conventional (manual), desktop, floor. For embroidery it is recommended to use not ordinary needles for sewing, but tapestries - with a rounded tip and a large eye.
Especially important is the right choice of materials: fabrics of linen weave, canvas, thread, silk, woolen, synthetic, floss.
Craftsmen, leading lessons embroidered cross-stitch for beginners, believe thatIt is necessary to begin with embroidering on a dense fabric of a large linen weave. The assortment of such fabrics is huge: linen, cotton, mixed. The texture, color, density, rigidity, the size of a fabric is selected depending on the conceived work and the task in view.
For beginners, you can recommend the canvas- a special tissue of a rare weave, divided into cells. Just like cloth, it can be of different colors and densities. Many professional needlewomen prefer to embroider on canvas, which makes it possible to use any fabric: wool, silk, velvet.
Embroider it is possible by any threads, but a mulina - threads,designed specifically for this type of needlework. Easter moulinet consists of 6 thin threads and is produced in length from 8 to 20 meters. When working, the thread should be no more than 40 cm, otherwise it will be confused. The color scheme of the mulina is selected depending on the chosen pattern, and its richness of shades makes it possible to create picturesque works.
Drawings and patterns for embroidery
Figures and schemes of embroidery with a cross for beginners can be found in specialized journals,internet, on old-time grandmother's things. Currently, more and more popular kits with a pattern, fabric, needle and a selected color scheme mulina. The guide to such sets necessarily provides a schematic implementation of the cross, which is especially important for a beginner in this matter. For beginner needlewoman, it is better to choose a simple pattern with a small number of colors.
The answer to the frequently asked question is "how fastembroider a cross "can be a canvas with an already applied pattern. Unlike sets, such a canvas requires careful attention to the selection of colors on a scale printed under the picture. But this is the only "difficulty". Embroidery is not according to the scheme, when it is necessary to count the number of crosses and read the symbols of colors, and immediately following the color pattern, it accelerates the process very quickly and gives a quick result.