/ / Let's talk about how to make a tank of matches

Let's talk about how to make a tank of matches

How from matches to make a tank, a palace, a dollar,a well, wheels, lamps, vases? For many, it remains a mystery how ordinary sticks can become the foundation for masterpieces! But if you delve into this hobby deeper, you can find many nuances relating to both the material and the features of making crafts.

How from matches to make a tank to a child?

Crafts from this material help to developsleight of hand and patience in children. Especially this activity attracts the boys, who love to build transport. There are three ways to create simple tanks with children.

  1. Volumetric drawing tank. Start with what the boy can do. Let's draw a model of the tank. And then with the help of matches and glue, give the picture volume. Also with their help "build up" trees, clouds, road. In this case, you need to help the child with the preparation of matches of a certain length.
  2. Create a tank model from boxes and paper, and then glue it with matches. As the case you can use the usual matchboxes.
  3. A voluminous tank of matches. First, create a drawing of the model, dividing it mentally into geometric figures: for example, a rectangular barrel, a square cab and rectangular-oval caterpillars. With the help of glue, you can recreate the given figures, while before the tank, make it sloping by reducing the matches according to the principle of the ladder.

Remember that crafts can be made from solid matches, remove sulfur heads or cut them to the desired length. In the latter case, the details should be drawn with the help of paints and brushes.

We make a simple tank of matches with glue

With the help of conventional PVA you can create masterpieces. To make a tank, you need to stock up a visual picture, a model on which we will recreate in a three-dimensional projection. To make a small transport, we need to build five cubes, the edge of which is equal to the length of the match.

tank of matches with glue

Four cubes are distributed on the tracks, and the fifth determines the cockpit of the tank. First we make a platform:

  • we glue two cubes, forming a long caterpillar;
  • we put the two "chains" parallel to each other so that the distance is half the match;
  • cut the sticks of the required length and glue the caterpillars together (if there are gaps in the cubes, then simply insert the matches between them);
  • the chains are not joined along their entire length, leave 0.5 cm from the ends;
  • further in front of the tank it is necessary to make a bevel ("build up" a rectangular triangle of matches) in order to convey the correct image of the caterpillars.

On the fifth cube you glue a cannon out of ten matches in this order:

  • 1 row of three matches;
  • 4 things.;
  • 3 row, like the first.

At the top of the cube, you can glue sulfuric heads in the form of a circle, forming a hatch of the tank. The last step is to glue the cube to the base of the platform. Everything, the machine is ready for battle!

Tank without glue: workpiece preparation

We also collect the combat vehicle from cubes andhouses, which then connect with matches. Houses form the edges of caterpillars, and simple cubes are the connecting element and cabin. These geometric figures create a tank of matches. The instruction for creating a simple cube is placed below.

tank of matches instruction

  • Place two matches in parallel, the distance between them should be less than their length.
  • On them lay the foundation of 8 sticks.
  • The next row will also be of eight matches, but the heads should be put in the other direction. It turns out that the sulfur coating of the two foundations forms an angle.
  • Make the walls, shifting among themselves matches, whose heads are looking around the perimeter of the cube.
  • After 7 rows, lay out the roof of 8 sticks - just like the foundation (the heads look in the opposite direction as compared to the floor).
  • From above perpendicularly in the middle of the roof lay 6 matches, in the center of which place a simple coin.
  • Holding it with your finger, on four sidesfix its position with matches, "piercing" through the walls of the cube. In the same way, you cover 6 coins with the whole coin, which you then need to pull out, and carefully mold the cube.
  • Flip the square and work with its bottom, which will be the front side. From each side, lay vertical match rows head up.
  • Then also insert horizontal circular rows to fasten the structure.

Under this scheme, we make 8 cubes.

Tank without glue: caterpillars and cabin

We continue to consider how to make a tank of matches. To form caterpillars, we need to build four houses of four cubes, laying out the roof.

tank of matches

  • Insert the corner matches, while the vertical sticks, starting with the second, pull the heads upwards, forming a triangular roof (seven pieces stretched without taking into account the two extreme ones).
  • Now in the triangular forms you need to insert matches,starting with the last row, two pieces, then four, six, eight, eight, six, four, two. In this case, the heads alternate with the ends to form a pattern.
  • On top of the spread eight inclined matches, crossing each other at the top of the roof ends with a sulfur coating.

From one cube you need to make a tank cabin:

  • Make a sloping one side of the roof, with inclined matches overlapping the entire surface of the cube. In this place, then we'll build a muzzle of the combat vehicle.
  • On the reverse side, make a ladder, pushing out five sticks for different lengths.

Tank without glue: assembly

Well, we almost figured out how to make a tank of matches. Now the last stage is left. We connect all the details.

how to make a tank of matches

  • At the bottom of the house, insert four matches and attach them to the cube.
  • In the same way, insert four sticks into the cube and connect it with another "house".
  • It turns out one caterpillar.
  • You also do the second chain.
  • In the free cube on both sides, insert four connecting matches.
  • Gently join this cube with the medial cubes of both caterpillars.
  • From the bottom of the cockpit of the tank insert four connecting matches and thrust into the central cube connecting the caterpillars.
  • Make a muzzle of the tank from the sloping side - from eight matches forming a square into which you thrust four more matches forming a muzzle.

As you can see, the tank of matches with their own handsTo build it is simple. Just remember the three rules: 1) purchase all the material at once; 2) draw a diagram of your product; 3) collect your project slowly and accurately.

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