/ How to cook frozen seafood. How to cook frozen seafood

How to cook frozen seafood. How to cook frozen seafood

Seafood is not only exquisite andoriginal delicacy, but also a very useful product. The maintenance of microelements necessary for an organism and fiber in them simply zashkalivaet. How to cook frozen seafood so as not to spoil their delicate delicate taste with salt and spices? Here you need to adhere to several rules: the freshness of the product, the temperature regime during cooking and other various parameters are taken into account.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy onlycaught, you easily in the nearest supermarket buy frozen seafood. Recipes from them are very light and fast, and the taste remains at the same level. Just remember that it is not recommended to consume them in unlimited quantities. It is best to cook something interesting at home. So you will be sure that you will avoid poisoning.

Cooking tips

how to cook frozen seafood

Here you bought in the supermarket frozenseafood. How to cook this product? There are small culinary tricks. Shrimps are sold both peeled and uncleaned in a shell. If they no longer need to be cleaned, then simply fry in a pan with butter added. You can also boil them. For this, dip into boiling water for 3 minutes. Uncleaned boiled for 4 minutes in salt water. Squid can be both chilled and frozen. They are cleaned and cooked for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will become stiff like rubber.

Mussels baked in foil

how to cook frozen seafood

What you need: kg of pre-cooked mussels with seashells, salt (preferably sea), a little extra virgin olive oil, breadcrumbs (100 g), 3 large strong tomatoes, one peeled garlic clove, a large bunch of parsley.

How to cook seafood? Frozen mussels must first be thawed. To do this (so that they do not disappear), put them on a clean dish for the night on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and cover with a napkin. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. After the seafood has been thawed, gently separate the meat of the mussels from the shells with a knife. Do not throw away the shells themselves - they will become an excellent "dishware" for baking. In a separate container, stir meat of seafood with crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley. Top with olive oil, salt and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay out the seashells so that it is convenient to fill them with minced meat. In each there should be one mussel. Put in a bowl with a thick bottom, lightly add water and olive oil, top with tomatoes, cut into slices. Bake for no more than 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

frozen seafood

Cocktail "Sea Adventures"

Cocktail is the best answer to the question of howto cook frozen seafood. You can buy it in any supermarket. In combination with rice noodles this will be an excellent Asian cuisine for your party.

What you need: a pound of sea cocktail, 100 grams of rice noodles, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, olive or vegetable oil, several peeled garlic cloves.

The secret of cooking: Lower the frozen seafood in a saucepan with boiling water, cook for no more than 2 minutes on a small fire. After that, merge the water and dry the seafood. Now we prepare the cocktail dressing: cut into small pieces of chives and warm the frying pan with pre-poured olive or vegetable oil. Fry several minutes of garlic, add to it a cocktail and soy sauce. After that, fry for 5 minutes. Pour a few minutes of rice noodles with boiling water and let it brew. Pour it into a frying pan with a cocktail, cover and remove from the heat.

prepare seafood frozen

Sea salad from a cocktail

Prepare seafood frozen is not difficult. Usually they are boiled in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes. From the ready seafood you can build a very tasty and nutritious salad.

You will need: half a frozen cocktail, 6 pieces of hard boiled eggs, one large onion and the same young carrots, butter and mayonnaise.

Technology of preparation: Boil 5 minutes in salted boiling water sea cocktail. After that, cool seafood and cut the largest of them into small cubes. Just finely chop the onions. Rub carrots on a grater with large holes. Preparation of vegetables: put a small piece of butter in a heated frying pan, fry onions in it until golden, then add the carrots. When the vegetables are ready, combine them with sliced ​​eggs and a sea cocktail. Put in a salad bowl and mix with mayonnaise. If you do not want to get too fat, stir the salad with soy sauce and greens.

frozen seafood recipes

Seafood soup in Spanish

When you know how much to cook frozen seafood, cook from them a delicious soup!

List of ingredients: 1 liter of white fish, 3 tomatoes, 3 small potatoes, 1 head of onions, 1 pc. Bulgarian pepper, several pre-peeled garlic cloves. Spices for Spanish seafood soup: red ground pepper, black pepper pepper, bay leaf, dill greens, saffron, sea salt.

Technology of preparation: peel and cut small cubes of sweet peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. Pour vegetable oil in the frying pan and light garlic, onion, ground red pepper in a small fire. Then add all the cut vegetables and put them out until the Bulgarian pepper becomes soft. Finished vegetables grind with a blender and fold again into a frying pan. Pour in the same fish broth. Frozen seafood, fish fillets add to the vegetables in the broth and simmer on low heat, but make sure that the fish does not boil. Cook potatoes in a large saucepan until half cooked. Transfer the whole contents of the frying pan there, add the remaining spices and salt and hold for 10 minutes with the lid firmly closed. For decoration, sprinkle finely chopped dill. As you can see, seafood is frozen to cook very quickly, and the number of recipes will allow each time to create a new menu.

Aromatic pizza with seafood

At you in a refrigerator there are frozenseafood? How to cook a dish for a big company, if a grand party is planned? Try to make refined pizza from seafood. It's very original, simple and tasty!

Necessary ingredients: a mix of frozen seafood (mussels,squid, octopus, cuttlefish) - a pound. Instead of a mix, use a cocktail of seafood. Also take 0.5 kg special bases for pizza, large head onions, tomatoes several strong, 5 pieces of champignons fresh or canned polbanki pitted olives, 150 grams of cheese, which can easily melt, mix Italian aromatic herbs (oregano, basil) , olive oil for frying, salt.

Technology of preparation. Frozen mixture of water with boiling water, sprinklesalt to taste and fry in a pan with the addition of olive oil for no more than 5 minutes. Cut finely onions and champignons (cut them more large), cut the tomatoes into slices, and olives in circles, grate the cheese on the grater. Put on the base for pizza seafood, onions and mushrooms, top season with Italian herbs. After that, lay out the beautifully tomatoes and olives on them. Now sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and send it to the oven for 15 minutes, before it warm up to 220 degrees.

Salad with seafood and avocado

Ingredients: 200 grams of frozen seafood, one egg and avocado, 2 cucumbers, 150 grams of hard cheese, chives, lemon juice, soy sauce, mayonnaise, olive oil, greens, spices for fish.

How to cook frozen seafood easily? Defrost them, pour olive oil and put on a frying pan, sprinkle with spices, add soy sauce and garlic. Fry for 5 minutes. Peel the boiled egg, avocado and cucumber in cubes. All put in a bowl and sprinkle with cheese. Pour in mayonnaise, soy sauce and lemon juice. Stir and sprinkle with herbs.

how much to cook frozen seafood

"Caesar" in the nautical style

How to cook frozen seafood for 5minutes? That's right, make a salad. Defrost the seafood and cook them for 3 minutes in salt water. Cut it finely, fold it into a small plate, pepper and mix with mayonnaise. In a salad bowl, combine the lettuce leaf, torn into pieces, slices of tomatoes and also add mayonnaise. Top the seafood and sprinkle with croutons.

Cooking the octopus

How to cook frozen seafood, for example octopus, in tomato sauce?

Ingredients: frozen octopus (1 kg), 3 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, chive, a little olive oil, chili, greens, black pepper, salt, lemon quartet.

How to cook? Peel the garlic and pepper from the seeds, fry in olive oil in thick-bottomed dishes. Put the sliced ​​tomato and tomato paste there. Put out for 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir it. Eat the octopus, put it in the dishes, pepper, salt and mix. Pay attention to the tentacles - if they curled tightly in lumps, then ready. Rub zest, cut parsley and place there. Cover and soak. Turn off the fire.

frozen seafood

Cook the squid

Now we learn how to cook seafoodfrozen, for example, squid. Such a delicacy will acquire a special taste if it is thoroughly thawed before cooking. Although if you are in a hurry, you can do without this stage. Just put frozen squid in any pan, pour with necessarily cold water. Put the dishes on a small fire and watch it until it boils. After that, water can be added. The meat of squid is boiled exactly 20 minutes with a weak boil. If it is overexposed, it will become tough and not tasty, like rubber.

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