/ What do they eat cognac?

What do they eat cognac?

Cognac is considered one of the noblestbeverages. As a rule, it is served after the main course, just before dessert and coffee. In the modern world cognac has become a very popular drink, which is served for every festive table. Perhaps, that is why so often the question arises, what do snacks cognac and how to drink it right?

How to drink brandy? Before asking yourself what to eatbrandy, and what connoisseurs drink real cognac, you need to learn how to drink it right. It is worth remembering that each brand of cognac is unique in its own way, it has a unique aroma, color and taste. It is these qualities that need to be felt.

Serve this drink in specialglasses on a thin, low leg. The very shape of this glass resembles a tulip, as the edges taper to the top. It is this form that makes you feel an indescribable, characteristic cognac aroma.

You need to pour no more than a quarter of a glass. First, pay attention to the color of the drink. Remember that the older it is, the darker its color. Young cognacs have light brown color. Unfortunately, quite often in these drinks add caramel, to give the young cognac a noble color.

Now try to feel the whole bouquetaromas that rise on the wall of the glass. The temperature of the beverage served should be about 20 degrees. Take a glass in both hands and try to warm the drink - so the fragrance becomes more clear.

Drink cognac in small sips, without holding the liquid in your mouth for a long time. Try to swallow the drink without exhaling. Now you can feel how the heat fills your body.

What do they eat cognac? If you ask people what they eat cognac, thenin most cases the answer will be the same - a lemon. The author of this tradition is Emperor Nicholas II. It was he who invented a snack of cognac with lemon wedges, sprinkled with grated chocolate and sugar. In fact, such a tradition is fundamentally wrong. For example, true connoisseurs of this drink piously believe that cognac does not need a snack, because it only interrupts the taste and smell of the drink.

Yes, indeed, the best snack isexpensive cigar and quality coffee. And first you need to drink a cup of coffee and only after that start cognac, and then to a cigar. Nevertheless, quite often cognacs are served on the table as the main drink. And if you're going to drink more than 100 grams of cognac for the evening, you'll have to have a snack, though. So what's with the cognac?

Well, first, you must immediately abandonlemon as a snack, as this sour fruit completely kills the taste and smell of a noble drink. Lemons can be a snack of tequila or vodka, as the acid remarkably removes the smell of alcohol and fusel oils. But with cognacs, such problems should not arise. Therefore, the drink is suitable for less acidic fruit. It can be apricots, peaches, grapes, sweet pears.

In addition, one of the best snacksis cheese. For cognac it is necessary to choose those sorts of cheeses that do not have a strong smell or pronounced taste. After all, cheese should not interrupt the taste of the drink. Cognacs with olives or olives are not bad. On the other hand, cognacs are harmoniously combined with desserts and sweet dishes. For example, you can serve black chocolate, ice cream, sweet pastries. Traditionally, cognacs are not consumed, but if such a necessity does arise, then fruit juices can be used for this purpose.

Remember also that cognacs must be properly chosen. The older the cognac, the more rich its flavor and aroma. And beware of imitations, because with this recently there are problems.

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