Legumes on our table: the benefits and harm of peas
The theme of our today's conversation is "The benefits anddamage to peas. "What do you know about this product? What is it useful for? Can everyone use this bean plant or should someone refrain from such food?
Peas are quite common in our diet- and this is not surprising. In addition to taste characteristics, it has long been known for its useful properties. Someone can argue, but, nevertheless, with the use of peas, you can prepare a lot of wonderful dishes. But we will start, perhaps, with the characteristics of this plant.
Useful properties of peas
So, what kind of vitamin is rich in peas? In addition to A and C, as well as some vitamins from the B-group, the peas have vitamins H, PP and D. The consumption of peas helps to maintain the required amount of sugar in the blood; Also, the positive effect of pea on the nervous system and digestive organs is known. The benefit (and harm) of peas is also in the presence of minerals such as fluoride, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium in it. And, of course, peas are a wonderful supplier of protein in the body; Like most beans, it is almost inferior in this parameter to meat.
Mr. Pea: the benefit and harm of the product
Undoubtedly, everyone knows what is fraught with overeatingpeas. Jokes are jokes, but few will be delighted with the bloated abdomen - so it's best not to overdo with this product. The presence of certain trace elements may be unacceptable for people whose bodies simply can not tolerate them. Also, peas are not worth eating for people who have problems with the intestines; In addition, excessive consumption of legumes worsens and slows the digestion process, which can affect health in the most negative way.
So, with such a question as "the benefit and harm of peas", we sorted it out. But what can be prepared from the beans in question and how are they used?
In the first place, peas are incredibly tasty in cheeseform: young, full of juicy balls pods - a wonderful summer snack. However, it is worth them a little overripe, as the peas become stiff and loses its flavor, which, however, does not mean that it should be thrown away. Cook the soup from it. By the way, the most delicious is pea soup, cooked on meat or smoked pork ribs.
However, on this use of peas is notends: pea porridge - an excellent nutritious side dish. And it is used as a filling for pies. If you love pastries - do not deny yourself the pleasure of making a cake or patties with the mentioned filler; By the way, such a dish will certainly be appreciated by fans of pies with potatoes, because their taste characteristics, these products are quite similar.
And, of course, everyone knows the cannedpeas - what can be tastier than juicy, sweetish balls, and melting in the mouth? And can you imagine the favorite salad "Olivier" without this ingredient? Moreover - there are many salads in which put canned peas. Thus, the benefits and harm of peas are very conventional concepts. If you use this product in moderation, you will not harm your health.
Probably everyone has heard about chickpeas. The benefits and harms of this Turkish peasant green pea are as indisputable as in the case of "our" bean. Positive effects on the digestive system, brain activity and heart function - this is far from a complete list of the advantages of chickpeas. In addition, the use of peas as food - in particular chickpeas - will help maintain the correct balance of microelements, fats and vitamins in the body.
As for caloric content, peas in raw form are the most caloric - 73 kcal / 100 g, while cooked contains about 66 kcal, and in canned - 55 kcal per 100 g of weight.