/ / Custard recipe: choose to taste!

Custard recipe: choose to taste!

For a long history of development of the confectioneryart appeared many variations and varieties of the simplest cream - the custard. Ordinary and airy, with eggs and without them, creamy, lemon, chocolate and others. When considering a variety, you can always choose a custard recipe, most suitable for the place, time and composition of products.

1. Custard ordinary cream (with eggs)

A glass of sugar to grind well with 4 eggs untildissolving sugar grains, gradually pour half a cup of flour and vanilla sugar, grind again to elasticity. Gradually, in small portions pour in the mashed mass of hot milk (enough 0.5 liters), continuously stirring with a wooden gaiety (scapula). Put mixture on a small fire and cook until thickened with sour cream, stirring constantly. As soon as the cream began to resemble sour cream, it is necessary to stir more vigorously, since it is at that moment that the cream can burn. Carried out to the consistency of thick sour cream to remove from heat and beat well. Then cool and use as needed: for puffs, eclairs, etc. This is, in practice, the simplest recipe for custard that can be varied by adding butter, lemon peel, chocolate or cocoa (brewed with a small amount of boiling water), flavors and essences, etc.

2. Amateur custard cream without eggs

Sometimes, with a certain lack of food or for other reasons, the question arises, "How to cook a custard without eggs?" There is also such a recipe custard.

A glass of sugar to fall asleep in a saucepan, pour ½a glass of water and send to fire. Stir continuously. When the sugar grains disappear, add the flour pre-mixed with half a glass of water, pouring the flour in a thin trickle. Continue stirring the sugar syrup with flour and cook until the density of sour cream. Cool to the temperature of fresh milk and add chopped butter pieces (250 g). Beat until fluffy and white. This cream is used for filling eclairs, interlayer cakes and for finishing cakes and pastries.

3. Cream creamy "Charlotte" - the best custard cream for biscuit (example - cake "Fairy Tale")

Milk (half cup) and sugar (1 glass) to heat,stirring, until the sugar grains dissolve. Then add a pre-beaten egg (1 pc.) In a thin trickle to prevent the egg from brewing. The resulting syrup is cooled to about 40 ° (temperature of fresh milk). In another bowl, knead a packet of butter (about 200 grams), preferably a wooden spoon, and gradually pour a warm sugar syrup into the mashed butter (3-4 times). Stir intensively, then beat until fluffy.

4. Lemon cream on the water

This recipe for custard is also unusual, but the resulting product is characterized by tenderness, delicate taste and reduced caloric content.

Glass with a glass of sugar mixed with zest halveslemon, pour water (half a cup) and bring to a boil. At this time, grind the yolks 4 eggs, where to pour a thin trickle of syrup, respectively, carefully stirring the mixture. Again, send the mixture to a small fire and cook, making sure that no lumps are formed. When the cream reaches the consistency of sparse sour cream, remove the mixture from the heat and cool to a temperature slightly above room temperature, then beat with finely chopped butter (250 g) to the splendor. Such a recipe for custard is perfect for honey cakes, thin cakes like "Napoleon" and cakes - sand and puff.

Thus, among all the huge amounttypes of custard can always choose a recipe that can be prepared from the existing composition of products, taking into account allergic reactions to individual products and simply based on the taste preferences of each family member.

Custard is inherently universal and suitable for any type of cakes (honey, biscuit, sand).

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