Classic recipe for Napoleon cake - Triumph of any Mistress
The classic Napoleon cake recipe for manyhostess is a trump card, which can be used to organize the most exquisite party. Napoleon is an exquisite taste, which can not leave anyone indifferent. Napoleon has admirers both among the adult public and among the children. This cake is loved by almost everyone. Prepare it is not easy, it will take a lot of time. But the result of diligence can become a truly royal dessert. So sometimes you can pamper your loved ones. Believe me, your dedication will be appreciated by both guests and family. This cake turns out to be big, and usually it is enough not only for a festive dinner, but for a family breakfast.
To not spoil a cake, it is necessary to carry out allactions step by step. The classic recipe for a cake Napoleon offers to start preparing in advance, because the cake will take time to impregnate. While all the cakes are not saturated with cream, the taste of the cake will not be able to reveal itself for real.
How to make a classic Napoleon cake? To do this, you need the following products.
Margarine - 225 grams;
Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
· Sour cream - 400 grams;
· Flour - half a kilogram.
· Milk - 1 liter;
Sugar - 250 grams;
· Flour - 200 grams.
Preparation of puff pastry
Margarine must be melted and placed in a separate bowl. Add sugar and sour cream to it. All whisk until smooth. Add flour to the mass and stir well before forming the dough.
Cream Preparation
Dough you need to roll out a little and divide it intosix identical parts. One of the parts rolled out with a rolling pin into a thin enough layer and sprinkled with flour from both sides. The resulting cake from both sides slightly prick with a fork and put it on a baking sheet. Place the cake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. After about 10 minutes, the cake will rise and become golden in color. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Similarly, prepare the rest of the cakes.
Custard preparation
The classic recipe for Napoleon cake requires only custard for cake.
Mix sugar with milk. Put on a small light and add the resulting mass in small portions of flour. Constantly stir the cream, continuing to keep it on fire until a thick mass forms.
Each cake should be smeared with cream. Fold all the cakes in a puff cake. Sprinkle the tops of the remaining crumbs. Preparation of the classical Napoleon requires patience. Before you can serve the cake on the table, you need to keep it in the cold. Put the cake in the fridge for the night so that it can soak up the cream.
The classic recipe for Napoleon cake still hassome elements that are different in the performance of different housewives. This does not at all lead to radical changes in the essence of the cake and its primordially true culinary essence.
You can make Napoleon and so. The difference is only in technology. So choose you.
Margarine soft 250 grams
Wheat flour 3-4 cups
Vinegar 1 teaspoon
Cold soda 100 grams
Milk 700 grams
Butter 100 grams
Sugar 100 grams
Sugar vanilla 1 package.
Egg 3 pieces
Soft margarine, flour, water and a little vinegar to mix until the test. Divide the resulting mass into 7 or 8 balls of approximately the same size and place them in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
Prepare the custard. To do this, you need to grind 3 yolks, half a cup of sugar and two glasses of flour in a bowl in a bowl. Then add a little milk. The remaining milk (600 grams) put on fire and bring to a boil. Add the resulting mixture neatly. All cook until thick. Allow the cream to cool and add soft butter to it.
Bake cakes. Lubricate them with cream and let them soak in the refrigerator. In principle, this technology almost repeats the first classic recipe for Napoleon cake. Therefore the result will also be excellent. Bon Appetit!