Meatloaf from pork
Meatloaf from pork can be cookedone of a variety of ways, while it is permissible to use both the neck and the brisket. As fillings can serve not only exotic expensive ingredients, but also what will be at your fingertips. In general, if you take a piece of neck or brisket from a pig, pepper and salt, then you will already get a meatloaf, however, with the use of additional ingredients it will become more refined and tasty. For example, it is allowed a fat or chicken fillet, as well as vegetables.
You can try to cook a meatloaf frompork as follows. In this case, you need to take a pork neck, red pepper (sweet), eggplant, salt, ground pepper, carrots, vegetable oil. The size of the desired piece of meat depends on the amount of food that you want to receive in the end. It must be cut so that it is convenient to turn into a roll. Now it is worth taking one or two peppers, cut in half, and then put on a baking sheet, without taking out the seeds, pour a little vegetable oil, put it for ten minutes in the oven. This is done so that you can remove the skin. While it is baked, you should cut into thin slices of eggplant, lay them on a board, sprinkle with salt. Now it's time to make a thin straw of carrots, but you can grate it on a grater. Pepper should be baked by this moment, so it's worth it to get, peel and remove the seeds. It is required to decompose the meat, pepper and salt, and lay out slices of eggplant on it, removing the juice from them beforehand by dabbing with a napkin, placing the topped baked pepper on top, and then carrots, again salt and pepper. Well, now fold it and tie it with a rope. The resulting meatloaf from pork should be put on a baking sheet, poured with vegetable oil, put in the oven, which is heated to 200 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.
Of course, this dish is notthe only one, you can consider some more. The next meatloaf from pork can become both an excellent snack and a main course. In any restaurant and in the home kitchen such a culinary product has long been in demand. In this case, it is proposed to cook a boiled roll. In such meat, it is more likely to save all the useful substances of the filling and the product itself.
Roll of pork: recipe
To prepare this dish you needthe following ingredients: a pound of meat, a hundred grams of fat, three boiled eggs, carrots, three cloves of garlic, pepper and salt. Eggs to grate and grate. The fat must be cut into small cubes. Washed and cleaned carrots must be rubbed on a large grater. Skip the garlic crock through garlic. Ingredients should be combined and thoroughly mixed until uniform. Meat is required to be repulsed and rubbed with pepper and salt, to give a little soak. And then put the stuffing on it. Collapse the meat with a roll, fasten the thread so that the filling does not fall out. Boil it off. After that, cover with a press and leave to stand. To serve on the table with sliced slices.
Interesting is the fact that meatloafis a popular dish not only among different peoples, but also in the fantasy world. And he is born in films and games. For example, in the popular World of Warcraft application it is suggested to perform one of the tasks and prepare a meatloaf in a strange fried sauce. There is also an explanation of what needs to be done. For this dish, you must first look for chilled meat and strange mushrooms, and then, using a special form for roulette, cook it. When passing the quest should not be a problem.
It becomes clear that some dishes arevery popular not only in the real world, but also in the world of games and fantasy, where players spend a lot of time. So enjoy your appetite and successfully completed quests.