/ / Delicious and light cake without eggs

Delicious and light cake without eggs

Sometimes I so want to cook somebodydelicious and sweet, for example a cake, but as luck would have it there are no eggs in the house, and you do not want to go to the store for them. What to do? Stay without treats? But no, because you can cook a delicious and easy-to-prepare cake without eggs. Here are a few recipes for these cakes.

Cake without eggs recipe # 1

Cake with cream and fresh berries

To prepare this cake you will need:

  • cream (fat content of 35%). If you plan to make a large cake without eggs, then the cream will need about a liter, and if small, then it will be enough to be half liter;
  • Fresh fruit (strawberries, banana, kiwi, peaches and others at your discretion);
  • marshmallow. Again, for a large cake will need about a kilogram, for a small enough penny. Well, if the marshmallow will be with different tastes.

Cooking process:

  1. In a large bowl, whip the cream until it becomes thick (about 3-5 minutes). Do not overdo it, otherwise they can get into oil.
  2. Fruits need to be washed and cleaned.
  3. Now can start the design of our cake. We take the marshmallow, divide it into two parts, and then cut each part in half and put the first layer of marshmallow on the dish.
  4. Over the marshmallow we spread the whipped cream.
  5. The next layer of fruit is cut into slices.
  6. And whipped cream again.
  7. Then back the marshmallow.
  8. So you can continue as long as the ingredients allow.
  9. The top layer should be fruit.
  10. When the cake without eggs is made, we send it to the refrigerator for the night.

Cake recipe without eggs № 2

To make this cake you will need:

  • finished biscuit cakes;
  • three packs of jelly (of different taste and color);
  • 20 grams of gelatin;
  • vanillin;
  • 500 grams of sour cream;
  • one glass of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Jelly is better prepared in advance, then the whole process of making a cake will take very little time.
  2. In ten tablespoons of cold water, soak 20 grams of gelatin and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Then put gelatin on a water bath and wait until the grains completely dissolve. Give gelatin a little cool.
  4. While gelatin cools down, you need to beat up sour cream with sugar and vanillin.
  5. Then take a couple of spoons of sour cream and pour a little into the gelatin. Thus, we introduce into the gelatin all the sour cream.
  6. A large and deep salad bowl is lined with food film.
  7. Next, in a salad bowl, at random, we throw in pieces of broken biscuit and a spoonful of pieces of a colorful vein.
  8. Each layer should be watered with sour cream.
  9. On the last layer you need to put a whole biscuit cake and squeeze a little.
  10. We put the finished cake in the fridge, until the sour cream is frozen.
  11. The final touch: we press the salad bowl with a wide dish, turn it over, remove it, and then remove the film.
  12. You can decorate the cake to your own taste.

We are all used to making a cakeeggs are necessary, however, when you try to cook a cake without eggs according to the recipes offered by us, you will surely understand that such a cake can be even tastier.

Whichever cake you cook, with or without eggsthem, home or from purchased cakes, a real decoration of any cake is a cream. It is the cream that can make a real masterpiece from ordinary cake. We suggest you to prepare a delicious and simple to prepare cream for egg cake.

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • 50 ml of water;
  • 175 g of butter;
  • six yolks;
  • vanillin;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

The process of cooking oil cream:

  1. In the tank, pour water and pour sugar. Then put on a small fire, and stir until the sugar dissolves. When the sugar dissolves, leave the syrup on the gas.
  2. In another container whisk yolks, and then slowly pour sugar syrup.
  3. In a separate container, we stir the soft oil and vanillin, and then add the butter into the yolks and beat it with a mixer and wait for the mass to become uniform.
  4. Already ready to put the cream in the refrigerator until use.

From the proposed ingredients, approximately300 grams of cream. This amount will be enough to decorate a cake with an average diameter of 26-28 cm or about 6 cakes. And the whole process of cooking will take you about 35 minutes. Do not forget that the finished cream should not be left in a warm place, otherwise the oil may melt.

Cake without eggs or with their application - it does not matter, the main thing is the result!

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