The history and recipe of "Margarita" - a cocktail that conquered the whole world
"Margarita" is a classic cocktail that,undoubtedly, is present in the menu of any restaurant or bar. This cocktail is an original decision, the secret of which is in combination of several different tastes. In it, tequila is impeccably shaded with citrus notes, and salt became the highlight, due to which the taste of lime becomes not so sharp as it actually is.
As with many other drinks,The recipe for "Margarita" (cocktail) is wrapped in confusion and mystery. It's all about his name. Here, some stories contradict others. But in everyone there is an invariable fact - a beautiful and mysterious woman named Margarita.
According to the second story, in 1938 in a simpleA working day in a Mexican bar came a provincial girl named Margarita, who dreamed of becoming an actress. The visitor of the bar captivated the bartender Carlos Harrera with its beauty and charm. And he, inspired by it, came up with a recipe for "Margarita" - a cocktail, which she dedicated to her.
The latest history says that in 1948,luxurious villa in Acapulco in Texas, an aristocrat named Margarita Seyms arranged a social reception for her guests. She invented a recipe for "Margarita" (a cocktail, then still unnamed). The socialite struck her guests with a cocktail, the basis of which was tequila of her own making. One of the guests, the owner of the hotel chain Hilton Tommy Hilton, came to the indescribable delight of the drink. And already literally the next day this cocktail called "Margarita" was in the menu of all restaurants and bars.
The historical Latin American "Margarita" has the following proportions - 2: 1: 2.
2 servings of tequila and one serving of orangeliqueur to 2 servings of lime juice. It is at this ratio that you can feel the traditional citrus flavor of lime mixed with a strong aftertaste of tequila.
The International Bartenders Association came up with its ownthe correct ratio of ingredients: 50% tequila, 30% orange liqueur and 20% lime juice. Everything is mixed in a shaker with ice. Then pour into a glass, decorated on the edges with an edge of salt. What proportion to choose is up to you.
It is traditionally accepted to serve this drink in glasses designed specifically for Margarita.
So, for the preparation of the classic "Margarita"you will need: tequila, orange liqueur ( "Cointreau" or "triple sec") and the juice of one lime. And if you add in the blender ice chips, it is possible to get so-called «frozen margarita."
There are different kinds of this drink: and the classic "Margarita", and mint, and lemon, and strawberry and even blue! So, strawberry "Margarita" - a cocktail (the recipe is given below), which is considered the most refreshing summer drink.
To prepare it you will need: tequila (100 ml), orange liqueur (60 ml), strawberry (200 g), lime juice (50 ml), sugar (50 g) and crushed ice.
1. Pour 50 ml of water into the saucepan, add sugar there and bring to a boil over low heat. Do not forget to stir constantly. Then remove the finished syrup from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.
2. Wash the washed strawberries in a puree with a blender. Strawberry puree mixed with chilled syrup, lime juice, tequila and orange syrup.
3. Small, crushed pieces of ice add to the rest of the ingredients and beat with a blender or shaker. Then pour the ready-made drink over the cooled glasses, decorate with strawberries and serve to the table.