/ / Drying apples in a microwave for 5 minutes

Drying apples in a microwave for 5 minutes

In the use of apples, there is no doubt,they in the daily diet helps at the expense of a large amount of fiber to lower cholesterol in the blood and get rid of problems with excess weight. In addition, they contain a large number of microelements and are a real storehouse of vitamins such as C, A, B9 and K.

drying apples in a microwave oven

The great popularity of fruit was promoted by,that it practically does not contain allergens, and at a calorie content of less than 50 kcal per 100 g of product, it can be consumed even on a strict diet. It is not surprising that the breeders produced many varieties of apple trees that can grow in a variety of climatic conditions.

Excellent taste, useful properties andaccess allowed the apple to take a worthy place in the diet of many people. In this regard, there was a large number of recipes with their use, as well as ways to store this perishable fruit. As for stocks for the winter, the housewives prefer to cook compotes and jam. But if it is a question of not only preserving, but also multiplying the useful qualities, then the best approach is drying the apples.

drying temperature of apples

In the microwave this process will takelittle time. And certainly it will not be necessary, as before, to string them on a thread and languish in a long wait. This method, due to the fact that the drying time of apples is reduced to a minimum, allows to save vitamins and microelements with the greatest efficiency and to increase the nutritional value of the final product due to the evaporation of water.


Drying apples in a microwave is done in several stages:

  1. the ripe fruits are selected;
  2. they are washed and wiped with a clean towel;
  3. the core is cut out, and apples are cut into rings, the thickness of which should be about 0.5 to 1 centimeter;
  4. The rings are laid in 1-2 layers on a large plate, which before that it is better to cover with a linen or cotton towel;
  5. if it is possible to adjust the power, you need to set the value to 200 W, then turn on the microwave for 2.5 minutes.

Apparently, in the process itself there is nothing complicated,and drying apples in a microwave does not require supernatural efforts. But here, as elsewhere, there are subtleties. For example, the drying temperature of apples varies somewhat depending on their grade and ripeness. This means that fruit may require additional time in the microwave, reaching 4 minutes. Thus, the readiness of apples is checked visually after 2.5 minutes, after which, if they are not dried, they must be returned to the oven for another 1.5 minutes.

apple drying time

Helpful advice

For those who want the apples to turn outthey can be recommended to soak them for several minutes in a solution of ascorbic acid before being placed in a microwave oven. In addition to the beautiful appearance, this will give them an additional sourness and even more enrich with vitamin C.


Thus, the drying of apples in a microwave ovenallows without time and effort to indulge the whole family with a vitamin delicacy at any time of the year. As for the storage of the final product, it is better to choose a dry, darkened place, and put the apples in a bag of cloth or in a jar, in the lid of which to make a few holes for air circulation.

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