Beets are a real decoration of any table. Just mixing it with garlic and yogurt, you can make a useful and tasty salad in 5 minutes. It is recommended to eat with low hemoglobin and problems with digestion. This root is used to prepare a large number of dishes: from vinaigrette to borsch. All thanks to its marvelous burgundy color and taste. Just to boil the beet, you need to spend more than one hour. In addition, this spoils the pan. Therefore, many housewives hold for this purpose, even special dishes.

But you can avoid all this if you know howBoil the beets in the microwave. Do it not only quickly and simply, but in many ways you can. You just need to remember a few simple rules. In any case, the root must be thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel. It is important to remember that a small beet in a microwave cooks faster than a larger one. Therefore, if you need to weld several pieces, it is better to choose them approximately the same size.
Most often the beetroot is cooked in a microwave ovenin the following way. In several places, prick a vegetable with a fork, knife or stick. Put in a shallow bowl, pour 1-2 tablespoons of water. A cup of beetroot should be placed in a microwave oven and baked at a maximum power of 10-15 minutes. Readiness can be checked in the usual way - with the help of a knife. If he easily enters the root crop, then the beets are ready. If not, continue baking. Only it is important to remember: since microwaves heat any product unevenly, it should be left for 5-10 minutes to equalize the temperature. And only after that try.

True, this method has one drawback. When the beet is baked in the microwave, juice can spray. So, then you will have to wash the walls of the microwave oven, which is not very convenient. Therefore, many prefer to cook beets in a microwave in a closed container. It is best for this purpose to buy a special package at a hardware store. But if you can not find it, the usual cellophane package will do. The washed and prepared beetroot is placed inside and sealed. The package is put in a microwave and baked for 10-15 minutes until cooked. Give a little cool, and you can try the vegetable.

Interestingly, the beet in the microwave is obtainedno worse than cooked in water or baked in the oven. And time consumes much less. You can also shorten the cooking time if you cut the beets into pieces. And those who want to get more can cook a full-fledged dish in the microwave. Already baked beets cut into small cubes, add a cut onion and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. And bake in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then add a half cup of sour cream with a tablespoon of flour. Pepper, salt and pour a little vinegar. Bake for another 6-7 minutes at an average microwave power. As a result, you will get a delicious and original dish for lunch or dinner.
Knowing how to quickly cook beets in a microwave,you can at any time make your favorite salad. After all, now you do not have to wait a few hours while this root vegetable is cooked. And then a long time to wash the pan from the scum. Microwave serves not only to warm up food in it. She still helps the hostess to prepare delicious dishes.