/ How to cook a biscuit?

How to cook a biscuit?

Biscuit is a classic of culinary art. The first recipes of baking, which can be considered the prototype of this pie, date back to the VII century and they were found in the territory of ancient Persia. They, perhaps, can be called one of the oldest recipes of a non-fermented pie. And the usual name "biscuit" appeared in 16-17 centuries in Europe. And we must pay tribute to the cooks of that time, since preparing a biscuit even today, when most of the work is done by kitchen appliances, is not so easy for many. A real classic recipe does not at all imply the use of any dough improvers, and all its softness, airiness and tenderness of taste are achieved only at the expense of the skillful hands of the master culinary.

But since making a biscuit is practicallyan art that requires the chef great care and some skills, many are confident that this pie is not for home cooking. All the ingredients should be mixed very carefully, carefully observing the technology, and the dough should be beaten for a long time, so that in the end the very same classic "air" biscuit was obtained. But do not think that this is so difficult and only professionals can do, because modern housewives and various bakery additives come to the aid of the housewives, which considerably facilitate the complicated process of cooking, without reducing the quality and taste of the product.

Most housewives bake a biscuit most oftenOnly as an intermediate stage for a more complex culinary masterpiece - a cake, but it's wrong to forget about it as an independent dessert. After all, what can be more delicious than a fresh soft biscuit for tea? And if you still soak it with sweet syrup or jam? Real jam!

In the original classic recipe was presentonly three ingredients - eggs, flour and sugar (sometimes vanilla - to taste). But as to prepare a biscuit in every country, yes, there - in every kitchen, they prefer to your taste, then from the original recipe created a lot of different variations - chocolate, berry, cream, sour and many others. Choose any - and boldly proceed!

How to cook a biscuit with a classic recipe?

For him you will need: 5 eggs, a glass of sugar (the smallest that you can find) and a glass of flour, plus a bag of vanillin to taste.

First of all, you need to carefully separateegg white from yolks. The food container should be clean, also make sure that no particles of yolk fall into the bowl with proteins - this can greatly complicate the subsequent process of lifting them. Separated in this way, the proteins begin to beat the mixer at a low speed, slowly pouring tea spoons of sugar. To foam was more stable, you can add to it just a couple drops of lemon juice. When the mass significantly increases and becomes dense, also slowly and leisurely begin to add egg yolks. You can not hurry in this process, you can easily spoil the result. When the mixture is well fried, mix the mixer and add the flour, slowly sifting it into the dough and stirring with a spoon in the direction from the bottom up. Ready mixture pour into a baking dish and put in a preheated oven (190-200 ° C). Bake for 20-25 minutes, in no case opening the door before the 20th minute, as a gentle biscuit can fall off. The cooked pie should be allowed to cool for another 15-20 minutes right in the form, and then gently turn it over the dish. Cut the biscuit into pieces only after it has completely cooled down.

How to cook a biscuit in a simpler and easier way?

It will require: 3 eggs, 120 grams of flour (3/4 cup), 150 grams of fine sugar (¾ cup), a teaspoon of soda plus a bite for its repayment or one packet of baking powder (baking powder).

In a separate container to break the eggs, there to poursugar. The resulting mixture whisk with a whisk (or a mixer at low speed). When the dough visually enlarges twice and brightens, start gradually pouring the sifted flour. When the mass becomes completely homogeneous, we add to it the soda, or baking powder, which is extinguished in a separate bowl. The bottom of the baking dish should be oiled and sprinkled with a little flour, then pour the finished dough into it. The oven should be preheated in advance to 180 ° C, put a baking tray in it and bake for 25-30 minutes. Open the door while baking biscuit is possible only after 20 minutes, if done earlier, the pie may fall off.

You can create your own,a unique recipe, adding to the dough, for example, cocoa, condensed milk, cream, honey, jam or soak them with a ready-made cake. And since it's not at all difficult to make a biscuit, as you can see, then, for sure, it will soon become one of the most favorite desserts in your family. Bon Appetit!

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