/ How to cook delicious prawns. Recipes of interesting dishes

How tasty to cook shrimp. Recipes of interesting dishes

Usually shrimps are bought in order to boilin water with spices and eat with a glass of beer. However, if desired, you can create amazing dishes that will decorate the festive table or bring a variety of daily meals. In addition, this sea delicacy contains a huge amount of proteins and minerals. For example, iodine in these creations is almost a hundred times larger than in a piece of beef.

How to cook delicious prawns

how to cook delicious prawns

Let's start with cooking julien, original andhearty dish. Boil frozen prawns in salt water with a small amount of spices, then rinse and clean from shell. Heat the frying pan with butter and lay on it chopped onions and garlic, fry a little, add flour. Stir the mixture and put the boiled shrimp in a few minutes. Stew on a small fire, and then pour a glass of sour cream, if you get a fairly thick consistency, dilute with a spoonful of water. Pour the mixture into the coconut bottles and sprinkle a little grated cheese on top. To send in an oven before occurrence of a golden crust on cheese.

Hot dishes from shrimps

a shrimp dish
From the pepper remove the middle and cut into circles,broccoli washed and disassembled into small inflorescences, put vegetables in a container and mix with salt. The shrimps remove the shells (they must be fresh), remove the intestinal vein, making a small incision on the back, rinse well and sprinkle a little. In a deep bowl through a sieve sift a little starch, baking powder and flour. Constantly interfering gradually add a glass of water (the dough is semi-liquid), give the ready-made dough a little to stand. Then pour a couple of spoons of oil and sprinkle with salt, mix. The shrimp dish is almost ready. Preheat the fryer or oil in a thick-walled saucepan, dip the vegetables and shrimp into the dough, send them to the frying portion. Wait for a golden crust and spread on a napkin, which will absorb excess fat.

How to cook delicious prawns with celery

hot shrimps

Wash stalks of celery and mushrooms, both ingredientscut into small pieces, mix with spices. Form omazhte oil and shift the vegetables, add sour cream, put in the oven bake for 35-40 minutes. Get the form, add the already peeled shrimp, mix. If necessary, put more sour cream and grated cheese, stir again. Put the baked in the oven for 7-10 minutes. Here is the answer to the question of how to prepare a tasty shrimp.

Vegetable salad

To make this shrimp, you needclean and remove the intestinal vein. Crush the peeled garlic and chop the chilli (without seeds). Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the pepper and garlic (7 min.), Remove and discard. Put the shrimps in hot oil and fry them well on both sides. Leaves of lettuce and rukkola to rinse, dry a little and pick up on the dish (you can put whole leaves), then lay out the finished shrimp and sliced ​​cherry tomatoes. You can add a little parmesan flakes for piquancy. As a dressing, use the fragrant oil left on the frying pan and a few spoons of lemon juice, mix it and pour the salad. Do not forget about salt and pepper. That's all, a delicious and light salad is ready.

Now you also know how to prepare tasty shrimps in different ways, by the way, you can still cook cream soup, bake pizza or make a very tasty and aromatic sauce for pasta. Bon Appetit.

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