/ / Original cocktails with beer

Original cocktails with beer

Beer is a favorite drink of many men, andwomen with pleasure can drink a mug. The main snack is pickles, nuts, dried fish. But cocktails with beer do not in every bar, but in vain. The drink turns out interesting, with a specific taste. They combine rather unusual ingredients. Perhaps it's hard to imagine a mix of beer with champagne or sauce, but such cocktails not only exist, but are quite popular. Some recipes for cooking are discussed in the article.

cocktails with beer

Best beer-based cocktails, cooked at home

On the nose of an incendiary party, and you still do not know how to surprise guests, cocktails with beer will be an excellent idea. Next, consider the most appropriate and inexpensive recipes.

"Lyrics". This drink can truly become the king of the evening. It was invented in Cuba, it still enjoys great demand there. The main feature of the drink - beer is served hot, only its dark varieties are used.

So, first you need to warm up the mainingredient, you can do it pretty quickly in the microwave. Then add any rum into the glass. And then the fun begins. Whisk 4 eggs and add a thin trickle into a hot drink. Stir everything. The taste is quite unusual.

"Sour Banks". One of the most popular cocktails for those who want to quickly recover. The drink is very high in calories and nutritious. Ingredients are selected at a rate of 1: 3. Making a cocktail is very simple. The beer is added with fatty sour cream and whipped with a blender.

cocktail beer with champagne

The most unusual beer cocktail

When the bartender proposes to prepare alcoholic beveragescocktails with beer, many do not even know what the taste will be on the way out. Unusual recipes are annually presented at festivals and competitions. Here are some of them:

«Michelada». Drink was invented in Mexico. It includes various sauces: Tabasco, soy, Salsa. All this is seasoned with black pepper and lime. Drink is obtained with bitterness. The main rule - the exact dosage of ingredients and priority.

Step-by-step preparation of the cocktail "Michelada"

To make the drink the way it should be, you need to know the following nuances:

  1. We prepare it in a glass. To do this, put it in the freezer. In the saucer we pour salt. Extrude the lime. Cut the edges of the glass into the juice, then into the salt. We get an unusual edge.

  2. We make Salsa. Red bitter pepper ground to a state of gruel with several tomatoes. If you do not want to do this process, you can add a couple of drops of Tobasco to the tomato juice. We send it to the glass.

  3. There we add soy sauce.

  4. From the whole lime we squeeze the juice, pepper, pour into the cocktail.

  5. Beer and ice are the final ingredients.

We mix everything well with a tube. Voila, the cocktail is ready.

alcoholic cocktails with beer

The best beer appetizer

It is in Germany that the famous beer festival is held. So who, if not the Germans, understands snacks for this drink. They compiled a list of the most successful dishes:

  1. Grilled nipples with mustard and cheese. Without this dish, no self-respecting German will not drink beer. They are prepared quite simply. Sausage is cut in half, inside is put grated cheese, the dish is sent to the grill or microwave.

  2. A sea cocktail to beer is ideal. Lobsters, squid, crawfish, dried fish, everything will be very handy.

  3. Chicken wings. The recipes are huge. The most popular are wings in flour, breadcrumbs, honey.

  4. All kinds of snacks. Nuts, chips, crackers.

  5. French fries.

  6. Cheese salad with seafood. It is quite popular in the Czech Republic and Germany.

  7. Onions fried in breaded. One of the most popular recipes. Onion rings are fried in deep-fried to a crispy crust. They are ideally suited for garlic sauce.

Such traditional snacks are preferred by beer gourmets all over the world.

cocktail beer with wine

Where did the tradition of mixing beer with other drinks go?

Cocktails with beer are quite popular among young people. But who invented to mix the ingredients, it is unknown. Many sin on the French and Spanish, in these countries, these drinks are at the peak of popularity.

But nevertheless there is an assumption, that the cocktail hasRussian roots. After all, there were times in Russia, when it was decided to mix all the drinks in one large cauldron. This is all not so important, the main thing is that the recipes for beer cocktails are huge.

Many appreciated the drink does not understand why spoil itand without that the ideal taste of foam? But, as they say, how many people, so many opinions. In many countries there are fans of beer cocktails. They do not stop experimenting and coming up with new tastes.

His Majesty the Wine and Champagne

Many bartenders recommend a cocktail of beer withchampagne. It would seem, how can these two drinks be in one glass? In fact, they are quite complementary. The main recipes are discussed below:

  1. Cocktail beer with wine: "Beer for lovely ladies". The main ingredients are classic varieties of semi-sweet or dry champagne, red wine, Benedictine liqueur and light beers. Everything is mixed in a shaker. Served in a wine glass with ice.

  2. "Black velvet." It is considered exclusively a female cocktail. It is very important to choose the right beer. Ideal for Guinness is dark. Another secret lies in cooking. A chilled beer is poured into the glass for champagne, followed by a fine trickle of champagne. There should be no foam.

The combination of drinks is quite unusual, but millions of people gladly drink such cocktails.

sea ​​cocktail to beer

A forty-degree cocktail

Cocktail beer with vodka - a favorite drinkRussian. Many Europeans are puzzled how it is possible to mix the two ingredients, because the mixture causes instant intoxication. It is for certain that the Russian merchants shared the recipe. They drank only such drinks:

  1. "Ruff". Vodka mixed with beer. In this drink, a lot of carbon dioxide, getting into the blood, it allows the alcohol to absorb faster, instant intoxication occurs. Bartenders prefer to use beer with a bright aftertaste to score the bitterness of vodka. The cocktail is drunk in a gulp, without snacks.

  2. "Chpok." As a container used a conventional faceted glass. Vodka is poured 2 times more than beer. The glass is closed with a palm, turns over, strikes against the knee, returns to its original position. After that, the cocktail is drunk at a gulp.

Such drinks are very popular among men.

cocktail beer with vodka

Cocktails with beer are quite popular. Bartenders constantly come up with new variations and combinations of drinks. They look pretty exotic, just imagine a glass of wine, decorated with a cork of beer. There are many skeptical opinions about this. Gourmets do not understand how to mix a drink with sweet champagne or vodka.

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