/ / Recipe for homemade saline

Salted homemade recipe

About the hodgepodge, very tasty and hearty thick soup,probably heard everything. But have you tried to cook such a fragrant and nutritious dish? Choose from the offered to choose from any recipe for homemade salty.

Cook it usually on a steep broth and not at all.it is important what it is: mushroom, meat or fish. The main thing is to be rich. Because of the density of the saltwort, it is often considered the second, not the first dish. This is originally Russian food. Another hodgepodge sometimes called cabbage, which was extinguished with fillings - pieces of meat, sausages, ribs and other ingredients.

What was the recipe for a homemade salty in the old days? Remaining from the previous meal of meat products peasants mixed in one pot or boiler and cooked. So there was a team hodgepodge. Time passed, and this dish became popular among other segments of the population of Russia. He did not hesitate to serve even in restaurants and dinner parties.

Now in the classic recipe of this dish shouldit is necessary to attend four types of meat products: different sausages, boiled and roasted meat, sausages, pickled or salted pickles and pickled mushrooms. The composition of the saltwort still includes olives, carrots, tomato paste, onion, olives. It is served with sour cream and lemon. Before preparing such a dish, you should collect all of the listed ingredients.

The recipe for honeysuckle is home-like and simple, and complexSimultaneously. To make it as necessary, nutritious and slightly spicy, there must be a lot of components, and the more they are, the better. This can be capers and butter, and greens, and all sorts of spices.

Well, now we are going to the dish "Solyanka"home. " The recipe for cooking on meat broth. We cook meat. It can be brisket, ribs, tenderloin (pork, beef - whatever you want). When you cook cooking meat, you should pour the amount of liquid that you need for the saltwort. It is not recommended to top up the water so as not to spoil the true taste of this dish. Boiling the meat, be sure to remove from the broth and cool. Sausages (smoked), ham, cold meat cut into cubes.

At this time, potatoes are brewed in the broth in the formslices. We add to it meat cutting, and then cucumber salted. The recipe for homemade saltwort requires that they be crisp, also peeled. They are cut into strips and preliminarily cooked in broth.

We clean the onion and thoroughly wash it in water. After discussing, shinkuem, mixed with butter and sent to a skillet. We pass without seasonings and tomato paste until soft onion. In another pan, fry the tomato paste with the fat until it changes color to orange-red. Mix the contents of the two frying pans in one and pour into a saucepan, where the hodgepodge is boiling. After 6-8 minutes, fall asleep cut greens and olives (or olives) and cook until ready. After turning off the plate, let's brew the soup for five minutes and pour it over the plates. In each of them we put sour cream with a thin slice of lemon. Similarly, fish and mushroom salted fish are prepared, but instead of meat there are the corresponding ingredients.

Well, now let's take over the recipe of the saltwort fromsauerkraut. This is not a soup, but a full-fledged second course. For its preparation we take a kilo of sour cabbage, we wash it in three waters (cold) and squeeze it. In a frying pan, fry the half rings of one large onion in 2 to 3 spoons of butter, attach sauerkraut to them and fry them, while adding a broth of mushroom for the flavor. To soften the cabbage it will take an hour and a half to cook it. At the end of this time, we put 450 g of ham and 350 g of pork roast, 100 g of sausage and any meat (cold, boiled). In cabbage, we add 600 g of meat products. It remains only to salt to taste and pepper, as well as season with spices. Stew for another 30 minutes. Then add the sauerkraut to the sauerkraut, mix everything and continue to keep on low heat for another 12 minutes. After this time, shift the hodgepodge into the saucepan and send it to the oven for 30 minutes. Everything, homemade hodgepodge of sauerkraut can be applied to plates and served to the table.

Having learned how to make a hodgepodge, you will soon surprise your family with its new options. Enjoy your every appetite!

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