/ / Chile Concern: recipe, traditional for Texas and Mexico

Chile Concern: a recipe, traditional for Texas and Mexico

Mexico is a country of culinary exoticism. Chile con carne, the recipe of which every self-respecting hostess on the Yucatan Peninsula is well aware, is translated from Spanish as "chili with meat".

chili concarne recipe
This is a traditional dish for Texas and Mexico.

Stew or soup? Chile con carne!

This dish is something between fragrant, verySpicy soup and rich rich stew or goulash. The main ingredients are ground beef (in the form of minced meat or sliced ​​into small pieces) and hot pepper. All other components are very different depending on the region and the preferences of the chef. But there are a number of products that are most often added to the chili concerne. The recipe is very successfully supplemented with onion (onion or porridge), garlic, paprika, tomatoes (they can even be called the third mandatory ingredient) and beans (more often red or spotted). It is believed that the Texas version of chili concarne (the recipe is very popular in this state) is prepared without beans.

chili concarne
Some chefs use unsweetened cocoa in small quantities to give a flavor to the dish. This ingredient is added at the very end of the preparation. Honey can be replaced with sugar.

Spices are used in chili concarnein Mexican in large numbers. In addition to pepper, put ziru, oregano, bay leaves and coriander. In general, all those seasonings that can improve the taste of good meat. Serve this dish with sour cream or grated cheese. It should be said that, despite the severity, this soup has a very harmonious taste.

Chile con carne. Recipe

Beans for this dish can be taken canned, but can be dried, which must be boiled in advance.

chili concourse on mexican
On a large saucepan it is about one pot. Or a glass of dry beans. Seventy grams of hard cheese will also be needed. And all the spices listed above. Chilli powder can be replaced with red ground pepper - it needs about one tablespoon. The main ingredients: eight hundred grams of minced meat or finely chopped beef tenderloin, three hundred grams of meat, cut into large pieces, two onions, four cloves of garlic and as many tomatoes, a couple of spoons of tomato paste.

Grind the tomatoes in the blender. On olive oil fry first beef, cut into larger pieces. Chop onion and garlic. Now add them to the roast beef. Next, place minced meat or finely chopped meat. Add the red pepper. Roast to the point where the largest piece of meat on the cut does not become evenly brown. Now put tomatoes and tomato paste, oregano, salt in the frying pan. Pour a little water and simmer under a closed lid on high heat. Leave the bay leaf for a short while. It must be removed, so that there is no bitterness. To achieve full preparedness, the dish should be stewed for about twenty minutes. In the end add the beans, wait until it warms up, and serve. Sprinkle with grated cheese each serving. The question arises: "Can I cook a vegetarian version of chili concarne?" Yes, with the addition of soy meat or tofu. But in this case the dish will be called chili sin carne (chili without meat).

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