/ / Zrazy meat with egg - an excellent alternative to cutlets

Zrazy meat with egg - an excellent alternative to cutlets

Meat chopped chops are a popular dish, but sometimes the most delicious food bothers. To diversify your diet, try instead of the usual cutlets to prepare minced meat zazza meat with eggs.

Zrazy is a dish that is characteristic of Polish,Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisine. In fact, Zraza is a chop with stuffing inside. Consequently, the taste of zraza meat dishes with the egg, mainly depends on the quality of minced meat. You can, of course, use the minced meat bought in the store, but it is better to make this semi-finished product at home, as if knowing what quality meat has gone into its preparation.

Everyone knows that chopped meat productsthey turn out to be delicate and delicious when using different kinds of minced meat when preparing it. Most often, when cooking zraz and cutlets take in equal parts pork and beef. But this is only one option. You can add poultry meat to mince or use for its preparation lamb.

In addition, white bread is added to the meat stuffing. This is not done in order to reduce the consumption of meat, but to make the finished products juicy. Half a kilogram of meat should be taken 80 grams of white bread, it's about two or three pieces of a loaf. Bread should be freed from crust and soak in milk (can be in water). Then, squeeze the bread from excess liquid and add to the twisted meat. In the ground, as a rule, add onions and garlic. Half a kilogram of meat is enough to take one medium bulb and a pair of cloves of garlic. Vegetables can be scrolled with meat through a meat grinder, or you can simply chop it or chop it in a blender. It remains to salt and pepper minced meat, you can add your favorite spices.

To zraza meat with eggs were more tender,mincemeat should be pre-beaten. This operation is that the bag of minced meat should be raised above the table and thrown into the bowl with force. Repeat this operation 10-12 times. After that, you should put the ready-made stuffing for preparing meals in closed dishes (or cover the bowl with minced food film) and put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

While the forcemeat "stands up", it is necessary to be engaged in a stuffing. To do this, boil 4-5 eggs, cool them in cold water, peel and cut into small cubes, both for salad "Olivier". For juiciness in the filling it is necessary to add butter (melted) or a little mayonnaise. The filling should be salt and pepper.

So, how to prepare zrazes with eggs, when we havealready there is a ready-made forcemeat and a stuffing? We divide the mincemeat into portions pieces, as for cooking cutlets. Then we take a portion of minced meat, put it on the palm and form a flat lozenge. Now put the spoon of the filling in the center of this cake and begin to squeeze the palm, connecting the edges of the flat cake from the stuffing. Thus, we form a kind of patty, in which the role of the dough performs meat minced meat.

Finished zrazy bread in breadcrumbs, flour or semolinagroats. Zrazy meat with eggs can be fried in a pan on both sides, and you can bake in the oven. The second option is preferable, since the zrazy will be less fat, and you will not have to stand at the stove, turning zrazes. Bake zrazy in the oven can be just like that, laying on a lightly oiled baking sheet, or under sauce. Milk, sour cream or tomato is suitable for this purpose.

Of course, the classic recipe for "zrazy meat withegg "can always be modified. For example, you can add to the egg filling finely chopped and toasted onions or green onions. An interesting option can be obtained if the mixture is used as a mixture of chopped steep eggs and grated cheese. You can also add boiled and finely chopped mushrooms to the filling. Perfectly fill the filling and fresh herbs. For a change, instead of stuffing from steep eggs, you can prepare an omelette for a couple or in a microwave, cut it into small cubes and use it for making meals.

You can serve such zrazy with almost any side dish - vegetable salad, porridge, boiled or fried potatoes, pasta.

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