/ / Several recipes, how to prepare zrazy from minced meat with egg

Several recipes, how to prepare zrazy from minced meat with egg

If traditional cutlets no longer look good to yourather seductive, if you want something new and tasty, there is nothing left to do but prepare zrazes from minced meat and eggs. Who does not know - these are cutlets with stuffing, in which quality you can use everything that you have covered in the fridge. And due to the fact that it is possible to vary this filling almost endlessly, there is a chance that the dish will not bore you ever.

how to prepare zrazy with minced meat and egg

Zrazy with egg and greens

Any greenery is taken, but the most deliciousis obtained by using a bow-pen. Before you prepare zrazy from minced meat with egg, you must make the stuffing itself. From the cutlet in this recipe, it is no different: a pound of meat, a large onion and a soaked white bread are ground. Those who wish can also be added a couple of cloves of garlic, but this is someone who loves it. The egg is pounded into the mass, salt is poured in with pepper, and it is diligently vymeshivaetsya. For the filling, three eggs are cooked and cut, a good bunch of greenery crumbles, both components are mixed. The filling can be poured, if it seems to you that the stuffing is not salted. Next zrazes are molded: minced meat is collected, a thick little flat cake is made from it, a spoonful of filling is put on the center, edges are wrapped. Obtained oblong cutlets. Each is dipped in a beaten egg, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in lean oil for about ten minutes from each side.

how to prepare zrazy with minced meat and egg in a multivark

Zrazy with carrots, onions and eggs

If you think the previous filling seems to be some kind ofvery modest, we will tell how to prepare zrazes from forcemeat with eggs and vegetables. The stuffing will have to tinker for a bit longer. A large onion is crumbled as small as possible, a large carrot rubs, both components are roasted. Two steep eggs are cut to it. It would be nice to also sprinkle a little dill (even a dried one will do), but in the absence of it you can do without it. The stuffing is still the same, cutlet. By the way, meat can be taken as one kind, and make a mixed one. Mistresses especially recommend pig-beef, mixed with chicken. In the recipe described, the ready-made zrazy is advised to roll in flour, quickly fry to a crust, and then put it on the oven sheet, pour half a glass of chicken broth on it, put a small piece of butter and put it in the oven for twenty minutes. So your zrazes will become much more succulent.

how to prepare zrazy with minced meat and egg Photo

Zrazy with buckwheat and eggs

Usually the basis is minced - in all varieties of thisthe dishes are cooked equally. Only the filling varies. However, the recipe for how to prepare zrazy from minced meat with egg and buckwheat, has some deviations from the standard path already at the meat processing stage. First, it is recommended to take beef and do not mix it with other minced meat. Secondly, not white bread, but black bread is macerated and chalked. Third, in minced onions rubbed on a grater, then squeeze the juice into the meat. And the filling is not prepared at all. Simple porridge for her does not fit. Buckwheat washed and poured into a pan with olive oil; The same carrot is laid there. Both components are well fried; only after that, boiling water is poured in, the mixture is salted, peppered and flavored with chopped dried tomatoes. The lid is closed - and after a quarter of an hour the second component of the filling is ready. Next - on the rolled: for each cake from forcemeat put on a spoonful of porridge and chopped eggs, roll the cutlets and fry in melted butter.

how to prepare zrazy from minced meat with egg and mushrooms

Breech blinds

There is a very interesting method how to cookzrazy of minced meat with egg in the oven with a spicy and ruddy cheese crust. The stuffing is done as usual, but the filling is with variations. So, 4 eggs (for two kilos of minced meat) are boiled, but not cut, but rub large and mix with two large spoons of softened butter. The zrazes are larded, laid out on a greased baking tray and put on for half an hour in the oven. Then the sheet is removed, each cutlet is smeared with a teaspoon of mustard. The tray returns to the place for another 20 minutes. The last approach: for each product put a thin petal of cheese - and again in the oven until it melts. Very tasty, juicy and sharp!

Zrazy with egg in the multivark

This popular kitchen is, as always, onheight! In the development of the new dish, it will not be superfluous, since it is even easier to make minced meat out of mincemeat with an egg in a multivarquet than on a stove or in an oven. Eggs for filling the mistress, confidently mastered this technique, advised to rub and mix with grated cheese. The meatballs are already brewed in the manner studied. Then a little oil is poured into the bowl of the multivark, in which there are fried zrazy (five minutes on each side) in the frying mode, then the extinguish mode is set, after which it is possible to engage in other economic or personal matters. Juicy and appetizing result is guaranteed.

how to prepare zrazy with minced meat and egg in the oven

Zrazy with mushrooms and eggs

Minced meat for them can be prepared and standard. However, you can also retreat from the traditions, following a few different recipes. So, half a kilo of meat is taken by a large potato and rubbed - it will be instead of soaked bread. A large bulb is cut in half. One half is chopped together with meat, and the second is finely chopped, fried and added to the ready-made stuffing - so any cutlets will become tender. For the same purpose, two tablespoons of milk are poured in, the forcemeat diligently vymeshivaetsya. Before you prepare zrazy for minced meat with egg and mushrooms, the latter must be finely chopped and fried, a gram of a hundred champignons for a specified amount of meat is enough. The boiled and sliced ​​egg is mixed with mushrooms; the filling is seasoned with a tablespoon of fatty sour cream. A small piece of cheese is finely rubbed, a quarter of a glass of nuts are crushed into a crumb, both components are mixed, a spoonful of flour is added to them - this will be a breading. Molded zrazes are crumbled in it and roasted in sunflower oil. Thanks to the unusual powder, a crispy and beautiful crust turns out.

In general, we can say that the dish is simple and fairly quick - if, of course, you know how to prepare zrazes from minced meat and eggs. The photo shows the appetizing results of the spent efforts.

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