/ / Roast pork with gravy in the multivark

Roast pork with gravy in the multivark

Pork roast with gravy is suitable for anyonegarnish. Such goulash can be served for dinner with crumpled potatoes, boiled pasta, buckwheat, pearl barley or rice porridge. Whichever dish you choose for the dinner table, you will still be able to tasty and satisfyingly feed all the members of the family.

pork roast with gravy

Pork roast with gravy, as in the dining room

For sure, many remember those times when inSoviet soup kitchens served delicious second courses with tomato sauce and fried pork. It should be noted that such goulash can be easily done at home. To do this, you will need to purchase products such as:

  • pork low-fat pitted - approximately 750 g;
  • tomato paste - about 3 large spoons;
  • bulb bitter and a large carrot - 1 piece;
  • white flour sifted - a small spoon;
  • drinking water - 2 full glasses;
  • vegetable deodorized oil - 55 ml;
  • pepper ground, sea salt, dried herbs - add to taste.

Processing of ingredients

Roast pork with gravy is preparedpretty quickly. Before you start preparing this goulash, you should prepare all the ingredients. Low-fat pork should be rinsed in cool or warm water, and then cleaned of veins and cut into large pieces.

Also, the carrot and the onion should be freed from the peel. They need to be chopped into small cubes or semicircles / half rings.

roast pork with gravy with flour

Preliminary roasting of products

Roast pork with gravy is very delicious and aromatic due to the fact that meat and vegetables are subjected to thorough heat treatment in vegetable oil.

To prepare a pork goulash, it is necessary to pour inRefined oil in the saucepan, and then strongly heat it. Further in boiling fat is required to lay out pieces of meat and fry it to a light golden crust. Having achieved the desired result, the pork should be put onions and carrots. Fry these ingredients together is recommended about 5-9 minutes.

Tushim meat in a saucepan

Roast pork with gravy is not doneonly with the use of meat and vegetables. After these ingredients have acquired a golden hue, they must be filled with a glass of water, and then add the paste (tomato), salt and sweet pepper. After mixing all the products, they should be covered with a lid and cooked for about half an hour. During this short period of time pork should become completely soft.

To tomato gravy it was possible to fill allgarnish, it is desirable to increase its volume by adding another glass of water. However, it requires pre-stir a small spoon of white flour. This will make the goulash more dense and tasty. By the way, it is desirable to introduce such an ingredient through a sieve, so that no floury lumps are formed in the gravy.

pork roast with gravy as in the dining room

Correctly we present the dish to the table

As you can see, pork roast with pork (withflour and tomato paste) is prepared very quickly. After the goulash is done, they need to pour the whole garnish, and immediately present to the table along with a slice of bread and fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook pork roast with gravy in a multivark?

Above we talked about how fast and deliciousmake a pork goulash with tomato paste. However, this dish can be cooked not only on the stove, but also with the use of a multivark. In this case, we need:

  • pork low-fat pitted - approximately 750 g;
  • bulb bitter - 1 pc .;
  • sour cream fatty - 4 tablespoons large;
  • white flour sifted - a small spoon;
  • cream 20% - 2/3 cup;
  • drinking water - 1 full glass;
  • vegetable deodorized oil - 55 ml;
  • pepper ground, sea salt, dried herbs - add to taste.

Preparing Components

How is pork roast made with gravy? From sour cream it turns out very tasty and satisfying. Before the heat treatment of such a dish with a multivark, all components should be prepared. First, you need to rinse the meat product, and then cut off all the veins from it and chop it into pretty big pieces. As for the onion, it needs to be cleaned and chopped into half rings.

pork roast with sour cream sauce

Roasting ingredients

As in the previous recipe, cooking porkGoulash should begin with roasting all ingredients. To do this, you need to pour in a little vegetable oil in the multivark, and then heat it in the baking program and lay out all the meat. After all the excess moisture has evaporated from the bowl, the pork should be roasted in the same regime until light redness occurs. After some time, the meat product needs to put onions and continue the heat treatment for another quarter of an hour.

Extinguishing Products

After pork and onion are well fried, toHe should pour a glass of water and pour all the prepared spices. In this form, goulash must be cooked in the appropriate mode for 25 minutes. After this time in the bowl multivarki need to pour the cream and add fatty sour cream. After mixing the products, they should be left in the same program ("Quenching") for 15 minutes. During this time the meat will be soaked with dairy products, it will become even softer and tastier.

Serve a delicious second course to the dinner table

Now you know how you can easily and quicklycook pork goulash on the basis of tomato and sour cream. It should be noted that the garnish, dressed with this sauce, is very satisfying and tasty. As a rule, sour cream is served to the table with pasta or crumpled potatoes. Although often such goulash is presented to guests and along with buckwheat, pearl barley or boiled rice.

pork roast with gravy in the multivark

Helpful Tips

If you want a more nourishing and fragrantpork roast with gravy, then you can additionally use ingredients such as sweet peppers and tomatoes. In addition, at the very end of goulash cooking, it is recommended to add a pair of cloves of garlic, grated on a fine grater. It will give the second dish a special flavor and aroma. Try it, and you will surely see for yourself.

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