/ / "Miller" (beer bottled and canned): taste, reviews

"Miller" (beer bottled and canned): taste, reviews

The brand "Miller" is familiar to fans of foam drinksfirsthand. The beer of this trademark has always been at the top of the top ratings in America itself, and far beyond the country. This is mainly due to a special production technology, which has remained unchanged for many years.

The history of the appearance of the trademark "Miller"

By its name and appearance, American beer"Miller" is obliged to the German emigrant with the same name. In 1855, in the state of Wisconsin, Frederick Miller buys out the newly opened brewery from the previous owner. The new production begins to develop rapidly, and in 20 years, Miller Brewing becomes the second in the ranking of the breweries in America.

Miller Beer
Currently, the beer brand "Miller"is produced not only in America. Breweries operate in the UK, Canada, China and other countries. In Russia, Miller has been produced since 1998 by the Kaluga brewing company (OOO SABMiller RUS). Its factories are open and successfully operate in three cities of Russia.

Varieties of beer "Miller"

There are several varieties of "Miller" beer. Each of them has advantages in comparison with others, but in reality everything depends on personal taste preferences. The most popular beers are presented below.

  • Miller High Life - the oldest variety of tradingof the brand "Miller". Despite this, the beer has completely preserved its recipe and has the same taste as in 1903. Miller High Life is a carbonated variety with a high content of carbon dioxide, much like champagne. The percentage of alcohol in beer is 4.7 turnover.
  • Miller Genuine Draft. Due to its soft taste this variety is popular not only among men. Women also appreciated this foamy drink of the trade mark "Miller". Beer does not have a pronounced bitter taste of hops. It does not undergo pasteurization, but is manufactured by the method of cold filtration. The percentage content of alcohol in beer is 4.4 turnover.
  • Miller Midnight - fragrant carbonizedThe beer is dark garnet with strong white foam. Despite the fact that this specimen belongs to dark varieties, its taste is as soft as that of light beer. The percentage of alcohol in Miller Midnight is 4.5 turns.
  • Miller Lite is a low-calorie variety,which first appeared on the shelves of American shops in 1986. This beer, like most varieties of the trade mark "Miller", carbonized. It has a light amber color, a light malt flavor and a pleasant hops flavor.

All types of beer, regardless of the place of production, are made according to the original recipe using natural natural malt and hops.

Composition, caloric content of "Miller" beer

Traditionally, Miller beer is made from water,barley malt and hops. It is allowed to use starch molasses in the production of certain types of foam beverage. The average caloric content of beer is 45 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, it does not contain proteins or fats. In the intoxicating drink there are only carbohydrates in the amount of no more than 4 grams per 100 grams of the drink.

The beer brand "Miller" contains vitamins B and PP. There are also useful microelements in the foam drink: potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and copper.

beer miller price
Beer "Miller", the composition of which includes both vitamins and minerals, in moderation can be beneficial to the body.

Useful properties and harm of beer

Useful qualities of beer are as follows:

  • improvement of the heart;
  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • normalization of the blood composition;
  • increase immunity.

It should be remembered that uncontrolledthe use of intoxicating drink can lead to beer alcoholism and other serious health problems. The same rule applies to the products of the trade mark "Miller". Beer, regardless of the variety, has an allowable rate of 330 ml per day.

The health consequences of excessive beer consumption can be as follows:

  • destruction of cardiac tissue;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • high risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • decreased sexual function in men;
  • serious liver disease.

The price for "Miller": beer canned and bottled

In addition to traditional bottled beer,the brand "Miller" pours its drinks into self-cooling cans. To this end, the manufacturer closely cooperates with the company "Tempra Technology", which uses innovative technologies in its work. Thanks to a special dehumidifier, the can of "Miller" is cooled very quickly, literally in a few minutes.

beer miller composition
Is there a difference in the price when buying intoxicateddrink in different containers? The cost of canned and bottled "Miller" beer is practically the same. Most often it keeps at the same level. So the price of beer in a glass bottle or a can of half a liter is about 80-90 rubles. It can differ in different stores. For beer "Miller" the price in a container of 0.33 liters is about 60 rubles. It should be noted that such a volume is optimal and acceptable for daily use.

Customer Reviews

Despite the high rating of branded beer, the reviews of fans of this intoxicating drink are not exclusively positive.

What do customers like "Miller" beer? The reviews confirm that the intoxicating drink attracts:

  • soft taste and light aroma;
  • absence of hop bitterness;
  • a convenient bottle with an "opener";
  • natural natural composition;
  • unique recognizable label;
  • the popularity of the trademark;
  • useful influence on the body;
  • a pleasant aftertaste.

beer miller reviews
In order not to harm the body, it is necessary to exclude the use of beer for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of 18, and also to limit to the minimum other categories of persons.

Among the negative feedback from buyers, you cannote the high, compared with other brands, the price of beer, and the harsh taste, which is explained by the rather strong carbonation of the foamy drink "Miller". The beer of this trademark, despite everything, remains one of the most popular drinks in the world, in the CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) in particular.

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