/ Nests with minced meat: a recipe. Cooking fast and delicious

Nests with minced meat: a recipe. Cooking fast and delicious

In an effort to feed the family in a varied, tasty andbeautiful mistresses napridumyvali many different dishes, many of which can safely be called cooking. And one of them, no doubt, is a nest with minced meat. The recipe can be the easiest and fastest executable. And it may require some effort if you want to make dinner elegant and elegant. But in any case, you can be sure that you will get a masterpiece, warmly approved by your family.

nest with minced recipe

Quick dinner

Let's start with a recipe that can be very helpful,if the refrigerator contains some half-finished products, and you were detained at work. The situation will be saved (and the family will not remain hungry) nest with minced meat in a frying pan. The main thing is to have the pasta in the locker of the appropriate kind. In a large frying pan in sunflower oil, roasting is made from onions and garlic (opponents of the latter can do without it). Frying pan is set aside; when the contents cool slightly, the vegetables are laid out pasta nests. From the finished minced meat, salted and flavored, balls roll down, which are neatly laid in the center of each glomerulus. Excessive generosity should not be shown: when cooking pasta settles, and the filling will fall out. The frying pan is poured hot water with the tomato paste dissolved in it, covered with a lid and put on the stove for about thirty minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking you need to pour and pepper your nests with minced meat. Recipe, as you can see, is simple, and for half an hour fasting can and suffer. Discharged portions of the plates can be sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Cheese sauce

Since it is not difficult to prepare nests with minced meat, andthey are tasty and satisfying, nests often become almost a daily dish. However, in one and the same performance, even a favorite dish will quickly get bored. Variety of flavor can be sauces, which are poured in the frying pan. For example, whisk a little more than half a glass of cream in the blender (their fatness is not essential) with mayonnaise and sour cream, taken in a spoon, pepper, salt, a piece of cheese, grated on the smallest grater, and dried basil. Prepare a nest in such gravy will be the same time.

nest with minced meat in a frying pan

Sour cream sauce

Another successful version of the fill that makeseven more succulent nests with minced meat. The recipe includes half a glass of sour cream and a glass of milk. This ratio is preserved in the event that more sauce is needed. With spices in his case you need to be careful: too bright or sharp here do not suit. It is better to confine yourself to a pinch of Provençal or Italian herbs. Want to get a more spicy dish, put into play hops-suneli.

nest with minced meat in the oven

Macaroni nests

If you hurry nowhere and want justpamper your pets, prepare nests with minced meat in the oven. Here the process will require more trouble, but the result is more appetizing and fragrant. Macaroni must be pre-cooked, and so that the nests are not destroyed and not stuck together. To do this, you need to take a wide pan, in which the glomeruli practically will not touch. If it is not found on the farm, it will be necessary to cook the nests in batches.

If minced meat is ready, add it finelychopped onions. In addition to salt with pepper and, perhaps, spices, in the filling should put two tablespoons of mayonnaise for every third of a kilo of meat, this will make the nests more succulent. The pan is forgiven with parchment and oiled. The noodles laid out by the noodle are laid on it hot immediately, as water flows out. In the center of each nest put minced meat. From above you can put a circle of tomato, tear with cheese or smash a beaten egg - as you like. Billets are removed for half an hour in the oven - and you can call the family to the table.

nests with minced meat and cheese

Nests of minced meat with mushrooms and cheese

If there is no nesting macaroni in the house, or youthink that they have a bad effect on your figure, already described recipes have a great alternative. No less tasty, cute and appetizing nests of minced meat with mushrooms and cheese. They are also prepared easily, they do not require special cooking skills. The onion head is cut smaller and allowed to translucent in lean oil. Here, a third of a kilogram of chopped mushrooms is poured. It is more fragrant with forest products, but it will not be worse with champignons and oyster mushrooms. Minute seven frying with stirring, then pour three spoons of sour cream. A little bit still hold on the fire and set the stuffing aside.

A small slice of bread soaked in milk andsqueezed, mixed with 0.5 kg of minced meat, grated with a small carrot, two eggs, chopped onions and seasonings - a mixture of peppers and salt. Minced meat is mixed, balls are rolled from it. Of these, thick little cakes are formed, which are laid out on a tray. In the middle of each a dimple is made, a filling is placed in it, a little grated cheese is poured on top. The sheet is removed to the oven, and after half an hour you can start tasting.

how to prepare nests with minced meat

Meat Cheesecakes

There is another interesting recipe, how to cooknests with minced meat. For the basis, any meat is taken, although a mixture of pork and beef produces a more juicy result. In the stuffing is added grated hard cheese (about a hundred grams per half a kilogram of meat), raw egg and spices. Formation of nests - as in the previous recipe. But the filling will be unusual: a third of a kilogram of granular curd is rubbed to break large lumps, and combines with grated creamy melted cheese. Bake such nests of minced meat and cheese will be the same half an hour at 180 degrees. And when serving them should be sprinkled with a bow-pen: so they will be even more appetizing and tastier.

nests of minced meat with mushrooms and cheese

Nest with egg

For a full dinner for the previous two recipeswill have to cook some garnish: only people still eat meat rarely. But in the morning, especially if you are not too rushed to work, you can prepare a very original nest with minced meat. The recipe allows you to get a not very heavy, but quite hearty breakfast from one dish, which will satisfy all the needs of the body. In addition, it is tasty to eat in the morning - it means to charge yourself with optimism for the whole day.

Slice of a loaf is not soaked for a long time in milk,wrung out from excess liquid and thoroughly mixed with minced meat. Bulb finely chopped; it can be added to the base raw, but it is more delicious to first fry it in a spoonful of oil. Onions also combine with minced meat; The egg is hammered in there and pepper and salt are poured in. If desired, you can add other favorite condiments. The pan is standardly lined with parchment paper, which is smeared slightly on the outside. Cakes are laid out on it. This time, they should be somewhat larger than previously described, so that from a half-kilogram of stuffing there will be somewhere four nests. In the center, rather broad depressions are made; in each of them the testicle is gently hammered. In order not to miss, you can first break the egg into a small one, for example, a coffee cup, and then carefully pour it into the pit. Hold the nest with minced meat in the oven for about 35 minutes and a great breakfast is ready!

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