/ / Do they grow from seeds? Benefits and harm of sunflower seeds

Do they grow from sunflower seeds? Benefits and harm of sunflower seeds

It is hard to believe that sunflowers thatcontain seeds, at first grown like ornamental plants (incidentally, this was the case with another food culture that we are familiar with - potatoes). For the first time sunflowers were brought to European countries from Mexico in the 16th century. From decorative flowers, sunflowers have made a thorny path to the source of a product such as lean oil. And the peeled seeds were eaten raw and fried. About that, whether from seeds grow and how correctly to use them, we will tell in the given article.

are they getting fat from seeds

A little more history

To Russia from Europe the product gets a little bitlater, already in the 18th century. Here sunflower seeds quickly gain popularity, as a truly national delicacy. Nowadays both old and young like to "flop" the fried fruits and houses, in front of the TV, and in the cinema (successfully introducing an alternative to American popcorn), and on the bench before the entrance. And the usual phrase "give the rain" sounds, probably, more often than some other stable phrases. Accordingly, proceeding from the above-described popular popularity of the product, it is not superfluous to ask: does it grow from seeds that are consumed almost daily in quite large quantities by many people. Especially, it is important for those who watch their own figure, maintain a shape, observe a diet, but still, when ever, loves to eat some sunflower seeds.

whether fried from seeds fried


According to the testimony of dietitians, caloric valueproduct is quite high. For one hundred grams, from 550 to 610 kcal (based on applied processing and grade). Do sunflowers grow from sunflower seeds? After all, in addition to caloric content, they still found a whole range of utilities that are essential for the proper functioning of the human body.

whether the sunflower seeds are getting fat

Acids and fats

This and Omega-3, normalizing the exchange of lipids, andfatty "right" acids, which lower the levels of "bad" cholesterol. Saturated acids also contribute to strengthening the immune system of the body, performing functions that protect against microbes and diseases. Reduce the risk of predisposing to a heart attack and stroke. Normalize the functions of the nervous system.

Vegetable proteins

If you stick to the traditions of veganism orvegetable diets, the proteins contained in sunflower seeds are just what you need! There are almost no carbohydrates in this product. Therefore, the use of seeds and recommended for low carbohydrate diets (such as Atkins or Kremlevskaya). And in the seeds of a lot of zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamins of various groups. Summarizing the foregoing, we can conclude that this product can bring the body more benefits than harm. But another thing: do they get fat from the seeds that are used excessively? And what can be the norms of daily consumption of this national product per capita?

A few additional arguments

From the point of view of psychology,for a long time, peeling seeds, falls into a state of a trance or meditation. This kind of meditation perfectly calms the maddened nerves and has a beneficial relaxing effect on the entire body. In addition, a glass of light in front of the telly's screen - still better than a mountain of sandwiches or popcorn, eaten for a similar pastime.

Whether strongly get fat from seeds

Do they grow from sunflower seeds: dosage

Certainly, according to folk wisdom: which is excessive, it can be dangerous. And of course, in this case, it's all about dosage. One, if you eat not more than fifty grams of purified seeds per day (this is approximately - 300 kcal). It's quite another - if you just do it during the day, that you're gnawing at them. After all, even in the context of caloric content, a couple of glasses of seeds already "tighten" to 2500 kilocalories. This is at a daily average rate for women 2400-2600, for men with physical activity - up to 3400 calories! So, the answer to the question "Do they get fat from seeds" depends on the personal qualities and courage of the consumer. After all, the right thing, the hardest thing is sometimes to tell yourself to stop and scoop your face. And be careful with calories! Especially those who are trying to follow their figure. So imperceptibly in the evening you can significantly calorie over and above any dietary norms declared. And you will not even feel it.

are they getting fat from seeds

Compatibility and contraindications for use

Do the seeds of fried, and whether all groupspeople can they eat? The fact is that many dieticians generally agree that the product is best eaten raw (at least, dried in the oven). Indeed, with prolonged frying, some useful substances become less useful, and in the dry (fried) residue we have solid fat and calories. So, the most valuable advice: buy raw and process yourself. You can dry it, or you can lightly fry it to make it better.

In addition to the number of calories still need to knowsome data on the compatibility of products. So, what can you eat with seeds, without causing harm (up to stomach upsets) to your own organisms? After all, some seeds, of course, you will not be full!

Firstly, the seeds are contraindicated to people,sick colitis and stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, gout. To these individuals this product is generally contraindicated. Secondly, in view of their calorie and saturated fat, it is recommended to dilute them with fresh plant food and porridges. Do not eat sunflower seeds after eating meat. Because, a glass of this natural product by the number of calories is itself equal to serving a shish kebab. In the directories and on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes using this national dish. So, if there is a desire, you can make, for example, wheat porridge with sunflower seeds or fruit salad using them.

get fat from pumpkin seeds

From pumpkin

White seeds are a completely different song. By the way, they are recommended to eat raw in diseases of the genitourinary system. Their caloricity is almost the same as that of sunflower seeds. Carbohydrates - a little less. But fat is more. For an organism this (especially with unaccustomed) is a rather heavy product. So, it is highly discouraged their uncontrolled consumption for any person. Are they fat from pumpkin seeds? Again, it's all about dosages. One glass of refined product is half the female daily calorie rate. Remember this and do not abuse!

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