/ How to brew tea properly

How to brew tea correctly

Tea, being a cure for many diseases,is an invigorating drink used throughout the world. The tea leaves, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils and vitamins contribute to the improvement of vision, digestion, the prevention of caries, the removal of radionuclides from the human body.

But how to brew tea properly to saveall these useful substances? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to water, which is used for these purposes. In China, where tea drinking ritual is given special attention, it is believed that for brewing a drink, spring water is needed - in order to fully reveal its taste qualities. Of course, in modern living conditions, it is not easy to extract such water, so you can use distilled water or improve the quality of tap water. So, if there are no special cleaners, you can leave the water in an open dish for one day, so that the smell of chlorine disappears. In this case, only the upper part is taken for brewing.

Before you prepare an elite Chinese tea, you need to soften the water. To do this, put in it a small amount of sugar, salt or baking soda. The drink in this case will become somewhat more fragrant.

To brew an invigorating drink, you canuse the following method: put the kettle on the stove, and when the water boils, the steam that will come out of its spout will turn into a liquid. Thus, the new water in its purity and softness will resemble distilled, since it will not contain impurities of salts and metals.

Immediately after the surface of the liquidthere will be bubbles in the process of boiling, it is poured into the kettle to make tea, while it is re-heated or brought to a boil is not recommended, because the concentration of oxygen decreases.

Before you make tea, you need to drawattention to its grade, as the water temperature for this may be different. So, black teas are brewed at a temperature of one hundred degrees in the stage of formation of a lot of small bubbles on the surface of the liquid. Elite green tea is brewed with hot water (seventy degrees). A detailed description for each variety can be seen on the packaging. It should be noted that the brew can be used up to three times, with each time you need to completely drain the water.

In order to know how to make tea,it is necessary to pay attention to the brewer. It is best if it is porcelain, earthenware or clay. Its size depends on the number of people who want to taste a fragrant drink. Usually a kettle with a capacity of half a liter is used, but sometimes its dimensions can reach three liters.

The brewer must first be heated or simply scalded with boiling water. It is recommended to keep utensils away from extraneous odors.

When the kettle warmed up and the water boiled,it is necessary to put a serving of tea from the calculation of one teaspoon per person plus one spoon on the brewer itself, pour the last half, cover with a linen towel. After five minutes, the water is topped up.

It is interesting that the drink is correctly brewed if a yellow-brown foam forms on its surface. It is not removed, but stirred with a spoon.

Thus, having considered how to make tea,it must be emphasized that the way of brewing depends on its quality and variety. A quality drink contains many useful chemical elements and their compounds, however, in order to achieve this result, all brewing rules must be observed. It is important to remember that a drink that has stood for more than two hours is not recommended to use, as it can harm the body.

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