/ / Interesting recipe: cookie sausage

An interesting recipe: cookie sausage

Our next dish, most likely, will remind you of childhood, as we will cook chocolate sausages from cookies with you.
The recipe for this confection is very simplein performance, and the result exceeds all expectations, because of simple products that are easy to find in almost every home, you can prepare a very tasty, even slightly useful treat. And even a child can cope with this task.

Sausage Cookie Recipe

Recipe for "Cookie Sausage": a digression into the history

Mentioned sweetness is unlikely to succeedsurprise: every once in a lifetime, but tried this simple, but, nevertheless, delicious cookies. They ate and praised, and, first of all, the one who thought of mixing the simplest ingredients and preparing a kind of yummy. I wonder if anyone thought at all, where did this recipe come from? The fact is that many sweet sausages that are loved by many have a very long history, because the dish is not new. You can say that only the recipe has been improved and changed, but the very idea of ​​creating the dessert mentioned arose a long time ago in France. The first chocolate sausages began to be cooked in French restaurants. Special sauces and jams were prepared for them, which improved the taste. When the chocolate is already quite bored, the chefs of the restaurants decided to please the visitors with such delicacy as cream sausages from biscuits. They turned out not at all worse, and, perhaps, even better than chocolate, because they were recognized by a large number of Parisians. Gradually the recipe "Sausage from a cookie" changed, forming all sorts of nuances. After all recipes of dishes of any national cuisine, falling into the hands of foreign cooks, acquire, so to speak, a local flavor, the newly minted owners make their own amendments, etc., etc. It is not known how and when, but chocolate products have come to Russia, where they got the greatest popularity due to their unusual shape and taste. According to some data, in one of the Russian restaurants the chef prepared a dessert with minor modifications, and then patented the recipe "Sausage from a cookie", changed by him, in his name. No matter how upset the French, it turned out that it was the Russian chef who became the "creator" of this dish, which made his restaurant famous all over the world.

Today we suggest that you prepare a dessert called "Sausage Cookie" according to the very original recipe by which the Russian chef at the time made it.

So, we need the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of ordinary cookies;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tablespoons of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • any shredded nuts (about 100 grams).

It should be noted that the biscuits must be boughtonly fresh, that it crumbles well, otherwise you will have difficulty in preparing our unusual dessert. Also it is necessary to take butter, instead of margarine, as the latter is very harmful for our body. Nuts can be chosen absolutely any, however it is preferable to stop on hazelnut or peanuts - they will approach to cocoa best.

cream sausages from cookies
Having decided on the ingredients and prepared everythingwe begin to implement the recipe "Sausage from cookies". To do this in a deep bowl, crush the cookies (you can use your hands, you can use a meat grinder - the most important thing is to make small pieces, but not crumbs!). To the crushed liver we add nuts and mix everything. Then we break one egg and mix all the ingredients again.

On the fire, melt the butter with the addition of sugar,milk, vanillin and cocoa powder. We bring everything to the boil, so that all the components are completely dissolved. Next, remove from heat and let it cool down a little, so that the mixture becomes more dense.

Chocolate mass poured into cookies and carefullystirring. Using a food film, wrap the sausage and put it in the freezer for three hours. Then carefully release the delicacy from the wrapper and cut it into pieces. Everything, our original dessert is ready for use.

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