/ / Cowboy - what is this? Honey carpet. How to make a carpet

Carpet is what? Honey carpet. How to make a carpet

Today sweet tooth is not necessary"Bother" cooking homemade cakes. Shops provide a huge selection of different confectionery for every taste. But are they all harmless to health? Many housewives prefer to feed their family exclusively with home-made food, including desserts. In sweets prepared by own hands, it is guaranteed there are no preservatives and other harmful substances. Such delicacy can be safely eat yourself, and even more offer it to children.

ginger it

Carpet is the simplest baking, which is easy to prepare on the basis of honey, kefir or jam.

From the history

Carpet is a delicious confectionery product,made from gingerbread dough. Delicacy can be of different sizes: from very small to huge - almost one and a half meters in length, up to 10 cm in height and up to a meter in width. The weight of the pie sometimes exceeds the pood. In Russian cuisine this dish is very popular.

The name of the pie - "gingerbread" - comes fromthe words "carpet" (whole bread). It is known that the beginning of the history of carpets in Russia takes in the IX century. In those days they were called honey cakes. In the old days, the make-up was made from honey, flour and berry juice. The emergence of the modern name "rug" by various sources refers to the XIII-XV centuries.


Carpet is a batch, the main ingredientswhich are sugar, flour, nuts, raisins, honey. Often it consists of two cakes, separated by a layer of jam. The top layer of the product is usually covered with glaze, which is prepared from powdered sugar. Thanks to the fact that the pie contains honey, the carpet for a long time does not become stale.

 simple mime

Often you can hear that the carpet is a lentenbaking, because it is allowed to eat even in fasting, in its not too strict days. In a period of meager lean food, this dish is a real treat.

Kovrizhka today is among the mostpopular old Russian dishes. "How to make a rug?" - often asked beginners home confectioners. We offer several interesting recipes in our article.

how to make a carpet

Carpet "Honey with plums", cooked in a multivark

According to reviews, such a morsel is simplyincomparable: it contains an unusually tender, sour-sweet taste of a very successful combination of honey and plums. About how to make a honey carpet with plums in a multivark, we will discuss later in the article.


Honey with plum carpets is a simple pie, for preparation of which you will need:

  • 8-10 pcs. plums;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • honey - 150 g;
  • sugar - half a cup;
  • sour cream (any fat content) - 2 table. l .;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • discharge. oil (or margarine) - 100 g;
  • 2 eggs.

The multivarker uses power: 800 watts. Time required for baking: 70 minutes.


Carpet "Honey with plums" is prepared in several stages:

  • Plums are well washed and wiped dry. Cut into halves and remove bones.
  • Sift flour, add soda, salt, sugar and mix it. Then add the sink. butter or margarine (softened) and melt until the formation of small fatty crumbs.
  • In a bowl of a blender break eggs, add sour creamand liquid (by all means!) honey. The thick product should be dissolved in a microwave oven (in a water bath) and then cooled to room temperature. The mixture is then beaten with a whisk or blender
  • Dry and liquid mixtures are combined and mixed. Spread out into the bowl of the multivark, pre-greased rast. oil. Top with a slit upward put half the drain. Mistresses do not recommend plumbing plums in the test. During baking, it will itself absorb the pieces of fruit.
  • In the multivarke choose the program "Baking",set the cooking time - 1 hour and 10 minutes. For cooking in the oven, carpets measuring 22 x 33 cm need a temperature of 180 ° C. Delicacy at the same bake "to dry lucina." After the required time, the MB is switched off and the finished carpet in the bowl is left for another 10 minutes.
  • Then remove, spread on the dish. Ready meals are sprinkled with sugar powder if desired and allowed to cool completely.

classic gingerbread

Carpets "The Monastic Fast"

For its preparation use:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • half a cup of raf. gt; oil;
  • 1 / 2sq. nuts;
  • half a cup of dried fruits;
  • 1 stack. juice (apple);
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • soda - half of cayenne. l .;
  • lemon juice - 1 table. l .;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • Cinnamon and vanillin are added to taste.

How to cook?

The mantel "The Lenten Monastery" is prepared simply. First you need to grind the nuts and cut the dried fruits.

Next, the dough is prepared. Sugar and butter should be mixed, add dried fruits and nuts, ice tea or apple juice, put out soda and salt, vanillin and cinnamon. All carefully mixed, poured into the mixture flour, carefully knead the dough, spread it into a greased form. The cake is baked for about an hour. If you want, you can cut ready-made carpets into cakes and layer them with some jam or cream. You can not do this, according to reviews, lean carpets are delicious and without it.

Mistresses should remember that lean carp is stale fast enough, so it should be stored in a dish, covered with a lid.

"Honey Lean" (with nuts and raisins)

This recipe was known to our grandmothers. They called him lean because they baked such a rug in fasting. In addition, in the preparation of delicacies, neither milk, nor butter, nor eggs are used. In the composition of the pie:

  • honey (6 table spoons);
  • lean (vegetable) oil (half cup);
  • raisins (half a cup);
  • soda (one teaspoon);
  • nuts (half a cup);
  • water (1 stack.);
  • two glasses of flour;
  • cocoa (two table spoons);
  • cinnamon and coriander (at the end of the knife).

Step-by-step cooking

  • In a glass of warm (but not hot!) Water dissolve honey. Next, a separate container is added to the plant. butter.
  • Cocoa, soda and cinnamon are mixed in a separate bowl, then the mixture is poured into a container with butter and sweet water. All mix.
  • Then flour is added to the container. Dough is mixed, which should not be too liquid, and lumps should be avoided in it. The consistency of the dough will look like a thick (homemade!) Sour cream. Add in it nuts and raisins and nuts, replace the dough so that they are distributed evenly.
  • The form for baking is lined with parchmentpaper or oiled and sprinkled with flour, which is necessary to prevent burning, spread the dough into it. Pie is baked in the oven in tech. 30 minutes at t: 200 ° C.
  • Finished gingerbread is cut into pieces, like a pie. And you can cut the cakes and layer them with cream or jam.

Classic recipe

Carpet "Classic" is a delicacy, in the preparation of which jam is used. In structure:

  • flour - 2 stacks;
  • sugar - one stack .;
  • jam - one stack .;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • soda - one cay. l .;

To powder the finished pie, use powdered sugar.

Preparation of "Classical" marmalade

The treat, baked on the basis of jam, is the easiest morsel, the recipe of which has long been considered a classic of cooking.

Jam is spread in a small bowl, addin it the extinguished soda, then thoroughly mix minutes for five, and leave before the full dissolution of soda. Sometimes after adding soda, the jam changes color, acquiring a greyish shade. To be frightened of it it is not necessary, calm experienced confectioners, it is quite normal process.

In a large container, which will prepare the dough, pour the flour, sugar and mix.

mushroom lean

Add jam and eggs. Whisk everything with a whisk or a mixer. As a result, you get a dough, the consistency of which will be similar to thick sour cream. Next, the dough is poured into a greased form. The surface is leveled with a spoon. The oven is preheated to 200 ° C. The carpets are baked for 50 minutes. A ready treat sprinkles with powdered sugar. It will be delicious!

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