/ / Jam from figs

Jam from figs

Traditionally, it is assumed that our hostesses are preparingjam from fruits growing in gardens and orchards. We have long been accustomed to jam from strawberries, plums, apples, pears, raspberries, blackberries. But not less tasty billets from fruits and berries of tropical, subtropical and wild plants. So, for example, jam from figs, apples-kitaek and hawthorn will be pleasant to all sweet tooth. In this case, do not forget that these fruits are sources of a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Below are 2 recipes on which any landlady can prepare a jam from a fig that everyone will like and will enjoy his taste throughout the year:

1. For the preparation of jam you need: 1kg of figs, 1kg of sugar, 0.5 tsp. citric acid, 1 g of vanillin.


Fresh fig fruits are well washed,They recline into a colander (for draining water). For dried fruits, a tight tail is cut and cut in half. Fruits are added to the enamel bowl, filled with sugar and insisted a day in a cool place (a bowl covered with gauze).

Let the juice of the figs bring to a boil onlow heat and cook for 5 minutes, regularly removing the emerging foam. Preserved jam from figs for 12 hours and repeat the process of cooking and settling 2 r. After these procedures, the jam is cooked again for 5 minutes. and pour out there the lemon acid, vanillin.

Ready jam from figs is rolled into sterilized jars. Banks with jam are turned upside down and wrapped in a dense cloth. Cooled banks store in the pantry.

2. This jam from the fig is prepared from: 5kg of figs, 200ml of drinking water, 3kg of sugar, 2 tablespoons. lemon juice.


Washed and dried fruits are laid out inenamel bowl, evenly sprinkling the figs with sugar. Fruits should be infused until they are allowed to juice. In a bowl pour a glass of water and put it on a small fire. In order to make the jam more quickly juice, you can cover the bowl with a lid. Periodically stir fruits so that they do not burn.

After the sugar has dissolved, the jamthey put it off the stove, cover it with gauze and wait for it to cool down. The cooled jam is boiled again for 20 minutes, taking off the foam and stirring. Then it is again set aside from the plate. In 3 times it is cooked until the syrup ceases to spread on the plate. In the jam, add lemon juice and again stir everything. The finished dish is rolled into sterilized jars.

If you have the opportunity, prepare the jamfrom apples-kitaek. For him, you need to take whole fruits with short cut stems. The apples are punctured with toothpicks (so that they remain intact), boiled and boiled for 10 minutes. Then they cool in cold boiled water. Chinese jam is prepared with sugar syrup. At 1 kg of Chinese for syrup, it is necessary to take 300 ml of water and 5 tbsp. Sahara.

In water, dissolve the sugar, heat the syrup andpour into it chinese. Fruits cook until ready. The syrup is poured into another container, boiled until thick, cooled, then they are poured again with fruits and insisted for 8 hours. This welding is carried out 2-3 r. Completely finished jam is rolled in sterilized jars.

Unusual, but very tasty jam is obtained from the fruits of hawthorn. Not only is it pleasant to the taste (refreshing and slightly tart), it also has medicinal properties.

Jam from hawthorn

Berries (1 kg) are picked, cut off the peduncles,washed, dried. Sugar syrup is made from sugar (1kg) and 300ml water. For this, sugar is poured into the boiling water and, stirring it, the syrup is boiled for 4 minutes. The berries are filled with syrup in enamel ware. So berries should be infused 12 hours. To them pour citric acid (2g), vanillin (1 sachet). Jam is brewed again until ready, after which it is rolled into sterilized jars.

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