/ / Pizza from puff pastry

Pizza from puff pastry

Pizza has long been a favorite food in everyfamily. After all, it is prepared very quickly and without much trouble. All you need for this dish is dough and stuffing, which can use any of the ingredients.

Pizza made from puff pastry is quite tasty. The edges of it are magnificent, and the cake itself is thin and crispy.

Puff pastry can be purchased at any store. From it you get wonderful bagels, cakes and envelopes with stuffing. It simply defrost it, then, sprinkling with flour, roll it out and you can spread it on a baking tray.

Very delicate pizza made from puff pastry made at home is obtained. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400gr. flour;
  • 40 gr. margarine;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • 150 ml. water.


On a flat surface (preferably wooden)Sift flour to make a pea. Make a small hole in the middle and pour water and salt into it. Carefully replace the dough so that no lumps are formed. Transfer it to dry dishes, cover with a towel and put in a cold place for one and a half to two hours. From the softened margarine, form a flat cake of oval shape and put it on the refrigerator for an hour.

Roll out the cooled dough as thin as possible. It should resemble the shape of margarine, only twice as much. In the middle of the rolled dough lay the margarine and protect the edges (as in an envelope).

Sprinkle the table with flour. Lay the dough down on it with a seam and roll it as thinly as possible. After that, add the received cake three times. Roll out. Then again fold the cake three times and place in the refrigerator for at least two hours. The puff pastry is ready. Now it remains to roll it once more, giving the form necessary for the pizza, and put it on the baking tray.

Pizza with puff pastry with meat

To prepare food for two guests you will need the following products:

  • 250 gr. puff pastry;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 150 gr. minced meat;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • small shallots;
  • the Bulgarian pepper;
  • five olives without pits;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 150 gr. Parmigiano;
  • ketchup;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon oregano;
  • spices and flour.

How to cook pizza from puff pastry?

It's pretty simple. From the pre-prepared dough, we form a cake according to the shape of the baking tray. In order not to damage the layers, roll out from the center. If the edges are uneven, cut them with a knife. Before spreading the dough, grease the pan with oil. In order not to damage the cake when shifting, you can use a small cutting board or a wide blade.

We make the filling. For making minced meat it is better to use pork and beef. We scroll the meat through a meat grinder, let through the press cloves of garlic. All mixed and spread on a heated frying pan. In the process of frying, you must constantly stir the minced meat so that it does not stick together. Add seasonings and salt. When the meat is sufficiently fried, we put a spoonful of ketchup into it, mix it and turn off the pan.

The Bulgarian pepper is cut into large, rectangular pieces. Onions - rings, olives - rings. On a large grater we rub parmesan.

Already ready for our pizza.

Puff pastry around the perimeter, where it will befilling, gently puncture with a fork. Thanks to this, the edges of the tortillas will be magnificent. Beat the egg and grease the dough around the edges. In a preheated oven put the baking tray with the test for literally five minutes.

We take the layered cake, the middle againpierce with a fork, lubricates the ketchup and mayonnaise, sprinkle with oregano and spread the filling. First we put minced meat, then onion, pepper and at the end of the olive. Above all, sprinkle with grated cheese. We put the pizza in the oven for half an hour while curvy edges are not flushed.

Pizza made from puff pastry is ready. Bon Appetit!

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