If a chicken dreams, the dream book promises happy days
A good interpretation is offered by the firstthe source in question. You will be happy if a chicken has a dream. Sonny Hasse reports that this is a good sign. It does not matter whether you buy it in your dreams or eat the dishes cooked from this bird. It's also good if she carries eggs - then, in reality, you will fully enjoy the happiness in love. Chicken in a dream with its chickens brings good luck on the family front. Who was lonely, he will meet the soul mate.
Perhaps you dreamed of cackling poultry? Be prepared for the fact that you have to start off. Whether it is a service trip or another kind of travel, the dream book is silent.
Cockerel runs after chicken - what would it mean?
Almost all previous interpretations were relevantto the love front and the creation of a family. What if the cockerel that runs after the chicken has a dream? What does the dream book say in this case? A chicken that runs from the cock warns that you should not trust your friends too much. Someone may be claiming your place at the family table. Just be careful!
Let us take another source of interpretation of dreams andfind out how he treats this symbol. If a chicken dreams, the dream book will direct the researchers' attention to the family sphere. Its creators predict an increase in the family. In addition, in your life there will be some pleasant events, meetings, communication. Summarize all the interpretations of this source can be as follows: a dream chicken - a dream book promises family happiness!
Everything will be fine
The children's dream book warns that in somecases, the symbol in question can warn of trouble - it's if a restless, anxious chicken was dreaming. A dream interpreter interprets such a sign as a warning. There is the possibility of disease or trouble. Here it is written that if the bird calmly pecks the seeds, then everything will be fine for you.
The female dream book practically duplicates the good interpretations of dreams, which we already know. In particular, it refers to the increase in the family.
The ABC of Dreams produces refinements
However, not everything is so smooth, the authors of somesources of interpretation of dreams make clarifications. What if there was a black chicken in my dream? A dream book, called the ABC of Dream Interpretation, reports that it is a sign of the victim. Although, is sacrifice bad? The ABC of dreams says that if the bird in the dream was white, then you will survive the rapid rise in business and will be very successful. Petushkov this source does not really like, associating them with an unpleasant interference in your family idyll.
Whoever eats chicken will be healthy
After viewing a few more dream books, you can onlymake sure that we met with a good symbol. If a chicken dreams, the dream book for lovers promises a happy love relationship and the birth of children. Sonnik Simon Kananita, in fact, agreeing with previous interpretations, writes that buying a hen in a dream promises you a profit in real life, profitable deals and happiness. If you have feasted on her meat, then with health you will be all right. We wish you good health!