/ / Muslim holidays

Muslim holidays

Muslim holidays are few in number. Muslims should not take part in religious festivals of other faiths, because they thereby join the rites of another religion.

The Prophet Muhammad said that Allah determined forMuslims are the best holidays, and only they will please him. The main holidays of Islam are Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In addition, there are five sacred nights, the main of which is Lyallat al-Qadar (Night of power or predestination).

The calendar of Muslim holidays is notcorresponds to the Gregorian, that is, their dates are constantly changing. Muslims conduct the chronology from the Hijra, that is, the relocation of the Prophet Muhammad in 622 from Mecca to Medina. Time is calculated by lunar months. The year consists of twelve 29-day or 30-day months. The lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar one, which we use in the Western world. The day does not begin in the morning, but after sunset.

Friday - a special day for Muslims, since on that daybelievers gather for a joint solemn prayer in a mosque headed by an imam. But Friday is not a holy day for Muslims, like the resurrection for Christians or the Sabbath for the Jews. Also this is not a compulsory day off, or a day off from work - the work is interrupted for the duration of the prayer. In many Muslim countries this day closed schools, shops and government offices.

Ramadan (Pers., tour - Ramazan) - the month of fasting (Arabic. saum). This is the ninth month of the lunar Muslim calendar - the most sacred month of the year, since at that time the first fragment of the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

In the course of Ramadan, from sunrise to sunsetadults, healthy Muslims can not eat, drink, indulge in sexual arousal. This post, unlike the Christian one, is not meant for killing flesh. A person develops self-control so that later it is easier to control one's desires. Fasting also expresses solidarity with the poor and hungry and reinforces piety.

During the month of fasting, more than usualread the Koran and indulge in meditation. From the post they are released: elderly people, children, pregnant and lactating women, sick and travelers. After sunset, everyone starts the first meal (Iftar), after which the Muslims visit each other at night, meet in public places.

During Ramadan, Muslim cities take a festive look, and many offices and educational institutions shorten the working day.

Night of Power (Arabic: Lyallat al-Qadar, tour. Kadyr Geghesi) is one of the five holy nights, and usually falls on the 27th night of Ramadan. That night the first five verses (ayats) of the Qur'an from ninety-seventh chapter (surah) came down.

Muslims gather to praise and thank the Almighty together and spend the night in prayer. That is, this is the time of zealous worship, and not celebrations and fun.

Celebration of the fasting (Eid al-Fitr) - one of the most important. It is celebrated at the end of Ramadan. Muslim holidays begin with a solemn joint prayer in the mosque early in the morning. On this day, thank Allah for keeping the fast, which saves from the fire of hell.

Muslim holidays last for several days, during which relatives and friends visit. Muslims, who do not lack, make special donations to the needy.

On Muslim holidays it is customary to congratulateeach other, give gifts. Particular attention is paid to children. They receive sweets and money, and on the streets for them to establish rides and various entertainment.

Feast of Sacrifice (Arab Eid al-Adha) - an important Muslim holiday. It lasts four days and is connected with a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The Feast of the Sacrifice Reminds the ProphetIbrahim (Abraham) and his obedience to God. According to Islam, Abraham had to sacrifice his son to God, but Allah, seeing Abraham's devotion, allowed him to sacrifice a ram instead of a child. In memory of the deed of Abraham, every Muslim - the father of the family, if he is allowed financial opportunities, sacrifices a ram, camel or bull.

Meat is divided so that one third to give to the needy, one third by relatives, and the rest is used for the general holiday.

On the first day of the holiday, everyone attends a joint solemn prayer in the mosque. It is customary to read the Quran and make gifts.

During the Feast of Sacrifice, many Muslims also make monetary donations to the poor.

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