/ / What is the dream of a living mother of the deceased? Interpretation of dreams

Why dream of a living mother of the deceased? Interpretation of dreams

Our dreams can present us with manysurprises. They can bring joy or a sense of fear, frighten us or, on the contrary, make us laugh. Sometimes, waking up, people look at the ceiling for a long time and can not understand why they had a nightmare. It is especially painful to see the death of loved ones. Let's try to understand what the living mother of the deceased is dreaming about. What does it mean? Consider how this question is answered by popular dream books. And is there any sense in what day the nightmare had a dream.

What is the dream of a living mother of the deceased

What can be a dream?

Of course, his main idea is that moms are moreno, she's dead. This sad news is reported to you by close people, or it happens on your hands. It does not matter what death it was, what its cause is. If you had a dream like this, try to remember all its details in more detail, since the dream books will describe specific situations, and not just one single fact - a tragedy that occurred in a dream. For example, it is worth remembering other people around you, your emotional state after what you saw, how exactly your mother died, and whether you see it in a dream or just know that it happened, and worry.

What does the sleep disturb?

If the mother in real life at the time of this dreamalive, but something is sick, then soon she will recover. Besides. If you said that your mother is dying, a dream in this case may indicate that you have lost your life path. Something in your life goes wrong, and it's time to reflect on your actions and fix it.

You should not worry. Such a dream says that it's time to grow up, move away from the mother's wing, make decisions independently and live an adult life. Since birth, we believe Mom's position is the most correct and grow with the same thoughts about life. But, at times, it is necessary to deviate from this, start thinking and acting independently.

The dream has died mum

A dream in which my mother survived a clinical death, but came alive, speaks of the approach of a joyful event. Perhaps you will be given a bonus, thank for a job well done or for helping.

Perhaps, the dream indicates to you that it is worth to abandon the previously planned goal. Your actions can be so unsuccessful that in the future you will be ashamed of your actions.

Why dream of a living mother of the deceased? Death from disease

If the death of a mother in a dream has come from a disease,you need to think about how to actually check your mother for any diseases. Perhaps they are already beginning to develop. Thus, you will help the native person to avoid complications in the future.

To see in a dream the mother lying in a coffin, to its fast illness. But this will be a frivolous problem, but a minor malaise that will quickly end.


Dream dream that my mother died, and deathcame at the hands of a friend of the dreamer's man - she will cease to communicate with this citizen and will move away from him in reality. If the murderer is a dreamer himself, it means that in real life he will offend his mother in some way. Maybe it will be bad words in her address or indecent behavior.

If the conflict is already developing, then the tragic events in a dream make us think about reconciliation. To go to contact with her mother, ask her forgiveness.

Dream dream that my mother died


Psychologists say that dreams help a personthey are a warning signal for everyone. Our subconscious mind, thus, acts on us and, at times, it helps to make the most correct decisions.

What is the dream of a living mother of the deceased, if it wasaccident, but you turned out to be his unwitting witness? This promises her the beginning of a new bright band in her life. She is in good mood and in good health.

What will Miller's dream tell?

Your mother died in your dream, but in fact she is alive - fine! She will live a long and happy life. And, if now in reality she is sick, then she will certainly recover.

You had a nightmare: Mom died and you are in a panic. If you are a girl or a woman, you should be afraid of losing help. Perhaps in your life there will be situations in which you have to get yourself out and take full responsibility only for yourself.

If your mother died before your eyes, it's worthto think about paying more attention to the native person. More often visit her and make her happy. If the woman dreams that she has died, then most likely, her children expect more support and care from her.

What does Vanga's dream book say?

Alas, but Vang about the tragic dream, as my mother died, good forecasts do not. In her opinion, such dreams bring obvious failures. Perhaps you or your mother are waiting for trouble or illness.

But, one should know that if the date of death was named in the dream, it must be remembered. Since it is exactly the end of all troubles.

What does a dead mother's dream mean

The dream interpretation of Freud: what does he foretell?

This dream book asks its readers to omit fromthe main point of sleep is the death of the mother. And to find out what dreams a living mother of the deceased - to remember their emotional experiences about this. If it was fun, like at a party, and in a dream this may well be, then it is not worth worrying. If you are awake with a feeling of fear, and crying and experiencing loudly in a dream, you should visit your mother as soon as possible. Will share with her his attention, love and care. This indicates that you have forgotten her in the turmoil of your affairs, and she really misses you.

Modern Interpretations

Modern dream books do not see anything wrong withnightmare about the death of his mother. If you saw this tragedy in a dream, then about the mother do not have to worry. Sleep promises her a long and happy life, but about their health is worth considering.

If death comes from drowning, in lifegood changes are coming. If the heart attack is to blame, there will come a joyful event. But the death that occurred as a result of violent actions, nothing good will bring. Your efforts in important things now will be in vain.

Dream said that mom dies

Sunday's dream

Further. Many interpretations of dreams, as my mother died, advise after a nightmare to hold a series of activities aimed at its non-recurrence in real life. What does it mean? For example, immediately after sleep, turn the pillow or open the water tap and retell everything that happened in the dream. It is believed that escaping water will cleanse from all bad and will carry away grief. If you are a believer, you can visit the church and pray for your salvation and the health of your relatives.

The dream that has occurred on the resurrection does not bring anything bad. Perhaps you are waiting for a little trouble that you can easily solve.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

Dreamers consider Monday an "empty day". Whatever you dream, everything is quickly forgotten, and you can not remember the main details of sleep. Therefore, to seek on this day, any interpretation, and the same, which means a dream about the dead mother is not worth it. There is no point.

Interpretation of dreams mother died

Fuzzy dreams

If in a dream you see some kind of chaos, for example,my mother died, then she is alive again, and in the future she completely falls out of sleep, do not pay attention to these dreams. Dreams interpret only those dreams that were clearly shown to the dreamer.

Final moments

Asking the question, what does a living mom dream aboutdeceased, try to initially look for the problem in yourself. Perhaps you have not visited her or hurt her for a long time. Call her, find out how things are, talk, talk. Maybe your subconscious tells you that life is not eternal, and it is worth living in love and understanding with your close people. Try to make peace, if you are in a quarrel, give your mother her favorite flowers, spend the weekend with her. Perhaps, this is not enough for her now.

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