The Old Testament of the Bible - translations, interpretation
This publication explains thatrepresents the biblical Old Testament. Unfortunately, many readers pay attention to the wars, prohibitions, genealogies and punishments that God sent for the non-observance of the commandments. It should be realized that this is not the only thing in the Bible. The Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, testifies to the love of God for man, and this must be simply seen.
To begin with, these sacred books are translatedto many languages of the peoples of the world. The Old Testament was translated into the Ancient Greek in the third century before Christ. It was intended mainly for Jews who could not read in their native language, and is known as the "Septuagint." He is the oldest survivor of us. According to the legend, preserved in the message of Aristeus, the Septuagint was created by 72 scientists of the husband within 72 days. They tried for the ruler of Egypt Ptolemy, who became interested in the sacred book. And the wise men on the island of Pharos lived and were engaged in the translation of the Holy scroll.
Since the beginning of the II century from R.H. there are Latin translations of the Bible, and created by Jerome at the end of the III century. "Vulgate" to this day is recognized by the Catholic Church as an official text. At about the same time, Egyptian and Coptic translations were made public. In the fourth century AD Ulfil translates the Old Testament into Gothic. In the next, fifth century, there is Armenian (Mesrop), Georgian and Ethiopian. The last two translations of the Holy Scripture are applied until today.
The King James Bible is well knownA common English translation, performed in the beginning of the XVII century at the request of the King of England. In Russian, separate parts of the Holy texts were transferred in the 17th-19th centuries, but they were not widely disseminated at that time. For the Russian-speaking Christians today, the "Canonical Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments" are universally recognized. And their translation was performed by the decision of the Synod of the ROC in 1852, and printed in 1876.
Believers seeking truth, the interpretation of the OldThe covenant is more interesting than history and translations. The title of the collection, consisting of 39 books, testifies to some kind of agreement (union). The covenant is a union treaty and in chapter 15 of the book Genesis the ritual of his conclusion is described. Abram sacrificed animals, shedding their blood on the ground, and then saw the fire and smoke coming down. These signs were accompanied by the Voice of God, who promised him and his descendants the land from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Also at the time of the covenantblood of sacrificial animals), Abram learned that his people would live in servitude for 400 years. Then God will free his descendants, bring them out of slavery and return them to the promised lands. Somewhat later, the Lord changes the name of Abram to Abraham and promises to make him the father of many nations. The new name of the participant of the Covenant with God is translated: "Father of many nations."
In fact, he is the father of not only Jews, but allpeople who today recognize Jesus Christ as their Savior. This is what is written in the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians - 3:29. It says that those who belong to Jesus are the true descendants of Abraham and the heirs of the promises of Heavenly Father. If the Old Testament implies the acquisition of a certain people in the possession of terrestrial territories, today believing Christians expect from God a new earth and a new heaven in which there is room only for righteousness and holiness. This is written by another Apostle - Peter in the third chapter of his second epistle.
Reading and interpreting the Bible, one should rememberwords of Christ. He said that by studying the Scriptures (the Old Testament), one must know that they all testify of Him. Jesus said this to the Pharisees, who, diligently studying the holy books, and could not see the image of the Lord descended from heaven and became similar to us all.
If you arm yourself with the knowledge that the whole Bibledevoted to Christ, and diligently studying it, one can see that His prototypes are seen in each of the 39 books of the Old Testament. Also, all these Sacred Texts prepare the children of God for the New Testament by believing in the crucifixion, death and resurrection of the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. God loves the crown of his creation - a man and this should be known and remembered while reading the Bible.