/ Is it possible to drink beer? The rules of the Orthodox fast

Is it possible to drink beer in the post? The rules of the Orthodox fast

Every Christian knows periods calledposts. In the old days, they were observed by all - both the clergy and the laity. There was no question about what to drink in fasting. Every Christian family knew all the rules of abstinence (spiritual and bodily). Everyone, from young to old, kept them. Today, much is forgotten. Years of godlessness in the USSR were not in vain. But more and more people are returning to the bosom of the church. Here we need help in explaining many rules. Let's figure out how and why to abstain, and answer the question of whether it is possible to post a beer in the post.

Is it possible to post in a post beer

The meaning of posts

Probably, everyone has already heard that abstinence from food and drink without spiritual purification, overcoming of oneself, will not be pleasing to God.

Fasting is not a diet. Refusal of products is not the main task of a Christian. The question of whether it is possible to drink beer in the post, certainly, it is important, but not about it it is necessary to think infirst. Abstinence from food is useless without spiritual abstinence, without mercy and attempts to correct one's sins. Of course, all of the above must be done constantly, every day. Fasting helps those that allow the spirit to restore the primacy over the body, because in everyday life it is the other way around. And with this you can not argue.

Jesus Christ Himself, after spending in the wildernessthe forty-day fast and defeating the Devil, "returned in the power of the spirit" and thereby showed all weapons that help to overthrow the enemy of the human race. His strength is distressed at the memory of the defeat in the desert, so he retreats from observing the rules of all the rules.

beer in the post can

Rules of posts

At the physical level, abstinence in food is divided into five stages. This is a refusal:

  • from meat;
  • from milk;
  • from fish;
  • from vegetable oil;
  • from any food for a certain period.

The last step is acceptable only for the fullhealthy people. By the way, to maintain the physical strength to drink wine or beer in the post can, but not always. In addition, you have to keep yourself from others secretly. And if the relatives still find out and begin to persuade to give up the post, do not torture yourself, you need to be ready for this. Demons try to stop the process of strengthening the spirit through arguments and temptations, as the spirit of darkness tried to do in the desert with Jesus.

Which is better: indulgence in fasting or refusal from it?

People are sick, but striving for God, sometimesabstain from abstinence in spiritual eating. They try not to be angry, not to quarrel, to show mercy, etc. But after all, on ordinary days every Christian should watch himself. And if a person can not resist, for example, irritation in everyday life, then it is unlikely that he will succeed in the post. It turns out that substitution of physical abstinence spiritual is only self-deception.

in a great post you can drink

It is better if a sick person or someone who hasthere is a shortage of products, will at least refrain from sweets and delicacies, fast on Wednesday and Friday, leave the most delicious dishes on public holidays.

Moderation - the main thing in the post?

It is not necessary to ask the priest in the church about whether it is possible to drink beer in the post, if you refrain from food for show. The Lord does not accept the formal restriction. After all, you can eat everything that God will give, as St. John of the Ladder did, even meat, but only so much to remain alive. It did not stop him from taking the sacrament and becoming a saint. This example shows that moderation in food is much more important than restrictions in the choice of products. You need to eat as much as necessary for the body, and not give vent to the feeling of voluptuousness.

Lack of abstinence from eating

Bring yourself to exhaustion is as much a sin as eating off. Therefore, judiciousness in the matter of giving up any kind of food is no less important than moderation.

When is fasting, can you drink wine? The Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, his disciple, that he uses not only water, but also a little wine because of "frequent ailments." Thus, the church provides for relief from abstinence from eating for physically ill people.

what to drink in fasting

But again the post must be secret. You can not walk, all your appearance showing involvement in abstinence. Christ teaches us to fast not for people, but for God. Therefore, staying in a merry mood at this time will be more correct and pleasant for the Lord. But going to a party, watching entertainment programs and stuff is better to postpone.

What can you drink in fasting?

On the days of Lent on Saturday, Sunday andholidays are allowed to drink two or three measures of wine, comparable to the size of a person's fist (Krasivuli). But permission is for people who are weakened by illness.

The modern Church Charter, which is adopted inOrthodoxy, comes from Jerusalem. In these places, except wine, did not know other beverages made from cereals, so we are talking only about it. In northern countries wine was too expensive. They used it only for the sacrament, and at the table they served beer.

Those infirmities, because of which and allowedto use dry wine from grapes (and on holidays sweet), were not of a moral order (for example, a habit of intemperance), but only physical. For lack of medicines that the patient needs, this drink was the only way to support his strength.

In Lent you can drink beer on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, as it is equated with wine. But stronger drinks should not be used.

Is it possible to drink wine?

Summarizing all that has been said,that the question of whether it is possible to post in a post beer, there is a completely reasonable and definite answer. Beer or wine can be drunk to sick people who need such drinks to maintain physical strength. Moderation and intelligence in the post is more important than observing all the rules of abstinence. And the spiritual limitation is more significant than the physical limitation, but the latter can not be completely rejected.

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