/ Types of repair. Types of overhaul. Kinds of technical repair

Types of repair. Types of overhaul. Kinds of technical repair

Repair is called the procedure for changing, updating or improving anything, as well as restoring the original characteristics of the object.

types of repair
Depending on the object, the types of repair can be different.

Types of repair work in the apartment

repair types of work
What types of repairs are and how different? Let's try to understand this question. By volume, repairs can be cosmetic, capital and improved.


This includes repair work, which aims to improve the appearance of the apartment, without affecting the design of the room and the structure of ceilings and walls. In this case, small adjustment of equipment is possible.

types of overhaul

This is the simplest kind of repair work. Its cost is also relatively low. Works that are performed:

  • dismantling;
  • putty;
  • wallpaper gluing;
  • painting;
  • laying of floor coverings;
  • adjustment of sanitary fittings.

Overhaul of apartments

what types of repairs
This type of work is resorted to when it is necessary to liquidate the physical deterioration of the dwelling without changing the parameters of the apartment in principle.

Apartment overhaul types of work involves the following:

  • floor screed;
  • replacement of doors;
  • installation of wiring;
  • hidden routing of pipes;
  • replacement of sanitary equipment.

Improved apartment renovation

Here we are talking about quality repair operations, where modern building technologies are used. It is also called European-quality repair.

Types of operations:

  • leveling of the sexes under the level;
  • improved plastering, three-layer painting;
  • installation of ceiling skirting boards;
  • floor screed;
  • parquet work;
  • replacement of radiators;
  • installation of the "warm floor" system;
  • installation of water filters;
  • drawing up a design project;
  • purchase and installation of furniture.

If we are dealing with electrical equipment, the definition of repair operations will be different.


These works are performed in order to restore the operability of the equipment, and they consist in the replacement or adjustment of its components and parts.

In accordance with what constructiveFeatures take place in this particular type of equipment, and depending on the type and amount of work, the current repair can be the first or second. The operations to be performed are regulated in the repair documentation of the electrical workshop.

Current repair consists in replacement of parts and assemblies, putting in order lining and coatings against corrosion, revision of machines and equipment, control of accuracy of measuring devices.

Carrying out of current repair work for electrical equipment is carried out on the basis of specially developed technological maps.


Repair, which is carried out in order toensure serviceability and full recovery of equipment parameters with the replacement or restoration of all kinds of its parts, including basic ones. The basic part of the equipment is considered to be the base one. It is necessary in order to build and install other components on it. This type of work should result in at least 80% recovery of the resource of the equipment in comparison with the new one.

The overhaul includes such types of operations:

  • all worn parts and components are replaced or restored;
  • insulation and lining to be replaced;
  • equipment is reconciled and centered;
  • testing of equipment.

In order to do the major repairs correctly, it is necessary to use the technical conditions that are developed at the enterprise for each type of equipment.

Types of maintenance

Maintenance and repair typeswith respect to cars are carried out in accordance with the preventive maintenance system. Its specificity is that for all cars a special service schedule is drawn up, which is mandatory for implementation. The main task of maintenance is to prevent malfunctions and failures, eliminate the risk of damage to parts during the trip, quickly eliminate breakdowns that interfere with the operation of the machine under normal conditions.

overhaul types of work

Maintenance is performed for preventive purposes, when the equipment has not failed and is working.

If the equipment fails, its recovery is called repair.

Failure - failure of the car, which entails a temporary interruption of its regular operation.

All other negative changes in the technical condition of vehicles and their components are considered malfunctions.

For maintenance service carry washingoperations, control and diagnostic work, fastening operations, lubrication, refueling, adjustment and other types of operations, which are most often performed without preliminary disassembly of the machine components.

Under the existing maintenance norms, the types of maintenance and repairs are as follows:

  • daily maintenance;
  • the first;
  • the second;
  • seasonal.

Daily maintenance consists of cleaning, washingand general control over the technical condition of the car, so that traffic safety and appearance are maintained at an appropriate level. It is held at the end of the car and before the start of the working day.

In the first maintenance, exceptdaily performed, includes a number of additional works associated with fastening, lubrication and adjustment, not requiring the removal of units and instruments of the car.

To the second maintenance, except for operations,which are included in the TO-1, include diagnostics, control and adjustment operations, large in volume and requiring partial disassembly of the vehicle units. A number of devices are removed from the machine and controlled at special stands.

Seasonal maintenance car subjectedTwice a year. It consists in carrying out works, which are connected with the change of seasons. Most often it is combined in graphics with TO-2. Typical for seasonal maintenance operations are the washing of the cooling system, the replacement of oil and grease for the corresponding future seasons, control and adjustment of the fuel system. For the autumn-winter CR it is characteristic to check the functioning of the starting heater and heating in the cab of the car.

The schedule of car maintenance works is compiled on the basis of mileage and is determined by the operating conditions of the vehicle.

Depending on the complexity distinguish such types of technical repair: current and capital.

Types of repair of fixed assets

types of maintenance and repairs
Fixed assets should be maintained in good condition, because during operation they tend to wear out and can finally fail.

A tool for maintaining the operational characteristics of the OS object is its inspection.

If a technical inspection finds a violation of its technical condition, the object can be restored by repair, as well as reconstruction or modernization.

types of technical repairs
The last two types of work are different in that carrying them can increase the initial cost of the object and change its characteristics and purpose of use.

What is the repair? It is the replacement of the failed parts with new ones without changing the functions of the object. There are such types of repairs as current and capital.

In practice, it is often difficult for organizations to determine what kind of work has been done, so we will look more closely at these concepts.

According to the legislation, if the work is carried out with a periodicity of less than a year, then this repair is called current. At a greater frequency, you can talk about capital.

Current repairs are carried out regularly on the basis of schedules, which are made responsible for the operation of buildings.

Overhaul of fixed assets

This is the most complex type of repair of fixed assets. The frequency of its execution is determined by the intensity of operation of the object. Most often it takes place every few years, and often it takes quite a long time.

Usually during the overhaul of the objectfully understands the replacement of parts and mechanisms exposed to wear, new ones. If this type of work is performed for buildings, then it is necessary to change the structure and details of the building. Do not just make a complete replacement of durable structures like foundations. Overhaul is most often performed with the involvement of contractors, since it requires high professionalism.

Types of overhaul of industrial buildings:

  • Complex, in which the whole building is involved;
  • Selected when individual structures are being repaired.
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