/ / Gherkins - this is a crispy treat from the garden

Gherkins are a crispy treat from the garden

Long known to the Russians the word "cornichon" has cometo us from France. Gherkins are small cucumbers, the length of which does not exceed 9 cm. Most often they are preserved and marinated, because in this form they are the most delicious and crunchy.

gherkins are

What cucumbers can be called gherkins?

Previously, according to GOST in the Soviet Union there were 2 groups of gherkins:

  • 5-7 cm,
  • 7-9 cm.

All the fruits of cucumbers, which were lesssize, called pickles. Today, gherkins are called cucumbers from 5 to 9 cm, which break down soon after the flowering begins. Collect such cucumbers only from narrow-bodied varieties, not allowing them to grow. True, experts do not call such a harvest gherkins, noting that this is a special subspecies of cucumber. Plants of any sort are not suitable for this.

cucumber gherkins

Varieties of gherkins

Cucumbers gherkins are presented in different grades,it's simply impossible to mention all of them. Experienced gardener easily pick up for themselves loved ones, which are used much more often than others. If you are just going to grow cucumbers gherkins, varieties that are considered the most popular, will perfectly suit you. By dropping several options, you can easily decide which one they like best.

The most popular are such varieties:

  • Paris cornet. Such a variety of mid-ripened cucumbers, according toexperienced truck farmers, excellent for open ground. Recommended for use in greenhouses (film). It is a 5-10-centimeter large-bunched fruit of a deep dark green color. Ideal for use in conservation.
  • Funny company. Self-pollinating variety of small cucumberssuitable for growing both outdoors and in greenhouses. Green fruits reach 7-9 cm in length. This grade is good in that it easily resists many diseases and putrefaction of the root.
  • Diva. The popularity of cucumber is largely due tospeed of maturation and high productivity. At the fruiting peak fruit grows, the length of which is 9.5-11 cm. The excellent taste qualities of the presented variety are also appreciated.
  • Moravian cornichlor F1. Pollinated bees variety, which is suitable for planting exclusively on open beds. The fruits are crispy and short, versatile in use.

Gherkins, photos of different varieties that are familiar to many farmers, are displayed tirelessly by breeders. The above are just a small fraction of the whole picture, a variegated variety.

gherkins pictures

Growing gherkins

If you were engaged in the cultivation of simple cucumbers,then there will not be anything difficult for you in the agronomy of gherkins. You can plant small cucumbers in different conditions. For this, both greenhouses and open beds are suitable.

Growing gherkins, photos of which are presented inIt is very important to collect fruits regularly. It is recommended to do this every day. The most delicious cucumbers are those whose length does not exceed 8 cm. By the way, frequent collection of fruits stimulates the formation of new inflorescences. For inexperienced summer residents, who only occasionally go to the garden, it will be impossible. In their case, to obtain the gherkins, it is necessary to plant mini-varieties, and also to accept a low yield.

Gherkins are fruits that can be plantedon soil with a level of acidity in the range of 6.0-7.5. It should be ensured that the soil is light and loose. Preliminary it is recommended to fertilize the land with organic substances in order to guarantee the maximum yield.

cucumbers gherkins variety

Sowing of gherkins for sprouts

Seeds of gherkins can be sown for seedlings. Thanks to this method it will be possible to accelerate the time of harvesting by about 2-3 weeks. It is important to monitor the temperature of the soil, which should not be below 12 degrees, as the gherkins are very sensitive to cold plants. If such a simple condition is not met, it is worth preparing for the fact that in the end they will be weak and prone to various diseases. By the way, you can also open the soil by covering it with a film beforehand.

Seedlings can be planted only in warm soil. With regard to the density of planting, it is worth sticking to the recommendations that are prescribed on a bag of seeds. Seedlings in the open ground can be planted in the period from May 20 to June 1. However, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, to which cucumbers gourds are very sensitive.

How to pick the gherkins correctly

Gherkins are the same cucumbers, only small, so the conditions for their planting and stalling are not much different from large fruits.

Harvest is collected continuously. Because of this, you need to carefully consider the feeding and watering of plants. Getting moisture from the soil is a guarantee that the crop will be given permanently. It is recommended to water the gherkins with warm water, in fact, just like simple cucumbers. Torn fruits should immediately be sent to a cold place so that they remain crispy.

small cucumbers

Recipe for pickled gherkins

The most delicious are pickled and canned cucumbers. There are a lot of good recipes, it is important only to choose according to your taste.

Marinated small cucumbers - the most delicious,which by all means will be appreciated by your whole family. The first step is to prepare a marinade, which will be required (the amount is calculated based on the amount of a liter bank):

  • 2 tsp. salts;
  • 20 tsp. Sahara;
  • 70 g of 9% vinegar;
  • on 10 peas of sweet and black pepper;
  • 3 buds of a carnation;
  • 2 bay leaves.

The necessary number of cucumbers must be soaked inwater 6 hours. The only exception is freshly cut gherkins, which are not required to soak. Then you need to put the fruits in two cans of 0.5 liters. The next stage - pour 2 times with boiling water and the last time - with a boiling marinade. We roll up the bank and cover it with a towel. Bon Appetit!

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