/ / Flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials: scheme. Ready-made schemes of flower beds and flower beds from perennials

Flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials: scheme. Ready-made schemes of flower beds and flower beds from perennials

Virtually all owners of household plotsdream that their flower garden would look attractive all year round. But how to achieve this, because most of the colors look attractive only a very short time? There is an exit! This is a bed of continuous flowering from perennials. Its scheme will be presented in this article below.

To construct such a flowerbed in your area is not sodifficult, as it may seem at first. The process of creation is reminiscent of creativity, because you need to choose the right plants, not only in terms of flowering, but also in color. Plans and schemes of flower beds from perennials help in this.

Varieties of flower beds of continuous flowering

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering can be created asfrom perennials alone, and using biennial or annual plants in planting. You can plant perennial plants of long flowering, and you can plant such that will blossom one by one. Thus, the flower garden will continuously change its appearance.

continuous flowering bed of perennials
The shape of the flower bed can also be different. When the flower garden is located in an open area, the best option is oval or round, but if the flower bed is adjacent to a fence or structure, then the front part is best made twisting, so it will attract more attention.

Select a location

Under the flower bed of continuous floweringtake a fairly large area. First, in order to bloom in the flowerbed did not stop, you should plant a sufficiently large number of different plants. If you can not take a large area under the flowerbed, it is possible to create several seasonal flower gardens, placing them near one another, this will also help the garden look beautiful all year round.

Secondly, the plants in the flowerbed should not beplanted one at a time, the flowerbed will look much more decorative if they are grouped into small shoes. And it looks much more spectacular, when the flowers are matched by the terms of their flowering, and not planted as horrible. Therefore, if you decide to decorate your site with such an element as a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials, the scheme of the arrangement of flowers should be drawn before you proceed to its arrangement.

The place under the flower bed should be illuminated by the sun asat least 5 or 6 hours a day, however, here you can go to the trick, placing the flower garden in such a way that part of it is in the sun, and a part in the shade. Do not place it on a windswept place. To the flower garden is not soaked and not vyprecal spring, you should choose a place with a low groundwater table.

And, of course, the flower garden should be locatedso that you can admire them, resting in the garden from the works of the righteous, and your guests, coming to you on the site, were able to appreciate all your efforts.

Selection of planting material

Perennials, selected for a continuous flower bedflowering, must have the same requirements for soil and care. This is a prerequisite. Before buying a planting material, be sure to consider what will be your flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials, the scheme drawn in advance will help you decide on the choice of plants. When creating a flowerbed plan, consider the height of the plants, their ability to grow (too aggressive will have to be limited), the color scheme. Be sure to read the recommendations for growing, because some perennials should be planted immediately on the bed, others grow through seedlings, some require regular digging for the winter, and others can grow in one place for dozens of years.

With the planting material sorted out, now let's look at how to create a continuous flower bed from perennials.

Creating a flower bed

how to create a continuous flower bloom from perennials
So, creating flower gardens from perennials, schemesPlanting should be done taking into account the height of the plants. For convenience, number all the plants on the chart and write down the timing of their flowering. When planning a flower garden, remember that the main thing is to arrange the plants in such a way that they do not obscure each other and do not interfere with growing adjacent plants. While the planted flowers have not grown, the distance between them can be filled with annuals, this will help to avoid the appearance of bald spots. Also, when planning the flowerbed, you need to consider how the plants will look after flowering, because some do not lose their decorativeness, while others have an unattractive appearance, or simply they die off the above-ground part. Plant around such flowers decorative plants with large leaves.

If the flowerbed is in the middle of the lawn, thentall plants in the center. In the flower garden located along the fence or near the wall of the house, they should be planted on the far side of the flowerbed, so that they do not block the rest of the flowers.

And now we offer you some ready-made schemes of flower beds and flowerbeds from perennials.

  1. A flower garden that will be beautiful even in winter.
    perennials, selected for flower beds of continuous flowering
    1. Budlei of David.
    2. Miscanthus Chinese.
    3. Kniffofia is a hybrid.
    4. Perovskaya abrotanous.
    5. Winter aster.
    6. Gaylardia.
    7. Daylilies.
    8. Caryopsis.
    9. Cleansing.

2. Another flowerbed of perennials. Location near the wall of the building or near the fence.

ready schemes of flower beds and flower beds of perennials

  1. Vein is sharp-flowered.
  2. Delphinium is a perennial blue.
  3. Delphinium is perennial white.
  4. Malva is forested.
  5. Monard.
  6. Rudbeckia.
  7. Echinocery purple.
  8. Coriopsis.
  9. Iris bearded yellow.
  10. Iris bearded white.
  11. Iris bearded blue.

Naturally, flowers on such beds can be andothers, here only approximate recommendations are given to how the flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials is made out. Scheme number 2, for example, can easily be changed in a similar way: instead of reed, other cereal plants will do, the dolphinium will replace the rod-rose, and so on, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

And now let's look at how it might look likeone and the same flower bed of continuous flowering, the scheme of which is shown at different times of the year. The proposed flower garden is best located near a fence or house, on the south side.

Spring Beauty

how to make a flower bed of continuous flowering

As soon as the snow comes down, bushes will blossom near the housewolf licking (very beautiful look lilac flowers, which are located along the bare branches), in the flowerbed will be expanded muscari, crocuses, guns, woodlands, bulbous irises, Hionodox, sparse. A little later, the time will come tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, hellebore, hohlatki, liverwort, caluzhnitsa. Very adorn the spring bed brunner, anemones. Then the bearded iris, the bananas, the speedwell, the phyllaceous wolf, the daylilies, the daisies and the viola will flourish. And although the latter are considered biennial, but because of their ability to self-seed they can grow in one place for many years. In May, peonies, aquilegia, geicher, sage, and multiflorous spurge will blossom. Beautifully look at the spring bed of bushes hosts, sedum, their beautiful leaves will decorate the flowerbed until late autumn.


a bed of continuous flowering from perennials. Scheme.
The summer came and the flower-bed played with new colors. Blossomed cat, large-flowered chistets, dissolves its fragrant flowers soul. Different types of geranium with multi-colored leaves will remain decorative for a long time. Blossom daisies and bells, dilute their flowers delphinium and rudbeckia, a blue-head, a monarch. At the end of the summer, their panicles will be blown with multicolored astilbe, phlox and alpine asters will blossom. The hydrangea bush becomes the accent of such a flowerbed. In the background, you can plant curly girlish grapes or hops, they will serve as a beautiful background for the flowerbed, besides they look very decorative not only in summer, but also in autumn.

Autumn flower garden

flower gardens of perennials. Landing schemes.
If at the time the flowers of the cat were cut off andsage, then in September they will be dissolved for the second time. Remain decorative geranium, hosta, sedum, spurge, purgative, blossom Rudbeck and gelenium. Maiden grapes will please with bright red foliage, and hop - laced cones. Chrysanthemums, colchicum, and koreopsis will unfold. The flower bed acquires a special autumn charm.

Winter flower bed

Many are mistaken, believing that in the winter the flowerbed is notcan look good. The beauty of the winter flower bed is emphasized by evergreen thuja, cereals left on the flower bed, shrubs with ornamental berries. The accent of the winter flower garden can be small sculptural forms or decorative flowerpots.


Further care for the flower bed is the timely irrigation, weeding and loosening.

The creation of an all-season flower garden is a difficult andit takes a lot of effort, but it's worth it. After all, it's nice to admire the fruits of your hands all year round. Not everything can happen the first time, the main thing is not to lose heart. If something did not work out as you planned, do not worry, try it next year. If some plants on the flowerbed did not take root and bald patches formed, do not worry, they can be disguised by planting annuals.

I wish you success!

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