Beautiful flower beds.
A perennial flower bed is the most convenient optionfor several years. In addition, she does not require special care, as, indeed, costs too. The great advantage of perennials is that they are rapidly expanding, pushing out actively weeds.
Beautiful flower beds are obtained from a combination of primulas,irises, phlox, peonies with spectacular geycers, astilbes, hosts. Some of them are very beautiful blossom, others will complement this flowering with their chic leaves.
Beautiful flower beds with their own hands - some important tips
When marking a landing, it should be taken into account thatplants with large flowers will look very good in combination with wild perennials, which, as a rule, the flowers may not be bright, but the leaves are beautiful and have a delicate aroma.
One must not forget that some flowers delight in amazing flowering exclusively on a sunny plot, while others prefer a penumbra or a shadow.
To the shady include violet, lily of the valley, lyubka, anemone. In wet areas, not far from the reservoirs, the primula, the catchment, and the vertebrate feel well.
It is necessary to know the flowering period of each speciesplants, then beautiful flower beds will delight the eye from early spring until late autumn. Flowers that blossom in early spring, it is more advisable to determine the far part of the flower bed, as they fade quickly. Before them, you need to plant plants that please flowering from June to August. In the foreground you can plant perennials, blooming in autumn.
High flowers such as asparagus, lupine, chamomilehigh and even sunflower, decorate beautiful flower beds. You can also add two or three boulders and several flowering shrubs. Free places are perfectly filled with stunted flowers - ornamental cabbage, thyme, rue.
Before planting perennial plants,that low flowers up to twenty centimeters are better placed on one square meter of ten to fifteen pieces, medium-height plants - up to seven pieces, and tall plants on one square meter will fit only in the number of two or three pieces.
Beautiful flower beds in the suburban areas - this is their faceowners, because flowers are the main decoration of their interior. In order to qualitatively and soundly draw up your site, you do not need to be a professional. Each person is able to decorate his whereabouts, it is enough just to have the desire and fulfill several general recommendations.
First of all, you need to choose the right flowerbeda place. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the factors that influence the development of a particular plant. Most of them prefer bright sunlight and do not tolerate a strong wind. It should be considered and the option that the most attractive can look a large flowerbed than a few small ones. Also, do not use too complex planting options. From insufficient knowledge in this matter, the flowerbed can only lose.
If there is a great desire to have beautiful flower bedsat the dacha, then you need to imagine them in advance, sketching a range of colors on a sheet of paper. After this, you can stay on specific types of plants. Too mottled flowerbed will not look very attractive. Bright flowers are more expedient to separate with monochromatic strips of neutral shades.
The height of the flowers plays an important role inflower bed decoration. In the center of it, the tallest plants will look beautiful. Their magnitude should gradually decrease as they approach the edges of the flowerbed. It will be original in the center and some blossoming tree or shrub.
Few plants can please theirflowering throughout the season. Therefore, in the design of the flower bed, there are two options. In the first case, all plants may bloom simultaneously. Here, the selected pattern will look good for about two months. In the rest of the time the flowerbed will be just green. The second option involves the selection of plants that bloom at different times. However, in this version, you need to think a little more and dream up. But in any case, a great aesthetic pleasure and moral satisfaction will bring beautiful flowerbeds planted with their own hands.