/ / Decoration of a flower bed: creation of a flower oasis

Decoration of the flower bed: creation of a flower oasis

Compositions of fresh flowers not only decoratethey raise the mood to the owners and guests themselves, are able to please with colorful colors and interesting design solutions, and I do not think it's worth talking about the fragrances with which they fill the air. Of course, the design of beds should be correct, because only in this case they can truly transform yours, giving it a special atmosphere, color and shape.

Those who try to create a floral oasisindependently, gradually understand and take into account the features of each plant, learn to put up with its whims. In a word, they begin to have the ability to "communicate" with each representative of the flora on their private plot.

If you are still a beginner in the gardening industry, Iwould like to advise you to begin decorating the flowerbed with your own hands, only after consulting with a professional landscape designer. Specialists will help you avoid unnecessary headaches and annoying disappointments, will prompt you on what techniques to adopt and advise how to properly handle a particular kind of plant.

Decoration of flower beds by yourself: how not to make a mistake from the very beginning?

Choose "soloist"

If you decide to start compilingthe original plan of the flower garden, first determine the tallest and decorative plants of your flowerbed. These flowers will act as "soloists", which, of course, will be accompanied by some "retinue of courtiers", but the main attention will be focused on them. It is desirable that the number of selected plants does not exceed 3-4 species. They are placed in groups or singly, but in completely different parts of the site.

Try to use a variety of plants with foliage of an interesting shape or ornamental herbs

Very often beginners, first choosing the planting material, make the mistake of paying attention only to plants with beautiful flowers. And in vain ... Original sizes and shapes are also of no small importance.

Decorative leaves of plants will givecoloring your flower bed even between luxuriant flowering. Remember that representatives of the flora with a delicate, large, rugged and filigree foliage will look best. All the season the flower bed will be decorated with amaranth, asparagus, ornamental cabbage, koleus, pampas grass, host, cineraria and chist. Also interesting, for example, is the union of astilba and hosts or badana and hosts with narrow-leaved daylilies, gladiolus, iris or asparagus.

The quantity does not matter

That's what you should not chase after, it's forquantity. Decoration of flower beds implies a special style, harmony and integrity of the composition. To date, the so-called gardens of one flower are becoming more and more popular. It is unlikely that you will be left indifferent by a garden of only asters, dahlias, gladiolus, lilies, peonies, primroses, roses or phlox.

The use of different in height plants will give color to any flower garden

Decoration of flower beds also providesthe use of plants of completely different heights. As a rule, experienced flower growers stop to create 3-4 tiers. Lianas, ornamental plants and small shrubs are located in the background. The vertical continuation of the flowerbed itself and an amazing background create actinidia, wild grapes, sweet peas, morning glory, clematis, climbing roses and other vertical elements of gardening. The foreground is inferior to short-grown crops.

Decoration of flower beds, flower beds and gardenssites in general - this is a real art, but if you know some tricks and subtleties, you can create amazingly beautiful live flower compositions by yourself.

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