/ / Ficus Kinki: cultivation and care

Ficus Kinki: cultivation and care

Lovers of indoor plants are very fond ofto grow ficuses. They are unpretentious in their care, they are pleased with abundant greens, thus decorating any place of their dwelling. There is a huge number of different types of ficus. Everyone is good and beautiful in their own way. Today I would like to tell you about this kind of plant, which in the people was called "fig tree". This is the ficus of Kinki, which is a kind of ficus of Benjamin.

How to accustom a plant to a new environment

The first thing you should pay attention to isthat the ficus of Kinki has been getting used to the new environment for a long time. That's why you must decide in advance where you put it. In the subsequent move the plant is highly undesirable, since any movement can lead to the fall of the leaves. Where to arrange the flower?

The place should be fairly light. It is allowed to hit the plant with direct sunlight, but in the summer it is better to slightly darken its location. Since the height of the plant can reach four meters, then put the window sill ficus Kinki, most likely, will not work. Try to place the plant away from heat sources. It can be any bright room or even a corridor.

Fisk Kinki: care

A tree with motley and shallow foliage is enoughunpretentious in care. He does not need to pay as much attention as many other houseplants require. Having installed it in the most convenient place, make sure that the ficus receives a sufficient amount of moisture. Pay attention to the fact that you should water the flower very carefully. The soil in the pot must be moist, but not too humid. Do not let the soil for a long time without moisture. The leaves of the ficus will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Fiskus Kinki grows well at a temperature of at leastfifteen degrees. It is allowed to fall to ten degrees, but not more. The flower does not like drafts, reacting to them by falling leaves. In summer, the ficus can be taken out to the garden or to the balcony closer to the sun's rays and fresh air.

With regard to fertilizing the plant, the experiencedflower growers recommend to spend it, since March. Just at this time, after a long winter, when the plant rested, Kinki ficus most needs nutrients. It is enough to spend feeding 1-2 times a month during the warm season and stop them in the beginning of autumn.

How often to transplant the ficus? The first time this should be done after the plant is purchased. Pot (plastic or ceramic), choose not very large. Its size depends on the size and condition of the root system. In the future, transplant the plant as needed, when, for example, it grows, and therefore a more spacious pot is needed.

Crown formation

Ficus and care for them - it's not that complicatedthe science. True, without a careful study of information about this plant still can not do. If, of course, you want to not just grow an indoor flower, but also to rejoice in its beauty. It is worth paying attention to this feature of the Kinki ficus, as the possibility of forming the crown. That is, you can, at will, give the crown of the plant the kind of appearance you want. That the crown was more voluminous, in one pot several flowers are planted at once. In the future, their trunks intertwine, and the bottom base can even grow together. One plant looks less bulky, but no less beautiful. It is more like a tree, which at the initial stage can be supported by a support peg. This will help the young to get stronger, gain strength. After the trunk is stiff, the peg can be removed.

Ficus Kinki is the ideal houseplant. He, like many other ficuses, has a special energy. Many people say that when you are near him for a while, there is a surge of strength, and his mood raises his mood. In general, if possible, be sure to get this kind of ficus.

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