Ficus belongs to the Tutov family. According to various sources, there are 800 to 1,000 of its species in the world. Before you start this plant in the house, you need to know how to transplant the ficus, and how to properly care for it.
Cultivation and care
The plant is decorative and therefore verytemperature-sensitive. It does not tolerate changes in heat and cold, and with improper care can die. The most favorable for him will be the temperature in the spring and summer period + 25 ° C, in winter - + 16 ° C. A pot with a plant is best placed in the most bright place, since in case of insufficient illumination the branches will begin to reach the light. Because of this, they will become longer internodes, and the number of leaves will decrease. Also, do not move it often. A sharp change of position can lead to the fall of the leaves. It is important to remember that ficus requires uniform irrigation throughout the year. For these purposes, it is necessary to use warm water that is stable for at least 12 hours. In summer, the plant should be fed once every 2 weeks with some organic fertilizer intended for indoor plants. In the winter it is done no more often than 1 time in 2 months. During the first 8 weeks after the next transplant, no additional fertilizing is necessary, since the new soil is rich in necessary nutrients. This plant has flowers. Ficus reacts well to spraying, but with exceptionally warm water. Sometimes the leaves of the plant need to be wiped with a damp cloth.
Transplant and Reproduction
Before transplanting the ficus in the springseason, it is necessary to take into account some features. If the plant is young, then this procedure should be carried out for him every year, and after reaching the age of 5 - every 2 years. If it is already quite old, then the gap should be 3-4 years. In order to prepare a soil mixture, you need to mix in equal proportions compost, humus, peat, turf, and sand. Before transplanting the ficus for reproduction by means of semi-mature apical cuttings, it is necessary to wash off the milky juice from them in advance, immerse it in water and put it on the window from the sunny side until the roots are formed. Cuttings must necessarily be with leaves.
Diseases and pests
If the plants start to turn yellow and fall off the leaves, this may mean that:
- it lacks nutrients;
- it absorbs excess moisture;
- there is not enough light or a sudden change in climate;
- untimely carried out a transplant, or new soil is not rich in nutrients.
If the indoor flowers - ficus including -are located in a room with rather dry air or are exposed to direct sun rays, then the leaves of plants can wrinkle. Excessively high temperatures in the room can lead to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.
Diseases and pests
It is also possible to defeat such pests asthrips and scutellum. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a cloth soaked in soapy water. Then the plant should be treated with any systemic insecticide. Before transplanting the ficus and further growing it at home, it takes a few simple rules to master. Because of this, you can get an excellent plant, famous for its favorable energy and bringing to the house, in addition to beauty, comfort and peace.