/ / We make a playground for the dacha with our own hands

We make a playground for the dacha with our own hands

The summer plot has become more frequentbecomes not a place where only cultivated plants are grown, but also a territory where the rest of the family rests. If there is space near the house, then there it is possible to equip a comfortable zone for children's games. In order to diversify the leisure time of the growing family members, one can use one of many modern projects that assume the presence of sandboxes, slides, and also swimming pools and much more.

Quite often it happens that small childrenchoose unsuitable places for games, this increases the risk of injury, and adults do not always have the opportunity to keep track of every movement of the kids. This is especially true when there are many children. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is possible to organize a children's playground for the dacha with their own hands.

For zoning, you can use materials of natural origin and improvised means. It can be:

  • logs;
  • hemp;
  • branches.

Before installing the elements, they can be painted insuited color. When there are no tall trees on the site, and there is no possibility to organize a sandbox in the shade, a canopy can be installed over the structure. Spilled trees and logs are usually used for the construction of sports equipment. They are suitable for laying tracks, and logs will be an excellent place for training.

Select a location

playground for dacha own hands

A children's playground for dachas canbe equipped with every home master. At the first stage, you need to pick the right place. The area should be located near the house. This requirement especially applies to families with small children. For growing up children it is possible to equip a zone, which is usually removed from the house. Team and outdoor games require more space. For these purposes, you can take a garden.

Making a sandbox

ideas of a children's playground in the country

If you decide to build a playground fordachi with their own hands, you need to think about the most important element - the sandbox. It usually forms a drainage layer. The most optimal dimensions of this design are 170x170 cm.

Initially, the master should separate the perimeterzones for construction. For this, metal or wooden pegs are used, as well as tape, string or rope. The structure should be constructed in such a way that water does not accumulate there afterwards. Before you start work, you need to remove the top layer of soil. You need to be 0.3 meters deep.

Making a playground for childrenhands, you should determine the middle of the site for installing the sandbox. For this, two diagonal lines must be drawn, which are connected in pairs. At this point, the depression will be 0.7 m. The diameter of the hole will be 0.5 m. There will be precipitation of atmospheric precipitation.

The groove is filled with pebbles, which is goodis condensed. In order to ensure fluid access to the drainage layer, it is necessary to make a slope of the soil, which goes from the edges to the center. As the basis for the sandbox is a thick polyethylene film or synthetic geotextile. The drainage layer is filled with sand, the thickness of the interlayer should be 0.05 m. Then the material for covering the base is laid on this pillow. In the film or geotextile 10 mm holes are made.

Making a wooden playground for summer cottageswith your own hands, for the frame part you need to prepare and polish the details. Among them it is necessary to allocate a wooden bar, the dimensions of which will be equal to 50х50х450 mm, as well as the board, its dimensions will be 25х300х1700 mm. For the side, you will also need a horizontal board with parameters equal to 25x150x1700 mm. Each item should be prepared in an amount of 4 pieces.

Before assembly, the parts are impregnatedantiseptic composition. Making a playground for a dacha with your own hands, you can not help adding it to a sandbox. The latter is installed in the prepared area, and then it goes to the ground by 0.15 m. Then wide boards are beaten to the workpieces installed on the edge, which will serve as the rim.

At the final stage,which will serve as protection from the sun. For this, a lid made of wood in the form of a fungus is made. You can also make four wooden boards that will serve as support for the tent. For filling, large-fraction river sand should be used. If you use the dimensions of the construction that were mentioned above, you will need about 900 kg of filler. Before use, sand is sieved and cleaned.

Making slides

examples of children's playgrounds in the country with their own hands

If you make a playground for your dachahands, it is necessary to install on it and also a slide. It is important to equip it with strong handrails that end after the top step of the ladder. The greatest difficulty for a house master is usually accompanied by the construction of a ramp. To do this, you can use a multilayer plywood, which is varnished. However, experts recommend buying a ready-made stingray. It can be made of plastic.

If all the details of the slide you intend to performit is necessary to sand the joint zones and the blanks themselves. Supports are made of new and durable materials. To fix the supporting part of the handrail, you should use high-quality fasteners. The traditional material for slides is also stainless steel. Conventional steel sheets for this do not work, because under the influence of external factors they will be corroded, and the hill will quickly rust. Stainless steel can be replaced with wooden boards, which are well polished, which makes it possible to get a good sliding descent.

Making a swing

playground for children

Children's playground is difficult to imagine withoutswings. The height of the structure will then be 350 cm. In order to ensure a firm fixation of the supports, they are deepened into the ground by 0.7 m, and then fill the resulting space with cement mortar. For the load-bearing parts, 6 square-section wooden beams with a side of 5 cm should be prepared.

It is necessary to start assembling the frame witharrangement of racks. The bars are connected with bolts, as a result, it will be possible to get a strong product. At the top of the bars unite in pairs with the help of another bar, which will be the crossbar. To install the swing, you should prepare a spacious place. It is important to consider the amplitude of the rocking.

The easiest way to organize a swingThere is a design on rope suspensions, which are fixed on a thick branch of a tree. As a hanger, ropes or ropes may protrude, before fixing them, they should be checked for durability. It is important to take into account that the material deteriorates with time due to friction, loads and sun. More reliable and durable suspensions will be chains that will be able to withstand significant loads. However, the links of the chain can pinch the skin, causing the child to get injured. Quite an interesting idea of ​​the playground in the dacha with their own hands is the addition of chains plastic or rubber hose. Such a shell will protect the skin.

Mounting features of the swing

design of a children's playground in the country

When installing the swing, special attention is neededgiven to chains or ropes. Or rather, the places where they are attached to the crossbar. Using carbines will solve the problem. However, this approach has some drawbacks. Carbines will squeak loudly, in addition, such details gradually wear out. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically lubricate the parts.

You can avoid wear and squeak by usinginstallation of fasteners on the basis of bearings. However, in this case it will be necessary to use the welding machine. To fix the hangers, hooks with rings can be used, which are screwed into the wooden structure. They can be welded to metal beams. Fasteners can be purchased at any specialized store.

Having before our eyes photos of examples of playgroundsat the dacha, you can make one of them yourself. However, it is important to comply with security measures and take into account some of the nuances. For example, when installing a swing and a slide it is important to keep a safe distance zone. The width of this space is 2 m.

Interesting ideas: making a palm

to equip a children's playground in the country with their own hands

If after the manufacture of the site you do not wantstop, you can decorate it with decorative elements. One of them is a plastic palm. Everyone can create it. To do this, prepare plastic bottles that are washed and dried. It is desirable that some of the bottles that make up the trunk of the palm tree have a brown color.

After removing bottoms bottles are put onmetal rod on the principle of beads. Pre-support is buried in the ground and is well fixed. For branches, you need to take a few bottles of green. They are cut in such a way that the incisions pass from the base to the neck. These bands are used for leaves. Considering the ideas of the children's playground at the dacha, with your own hands you can realize each of them. For example, in order to give plastic similarity to real leaves, it is necessary to cut bottles at an angle. The obtained elements are inserted from the side of the neck into the barrel. This recommendation is universal, but you can show wit and perform the decor in your style.

Use of automobile tires

playground for children

Quite often the hosts accumulate a lotcar tires that clutter up space. If so, then they can be used to equip the playground. On the basis of tires, you can create a swing, as well as sandboxes. Rubber does not involve a large number of fasteners and accessories. It is easy to use and does not require the use of a special tool. There is no need to strengthen the tires.

If you decide to make a playground yourhands on the dacha, then you can make a sandbox out of the tire. To do this, you need a tire of impressive diameter, a piece of garden hose, a knife with a sharp blade, a coloring composition and a shovel. To place a sandbox, you need to find the right place. It should be in the shade, because the rubber should not be exposed to sunlight.

With the help of a shovel in the soil it is necessary to dodeepening. In form, it should match the tire, but its size should be done a little more. The inside of the tire is cut with a knife. The liberated edges are hidden under the hose. To do this, it should be cut lengthwise and put on the edge to limit access to the edges of the cut. The surface is covered. Filling should be carried out only after the decorative layer has dried completely.

Alternative articles made of tires

Decoration of children's playground in the country with their own handscan be made from improvised materials, which serve as the same tires. For example, a solid tire is suspended from a tree on a rope. For a more attractive design, use a knife in the tire to make the cutouts. The main requirement in this case is not to overdo it, because the supporting parts must remain firm and wide.

For young children the design is perfect"Cradle", for this is used all the same tire of a small size. It is cut to the middle so that the rims remain intact. Then the places for fixing the fasteners are marked out, and then the clamps are fixed, through which the chain or rope is cut. Carrying out arrangement of a children's playground in the country house with your own hands, at the next stage you can pass the ends of the hangers and fix them on the rims on both sides.

Decor of the territory

Moving games are an integral partchildren's leisure. In order to provide interesting entertainment for your children, you can set up an obstacle course on the playground, which will also become an adornment of the territory. For this purpose, the tires are dug in one after another. As a result, it is possible to get a single line through which children will step over in games.

Such a design of a playground in the countryYou can carry out your hands by painting the tires in different colors. They can be located at some distance from each other, so that the kids jump from one element to another. The core of the tire is cut out so that a pair of rings form from one disc. Of these, you can form a grid and fix it on the ground on a high support. Of the tires, you can create other interesting items for the site. It can be:

  • capacity;
  • benches;
  • decorative ornaments;
  • flower beds.

To paint the surface of the resulting structure, it is better to use a water-based mixture or nitro paint.

About labyrinths

Quite often, a full-fledged element of children'sThe site is a labyrinth. It must be one-dimensional. This indicates that on the ground will have to install partitions, which must be high and deaf. Older children should be able to see over them and, if necessary, climb over. Before you can equip a playground in the dacha with your own hands, you must remember that the labyrinth should not be plant. Such an element on the site can be dangerous. If children get lost in the bushes, they may get scared and hurt.


Children's playground should be done not onlyfunctional and interesting, but also attractive. For decor, plastic bottles and tires are perfect. From them you can make a sun, which is suspended from tree branches. For darts, bottles of polyethylene can be an excellent target. The latter are often used to make pins.

If you decide to equip a playground fordacha with their own hands, then an excellent ornament will be vases from the same tires that fill the ground, the last plant beautiful flowers. The lack of aesthetics can be compensated for by coloring. Of the old tires in general, many things are made, including the fact that it has no functional purpose. It can be figurines of little animals and birds. Quite often they are swans.

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